The conservative website PJ Media wasted no time or soft words in denouncing President elect Donald Trump’s choice for the non-policy position of Surgeon General in the headline of their November 24th article: “Trump Really Screwed the Pooch with his Surgeon General Nomination”. PJ Media went even further to say: “Shame on whatever pharma industry tool bag wormed their way into Trump’s ear and convinced him to make such a poor decision, one that amounts to spitting in the face of every one of his voters who elected him out of exhaustion and fury with the public health system — which is a lot, if not a vast majority, of them”.
If only I were as convinced as PJ Media that Trump could have made a mere mistake, figuratively speaking, by picking a dog instead of his wife to go to bed with. But I am not so convinced it was a mistake based on Trump’s boastful pro vaccine record during his first presidential term. Moreover, my observation is that presidents only pretend not to be pretending to have unilateral power free of the donors, oligarchs and now even foreign nations that select them for their position. However, it may be a reach to say Trump betrayed his election platform about vaccines, masks and lockdowns because the 2024 Republican presidential platform is ominously silent on that issue to apparently no one’s consternation. The only thing I could find is Trump pledged to defund public schools that mandate vaccines, that mandate lockdowns.
Trump’s election duplicity showed up again with his pick of Sebastian Gorka to be his counter-terrorism advisor. Trump is currently deploying Gorka as his spokesperson for the joint US-Israel proxy war with Russia using Ukrainians as a mercenary force in an effectually central banker’s war against BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). On November 24, Gorka called Vladmir Putin a “bug” and emphatically stated there was “no separation” between President Joe Biden’s hawkish position to escalate the proxy war with Russia with long range nuclear missiles and the position of incoming president Donald Trump. Surely that statement was vetted by Trump before Gorka spoke it. The wrongly named Ukraine War furthers no valid state interests for the people of the US or Ukraine, but only those of NATO, Israel, London and the private central bank coyly named the US Federal Reserve.
In response, Scott Ritter, former UN nuclear weapons inspector for the US, stated:
“Donald Trump played the American public. He ran on a platform of no war…He lied”.
Ritter declared that any attempt at negotiated peace by Trump with Putin to end the war has been spoiled now that his spokesperson called Putin an insect and a thug.
More importantly, Trump’s quick turn against his own election platform begs the question: how were American voters hoodwinked into believing, if elected, Trump would oppose COVID vaccines and the proxy war with Russia? How could one not see that the entire 2024 election was a Hollywood engineered morality play to divert the awareness of the public away from the fact the federal government has effectually been taken over by a foreign power and is going bankrupt to boot. But voters did not want to believe that they have been played for a fool by both parties, and so far, they have “doubled down” their support for Trump. This is called “cognitive dissonance”- which means not just denial but even stronger support for Trump so as not to be embarrassed that they were fooled. The entire four-year tenure of the Biden administration has been a choreographed and socially engineered drama with the Democrats playing the role of the bad guys, and Republicans the only moral power to stop them. Sociologists call this a “Moral Panic”:
A moral panic is a widespread feeling of fear that some evil person or thing threatens the values, interests, or well-being of a community or society. It is the process of arousing social concern over an issue (or election), usually perpetuated by moral entrepreneurs and mass media coverage, exacerbated by politicians and lawmakers. Moral panic can give rise to new laws aimed at controlling the community (Wikipedia, also see Stanley Cohen, Folk Devils and Moral Panics, 2011).
It must be clarified that a moral panic is not a “mass formation psychosis”, mass hysteria or a flock of birds instantaneously swarming without apparent signaling. A moral panic is social engineering.
Back on August 26, 2024, I called this the Good Cop/Bad Cop trick (see How Will the Elite Get Us to Vote for Mass Surveillance: The Good Cop/Bad Cop Scheme). And this trick was wildly successful in 2024 elections in part because Evangelical Christians are trained to look at events through a moral lens. However, they were blind to see that the Democrats were obviously throwing the 2024 election, witness Biden playing a senile president and Harris, who got no votes from her own party in the primaries, playing the role of incompetent and courtesan. Even leftist newspapers refused to endorse Harris. This says nothing of the Democrat’s corruption of every institution, social norm such as male-female gendering, fake race riots, and massive immigrant invasions funded by oligarchs and even ex-presidents. All these nefarious events were choreographed to induce an eventual election moral panic.
Which raises the question: how did Trump’s voters, especially his Evangelical Christian voters, naively believe he would not pick someone for surgeon general who is pro-vax, pro masks and pro lockdowns as is Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, MD, his nominee? The question I must ask is: were Trump voters moral fools, as they were led to believe that Trump was the only moral choice, or at worst the lesser evil, and to vote for Trump over the Democrat Party that openly and notoriously worked hard to portray themselves as treasonous, buffoons, clowns, and evil for the last four years? But how could conservative Republicans believe otherwise when even their intellectual leaders, wittingly or unwittingly, drove them to believe the moral panic delusion, such as Victor Davis Hanson (“The Immorality of Illegal Immigration”, “The Trump Counterrevolution is a Return to Sanity”, “From ‘Clingers’ to ‘Garbage’- Why 16 Years of Vilification?’, ‘Is Biden Malicious, Incompetent or Conniving?’, ‘Hamas and Amoral Clarity’, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.
The Big Pharma campaign against smoking is another moral panic. Americans are so brainwashed by TV about smoking that they can’t conceive of doing something “immoral” or “unhealthy” even to escape deadly hospital and pharmaceutical death. For example, heavy smokers had the lowest COVID death rates perhaps due to nicotine is an astringent that can tighten up a leaky gut that can cause deadly slow metabolic sepsis. The same moral aversion against smoking holds for moralized voting.
It should have been obvious both political parties were colluding in a giant game of “good cop – bad cop” to steer voters in favor of Trump. Anyone who could not see that both parties were colluding in a giant fake morality play lacks moral perspicacity themselves. The only presidential candidate that offered an option beyond the Biden immoral/Trump moral false dichotomy was Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD., MIT and his Truth, Freedom, Health grassroots movement focusing on beyond Left and Right. But Shiva was shadow banned on Twitter and from presidential debates. Which raises another big question.
What would make the oligarchs behind Democrats want to lose the election bad enough? The only thing I can think of that would be worth spending mega billions of dollars by oligarchs on a lost election is installation of a mass surveillance system requiring totalitarian Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), social credit scoring, and a mandate that everyone to wear body cameras at all times. This would be a metaphorical wet dream for oligarchs who have striven for such a way to acquire totalitarian social control over the working class for the last 2,000+ years (see Jeffrey A. Winters, Oligarchy, 2011). Did anyone notice after the election how quiet it was after all the hullabaloo about likely civil war and riots if Trump was elected? It was ominously quiet because the Oligarchs got what they wanted. And they didn’t have to rig voting machines to do it.
Even if Trump were now to reverse his selections for his cabinet and surgeon general, and halted the wars, this would not change the reality that American voters, both left and right, fell for a contrived moral panic. I attended the Trump campaign rally on October 31 in Phoenix, and had my consciousness raised to understand what the German people must have faced before WWII with socially engineered rallies led by a leader who we were never told was put in the position of Fuhrer by the British Freemasons. Trump is no Hitler (and Hitler was not German) but perhaps Trump is as brainwashed as both Democrat and Republican voters. He certainly is in a servile relationship to oligarch donors and a foreign government.
The moral lesson of the above-described mass moral panic is that voters should not trust the political class in either party as partisan politicians are all actors (credit to Erasmus, Shakespeare). We don’t even know who effectually runs the federal government in the US, as what little we know suggests rule by a secret society.
And conservatives and independents need to learn how a fabricated moral panic works, how a false dialectic of the immoral versus the moral can work to steer election results into voting for suppression and oppression, and how their own intellectual leaders (and infiltrators) moralistically embrace its manipulative social control mindset.
Freedom can only be gained by understanding how the puppet strings of the oligarch’s work. This may require voters to vote amorally or against their moral and emotional persuasions and find true independent, bottoms up candidates. To do this may require an understanding how political theater has been brought out of the ancient oligarch controlled religious fables and modern TV’s and movies, into mind captivating outdoor spectacles such as fake race riots, assassination attempts, and waves of illiterate immigrants designed to demoralize.
I call third parties like the Green Party, Justice Party and Libertarian Party, "spite parties" that are covertly funded by the democrat party to siphon votes from the republican party. Jill Stein for example is pro zionist. This leaves the non-registered voters and the third party voters and the independent voters, disenfranchised because no one is representing them. As Trump-Musk jam a Digital Prison down our throats with a social credit system mandating 4 vax shots per year to get access our money, we may soon find we are living in that Prison and the reason is we have no political party and we have "homeless minds" with no understanding we have to organize, not just gripe on blogs, or we're doomed.
To artermix
You are one of the very few I can share this thought with. Now we know what Machiavelli meant that sometimes you have to do bad to do good. Sometimes you have to not vote for either mafia controlled party. But too many people are brainwashed to believe government is benevolent (social security, medicare, etc. when we pay more into social security than we can get back). Government means mafias. And any religion or church that admonishes us to "render under Caesar" (the Hebrew Jesus) or "must submit to the governing authorities" (apostle Paul) is complicit in such malevolence.