I call third parties like the Green Party, Justice Party and Libertarian Party, "spite parties" that are covertly funded by the democrat party to siphon votes from the republican party. Jill Stein for example is pro zionist. This leaves the non-registered voters and the third party voters and the independent voters, disenfranchised because no one is representing them. As Trump-Musk jam a Digital Prison down our throats with a social credit system mandating 4 vax shots per year to get access our money, we may soon find we are living in that Prison and the reason is we have no political party and we have "homeless minds" with no understanding we have to organize, not just gripe on blogs, or we're doomed.
You are one of the very few I can share this thought with. Now we know what Machiavelli meant that sometimes you have to do bad to do good. Sometimes you have to not vote for either mafia controlled party. But too many people are brainwashed to believe government is benevolent (social security, medicare, etc. when we pay more into social security than we can get back). Government means mafias. And any religion or church that admonishes us to "render under Caesar" (the Hebrew Jesus) or "must submit to the governing authorities" (apostle Paul) is complicit in such malevolence.
The original Third Party was the Anti-Masonic Party.
Given Lysander Spooners position that elections are outright frauds on the face of it, then the point is moot, mute, and moat (complete with crocodiles and no drawbridge). So even if the apes pretended to 'vote' for a 'third party', it would amount to nothing in a rigged system.
The Federal Reserve although set up as a private central bank was still commissioned by Congress Sanhedrin so it has always been under the control of the Govern Mente. Just another Red Herring to distract the attention of those TRYING to pay attention.
Whether Voters or Buyers of Toilet Paper, these are empty, steerable husks that have no consciousness, logic, critical thinking, and none of us have Free Will if we are induced to REACT to the other side drawing First Blood.
What people considered the Hu-Man Race to be went extinct three generations ago.
Make no mistake that his loss in 2020 was no mistake but part of a well oiled plan that uses kaballah reasoning to make decision....
Before that....his win against Clinton Lady back in 2016......and his Warp Speed Vaccine ....in 2020....it was April then.
..make no mistake that it was not elected by majority of votes as we are made to beilive against the other lady zionist now in 2024.......have you ever witnessed to such a quick count? Even back in the Bush election it took few days......this one was like.
You are going to loose dear democrats and you are going to pass the baton to him.
Remember how I said that he is the 45th and 47th president of the us? 4+5=9/4+7=11 9/11.
Not a casual number collocation.
The question you pose Wayne, still stsys.....I have friends who are Trump supporters. I m not much of a friend anymore. Most of them have more cognitive dissonance... and I might add... Stockolm syndrome than their Dem counterpart. It is after all a psychological war.
It is clear that Trump is a CEO of the largest corporatiin on earth now. His voters still beilives the US will come back as a world power, because his voters (like the other voters, the blue ones) have no idea of how economy works. That is, btw....if he was even elected by votes (I doubt it) and if...they counted votes, like you wrote few weeks ago on substack.
Trump makes no mistakes....admitting that is like admitting one has cognitive dissonance. At the moment he is electing his cabinet like a monarch would do. Appointing family and friends.
He lies....like everyone else president before him.....but for some reason his supporters seem to think that business men lie less or that their lies are necessary. Kinda like democrats support science even when faced in front of bizzarre realities.
People are stupid and deserve whatever is coming to them.
Excellent. What is coming is anyone's guess. But my guess is Digital Prison and banking requiring 4 booster shots per year to get access to your bank account.
Remember Trump was at the helm during the probable democide of 2020, when deaths increased 19%, 6 times more than in any previous year in at least the last half-century. I wonder how many choices for US president would be willing to risk that kind of legacy--if this democide is ever exposed. Probably it won't be, judging from the widespread continued silence about it--but if democide were to be proven and exposed, Trump would basically be the next Hitler for eternity.
Since Trump is already all-in, it makes me wonder if another democide is in the plans for the near future. After all they got away with the last one with no problems.
Thanks for the reminder. Trump, or Harris or Abe Lincoln, all were controlled by oligarchs or they would have been assassinated or set up for a scandal to remove them from office. That is why finding out who actually runs the government is important. But with COVID we know it was Big Pharma.
NO, he said there should be the death penalty for anti-semtism, which is different that he "will execute anti-semites". I heard him say it live. The so-called jews are not semites, they are Khazars, so nobody will ever be executed for anti-semitism.
The anti-semitism fraud is being exposed to the world via all of their genocide currently taking place. The so-called "Right to return" which has filled israhell with millions of khazars, who never were in Palestine will be exposed. These impostor hebrews come from jewkraine, which is Khazaria, the homeland of these fake semites, falsely called jews.
So, why live in fear? Dr, Shiva is a far greater candidate telling the truth about both sides of the uni-party.
You hate jews then you want to vote for stein a jew???? Sounds like you are from "The View"
I think Trump's ego is too big to let down his supporters and he risks an uprising by betraying all of them. So, let's pray he betrays the satanic zionists who run our world
and does the right thing for his own glory.
Never forget, cumala is a wretched treasonous whore who belongs in GITMO, so she had to go and she should be put to death in GITMO for TREASON and Money Laundering from her fake campaign!
ANYONE who saw Drumpf at the Wailing Wall with a Yalmuke on and thinking he is anything other than what he is, will, as Atermix said: Get what they deserve.
YES, you are correct about Trump voters being moral fools. Trump will be a total dictator. While Hitler was for the German People, Trump is for joo controlled Big Phama, and joo controlled USA. He's already said he "will execute anti-Semites". I voted for Jill Stein, a GR8 candidate, not a "lesser of 2 evils."
I call third parties like the Green Party, Justice Party and Libertarian Party, "spite parties" that are covertly funded by the democrat party to siphon votes from the republican party. Jill Stein for example is pro zionist. This leaves the non-registered voters and the third party voters and the independent voters, disenfranchised because no one is representing them. As Trump-Musk jam a Digital Prison down our throats with a social credit system mandating 4 vax shots per year to get access our money, we may soon find we are living in that Prison and the reason is we have no political party and we have "homeless minds" with no understanding we have to organize, not just gripe on blogs, or we're doomed.
To artermix
You are one of the very few I can share this thought with. Now we know what Machiavelli meant that sometimes you have to do bad to do good. Sometimes you have to not vote for either mafia controlled party. But too many people are brainwashed to believe government is benevolent (social security, medicare, etc. when we pay more into social security than we can get back). Government means mafias. And any religion or church that admonishes us to "render under Caesar" (the Hebrew Jesus) or "must submit to the governing authorities" (apostle Paul) is complicit in such malevolence.
The original Third Party was the Anti-Masonic Party.
Given Lysander Spooners position that elections are outright frauds on the face of it, then the point is moot, mute, and moat (complete with crocodiles and no drawbridge). So even if the apes pretended to 'vote' for a 'third party', it would amount to nothing in a rigged system.
The Federal Reserve although set up as a private central bank was still commissioned by Congress Sanhedrin so it has always been under the control of the Govern Mente. Just another Red Herring to distract the attention of those TRYING to pay attention.
Presumption is the Enemy here.
Whether Voters or Buyers of Toilet Paper, these are empty, steerable husks that have no consciousness, logic, critical thinking, and none of us have Free Will if we are induced to REACT to the other side drawing First Blood.
What people considered the Hu-Man Race to be went extinct three generations ago.
No turning back.
Make no mistake that his loss in 2020 was no mistake but part of a well oiled plan that uses kaballah reasoning to make decision....
Before that....his win against Clinton Lady back in 2016......and his Warp Speed Vaccine ....in 2020....it was April then.
..make no mistake that it was not elected by majority of votes as we are made to beilive against the other lady zionist now in 2024.......have you ever witnessed to such a quick count? Even back in the Bush election it took few days......this one was like.
You are going to loose dear democrats and you are going to pass the baton to him.
Remember how I said that he is the 45th and 47th president of the us? 4+5=9/4+7=11 9/11.
Not a casual number collocation.
The question you pose Wayne, still stsys.....I have friends who are Trump supporters. I m not much of a friend anymore. Most of them have more cognitive dissonance... and I might add... Stockolm syndrome than their Dem counterpart. It is after all a psychological war.
It is clear that Trump is a CEO of the largest corporatiin on earth now. His voters still beilives the US will come back as a world power, because his voters (like the other voters, the blue ones) have no idea of how economy works. That is, btw....if he was even elected by votes (I doubt it) and if...they counted votes, like you wrote few weeks ago on substack.
Trump makes no mistakes....admitting that is like admitting one has cognitive dissonance. At the moment he is electing his cabinet like a monarch would do. Appointing family and friends.
He lies....like everyone else president before him.....but for some reason his supporters seem to think that business men lie less or that their lies are necessary. Kinda like democrats support science even when faced in front of bizzarre realities.
People are stupid and deserve whatever is coming to them.
Excellent. What is coming is anyone's guess. But my guess is Digital Prison and banking requiring 4 booster shots per year to get access to your bank account.
Remember Trump was at the helm during the probable democide of 2020, when deaths increased 19%, 6 times more than in any previous year in at least the last half-century. I wonder how many choices for US president would be willing to risk that kind of legacy--if this democide is ever exposed. Probably it won't be, judging from the widespread continued silence about it--but if democide were to be proven and exposed, Trump would basically be the next Hitler for eternity.
Since Trump is already all-in, it makes me wonder if another democide is in the plans for the near future. After all they got away with the last one with no problems.
Thanks for the reminder. Trump, or Harris or Abe Lincoln, all were controlled by oligarchs or they would have been assassinated or set up for a scandal to remove them from office. That is why finding out who actually runs the government is important. But with COVID we know it was Big Pharma.
NO, he said there should be the death penalty for anti-semtism, which is different that he "will execute anti-semites". I heard him say it live. The so-called jews are not semites, they are Khazars, so nobody will ever be executed for anti-semitism.
The anti-semitism fraud is being exposed to the world via all of their genocide currently taking place. The so-called "Right to return" which has filled israhell with millions of khazars, who never were in Palestine will be exposed. These impostor hebrews come from jewkraine, which is Khazaria, the homeland of these fake semites, falsely called jews.
So, why live in fear? Dr, Shiva is a far greater candidate telling the truth about both sides of the uni-party.
You hate jews then you want to vote for stein a jew???? Sounds like you are from "The View"
I think Trump's ego is too big to let down his supporters and he risks an uprising by betraying all of them. So, let's pray he betrays the satanic zionists who run our world
and does the right thing for his own glory.
Never forget, cumala is a wretched treasonous whore who belongs in GITMO, so she had to go and she should be put to death in GITMO for TREASON and Money Laundering from her fake campaign!
ANYONE who saw Drumpf at the Wailing Wall with a Yalmuke on and thinking he is anything other than what he is, will, as Atermix said: Get what they deserve.
YES, you are correct about Trump voters being moral fools. Trump will be a total dictator. While Hitler was for the German People, Trump is for joo controlled Big Phama, and joo controlled USA. He's already said he "will execute anti-Semites". I voted for Jill Stein, a GR8 candidate, not a "lesser of 2 evils."
True, but Cumala, Heels up" Whorus is 1,000 times worse, We only get to vote for the lesser of two evils. She is owned y the kike as well.