So how can a bacterium live in the soil without oxygen when we are in oxygenated soil? An ancient tomb, sealed or a grave inside or under water seems a more logical place. How the rusty nail legend came to be? Patrick wrote about tetanus extensively in regard to being found in soil with horse manure instead, where it can live up to 100 years. You would think Amish land is all infected with it.
That above was a question BTW…
In 2004 I stepped on a nail and I was wearing my sneakers but the nail went through and punctured the sole of my foot. Since I was a vaccination freak and an ignorant idiot I went to the doctor and got a tetanus shot.
Fear did that.
OK so now a tetanus shot is given to any person walking in the ER regarding if they are up to date with their shots or not. Curiosly in given to people not as a single shot but as a trio-combo of other 2 additional shots. I know this because my son was given that shot in 2021 when he got stabbed in the back.
Another question……people often tell me how their relative was SAVED by the tetanus shot after they noticed a RED LINE in their skin getting longer, that would be sign of tetanus. What is up with this story?
Plant roots need oxygen for respiration, so adequate soil aeration is essential for healthy plant growth. Roots obtain oxygen from air in the soil for respiration. In the absence or deficiency of O2, root growth is restricted or completely stopped.Oxygen makes up 46% of the Earth's crust, largely as silicates, compounds of oxygen and silicon. Soil additives: You can improve your soil's aeration by adding elements such as peat moss, sand, perlite, and vermiculite, which make the potting mix less dense. Adding stones to the bottom of your container can also help drainage, improving the soil's aeration and adding humidity.
So soil in general has oxygen basically at different levels. What would be a level of non oxygenated soil? How that happens in a rusty nail? Or a dirty piece of glass?.....did people in the past were all exposed ...OVERWEMIGLY to Tetanus? Thus most of them died from it ...sounds like accordind to this medical literature on tetanus.
I m interested in the bacteria life form in absence of oxygen specifically narrowed down to these details that have been passed on to us according to scientific literature.
The tetanus bacterium is isolated by mincing it and cooking it in beef broth and then letting it cool. So, how can scientists be sure it is pure isolate? Moreover, if it is anaerobic how is it measured for size and shape as reported?
Characteristics of the Pathogenic and Related Clostridia
A. TREVOR WILLIS DSc, MD, FRACP, PhD, FRCPath, FRCPA, in Anaerobic Bacteriology (Third Edition), 1977
Clostridium tetani is widely distributed in soil, especially cultivated soil, and in the intestinal tracts of man and animals.
In young cultures the tetanus bacillus stains Gram-positively and appears most commonly in a delicate filamentous form. Individual bacilli are usually about 5 × 0.4 µm in size. Incubation at 37 °C for at least 48 h is required for Cl. tetani to produce its fully developed spherical terminal spores which give it a characteristic ‘drum stick’ appearance. Immature spores are oval and terminal, and resemble those of sporulating cultures of Cl. tertium and Cl. cochlearium. Spore-free forms of Cl. tetani have no distinctive features. In older cultures containing fully mature sporing rods, the organism not infrequently stains Gram-negatively. Cl. tetani may be stained by the fluorescent labelled antibody technique (Batty and Walker, 1964, 1967).
Cultural characteristics
Cl. tetani is a strict anaerobe, growing only in the absence of oxygen, and being rapidly killed on exposure to the air. Cultures of this organism have a ‘burnt-organic’ smell.
Isolated surface colonies are difficult to obtain, since Cl. tetani tends to spread as a fine rhizoidal film over the surface of solid media, especially in the presence of blood, and on moist plates. The advancing edge of the swarming growth is finely filamentous with curled projections.
The swarming of Cl. tetani is a characteristic and distinctive feature which must be sought carefully. It is easily overlooked on account of its extreme fineness and delicacy. Not only is it of diagnostic importance, but it is also of value in obtaining pure cultures of Cl. tetani from mixtures with other organisms (see p. 119). A laterally inoculated agar plate is completely covered by swarming growth in 24 –36 h. Non-motile variants of Cl. tetani, however, give rise to discrete colonies which show no tendency to swarm.
Swarming growth of Cl. tetani may be prevented by growing the organism on firm agar media (2 –3% agar), or on ordinary agar media containing commercial horse tetanus antitoxin (Willis and Williams, 1970; Williams and Willis, 1970; Williams, 1971). On concentrated agar media, colonies are 2 –4 mm in diameter after 48 h incubation, irregularly circular to coarsely rhizoidal in shape, translucent, with a granular surface and an ill-defined edge. Discrete colonies of a much more compact structure are obtained when the organism is cultured on 1.5% agar media containing 40 –60 units per ml of commercial horse tetanus antitoxin. The antitoxin may be added to the cooled molten medium before plates are poured, or more conveniently and economically, it may be spread over the surface of plates before inoculation. The formation of discrete colonies in the presence of horse tetanus antitoxin is doubtless due to the presence of agglutinating antibody, since strains of Cl. tetani are known to possess a common O antigen, but may have type-specific H antigens. Tetanus antitoxin preparations that contain no agglutinating antibody, e.g. human antitetanus immunoglobulin, do not prevent swarming growth. Inhibition of swarming by tetanus antitoxin is specific, and is therefore of diagnostic value. It is conveniently demonstrated in a half-antitoxin fresh blood agar plate.
On horse blood agar growth is often accompanied by α-haemolysis, later passing into β-haemolysis, due to the production of a haemolysin, tetanolysin, a toxin distinct from the neurotoxin, tetanospasmin. Haemolysis has been suggested as a means of identifying Cl. tetani (Lowbury and Lilly, 1958). These authors advocated the use of half-antitoxin fresh blood agar plates, using undiluted therapeutic tetanus antitoxin; toxigenic strains of Cl. tetani produced haemolysis which was inhibited by the antiserum. But the claim that this is of diagnostic value is unsound for a number of reasons, the most important being that tetanolysin is a typical oxygen-labile haemolysin. Its haemolytic activity is inhibited, not only by homologous antitoxin but also by antisera prepared against other oxygen-labile haemolysins (for example, the θ-toxin of Cl. perfringens and streptolysin O), and by normal serum and cholesterol. Further, haemolysis due to other oxygen-labile haemolysins is inhibited by tetanus antitoxin.
On heated blood agar, good growth is obtained without any change developing in the medium. On egg yolk agar there is no opalescence or pearly layer. In cooked meat broth good growth is obtained after 24 h incubation in the ordinary incubator. The meat is not digested but sometimes shows slight blackening after some weeks on the bench.
Biochemical characteristics
Cl. tetani is non-saccharolytic and non-proteolytic, but produces a gelatinase. Some rare aberrant strains ferment glucose. Most strains produce indole, but none produces hydrogen sulphide. A rennin-like enzyme is formed which produces zones of diffuse opacity about areas of growth on milk agar, due to precipitation of casein. Among the commonly encountered clostridia, this property appears to be shared only with Cl. novyi types A and B. Some strains of Cl. tetani produce a deoxyribonuclease.
Metabolic products detected by gas liquid chromatography are acetic, propionic and butyric acids, ethanol and butanol.
Antigenic structure
Differentiation by flagellar antigen into at least 10 types has been demonstrated (MacLennan, 1939). Neurotoxin is formed by all types and is antigenically identical in all. Non-toxigenic variants occur, and are not infrequently isolated from wounds in cases of clinical tetanus.
Cl. tetani is pathogenic for man by virtue of its exotoxin (neurotoxin) production. Susceptible laboratory animals include the mouse, guinea pig and rabbit. Washed spores or bacilli are harmless, unless their inoculation is associated with the production of a local nidus of necrosis. After the atraumatic inoculation of washed organisms, clinical tetanus may be induced at a later date by injuring the inoculated area.
Experimental tetanus
The mouse is a suitable laboratory animal for the demonstration of the toxigenicity of Cl. tetani. Two animals are used for each test. A protected animal is prepared by subcutaneous injection with 0.5 ml of tetanus antitoxin containing 1500 units per ml at least 1 h before it is inoculated with the virulent organism. Both the protected and unprotected animals are then inoculated intramuscularly in the right hind limb with 0.25 ml of the supernatant from a 48 -h cooked meat broth culture of the organism. It may be necessary to include 2% calcium chloride in the inoculum to initiate necrosis. After an incubation period of a few hours, signs of tetanus develop in the unprotected mouse. In ascending tetanus the first evidence of disability is usually that the inoculated leg tends to slip backwards as the animal progresses. Later the limb becomes slightly abducted and the ankle is extended. The leg gradually becomes more extended until it is quite stiff from the spasm of opposing muscles. The tail of the mouse becomes stiff, and gradually the leg on the opposite side is affected. Involvement of the trunk muscles leads to hyperextension or lateral flexion of the spine and finally the forelimbs become spastic. During this period the slightest stimulus induces a generalized spasm.
In mixed ascending and descending tetanus, which is produced by a larger inoculum, local tetanus of the injected limb is followed rapidly by generalized spasms, and death occurs in 18 –24 h. Descending tetanus in small laboratory animals is very rare unless special routes of inoculation are used. If very large doses of toxin are injected, the animal may die without the development of any of the classic signs of tetanus intoxication.
At post mortem there is a slight hyperaemia at the site of inoculation. The internal organs show little change. The animal protected with tetanus antitoxin shows no evidence of disease.
:when the organism is cultured on 1.5% agar media containing 40 –60 units per ml of commercial horse tetanus antitoxin. The antitoxin may be added to the cooled molten medium before plates are poured, or more conveniently and economically, it may be spread over the surface of plates before inoculation. The formation of discrete colonies in the presence of horse tetanus antitoxin is doubtless due to the presence of agglutinating antibody, since strains of Cl. tetani are known to possess a common O antigen, but may have type-specific H antigens.
Isnt funny how wevare back to the horse just like for small pox?
And if I dont mistake tetanus cases increased after small pox vaccination streaks...
So the anaerobic bacteria is present everywhere and inclufing in man kind and mammals intestinal can a tetanus infection be ENDEMIC to the body and triggered by something else?
I work in soil periodically, step on nails occasionally, cut my skin all the time and I get no tetanus! Don't recall last time I had tetanus shot. Perhaps 54 years ago when entering the USA as an immigrant. I was highly probably given series of shots,although I do not remember. Thanks for the work and the sharing of it!
Not always. I get cuts even with gloves on as I do not wear the animal hide type that are thicker to provide better protection as they are too cumbersome for delicate type of work. I sometimes wear some high grade/level rated gloves that are designed to give higher protection against cuts if I have them. For general construction when making cuts, or nailing I wear medium grade gloves.
The vaccine camp people would say that is because you have been vaccinated against tetanus. And if you say it happened 30 years ago they will promptly tell you that you probably have tetanus antibodies from the very first vaccination. Yet the CDC suggestion for Tetanus shot is every 10 years. They pull out numbers out of their ass……they make shit up constantly.
Tetanus bacilli are supposed to be drum stick shaped. And there is no way to take a colored photo. So I am dubious. But once combined with horse crap, who knows?
I was thinking the same thing. If it is susceptible to oxygen….It was found out to be in soil only in 1884 …..[wiki excerpt “Arthur Nicolaier showed that animals injected with soil samples would develop tetanus.[6] In 1889, C. tetani was isolated from a human victim by Kitasato Shibasaburō, who later showed that the organism could produce disease when injected into animals, and that the toxin could be neutralized by specific antibodies. In 1897, Edmond Nocard showed that tetanus antitoxin induced passive immunity in humans, and could be used for prophylaxis and treatment.”]
No shit injected in blood a sample of soil that has MILLIONS of BACTERIA!!!!
But if human already have it in the GI tract wouldn’t that guarantee some sort of immunity?
Yes if you believe in the specific antibody theory. My understanding is that there are only something like 6 generic antibodies but what, thousands, of bacteria strains. So specific immunity to say, tetanus, would be impossible.
ok got that. Thanks. Although the tetanus immunization banks on that….and immunized via injection which is bypassing the normal channels of infection to acquire immunization.
To address the already long thread on the survival of tetanus in the soil:
Just like parasite eggs, the Clostridia Genus can encyst. The outer shell of a tetanus SPORE is damned near impossible to break down. They can survive 100 years in the soil. Spores are not GROWING = vegetative forms. When they GERMINATE then they start growing. They are ONLY a pathogen IF & ONLY IF there was horseshit in the same soil within the past 100 years. No horse shit, no toxigenic phages to push the tetanus that is on land, in air and sea (ubiquitous) from causing ANY harm.
Have horseshit will travel. It will provoke the tetanus toxins that then lead to all of the stuff that is a NON-ISSUE just like Rabies BEFORE Pasteur got at it, because the stats on tetanus are so low as to be STATISTICALLY INSIGNIFICANT.
BUTT!!! they push tetanus shots into NEWBORNS without the parents' knowledge or consent since the 1970s that tells us that they are working on another agenda that has NOTHING to do with Pub Lick Hellth.
GENOCIDE in real time! These monsters are after us. I have no doubt about this. Patrick's books got me to where I stand on this issue! I trust Patrick.
it may be the necessary weapon that is a trigger of a foundation for something else ahead…. whether is installed with an additional shot or picked up environmentally or via nutrition. Hard to tell at this point because it is a confusing clusterfuck even for the makers.
That's the other thing that I forgot to put in a previous response.
Patricia Jordan DVM, said that she was shocked when they were trying to adapt Swine and Bird flu to horses. It is supposedly HARD to cross what is called the Species barrier. That's nonsense science language. there is not a difference in SPECIES between horses and men or birds and men they are separated not by genus, or family, or order but CLASS of mammals and birds. I hate stupid people using stupid words.
So it is hard to cross the CLASS barrier.
This is why Pasteur had to work so hard to infect rabbit brains with rabies. He actually FORCED it in there!
Patricia said that if you can adapt an agent to a horse then it EASILY transfers to humans.
many organisms have environments and/or nutritional requirements that are specific. The bacteriophage that turns tetanus toxigenic is found ONLY in horseshit. Horses used to be the cars of earlier times. Everyone who could afford one had one and sometimes cities had horseshit piled 10-feet high at the curb. IF there were no horseshit in the environment 100 years previous to the current date, then supposedly there would be no risk of tetanus even if 99 year old spores were present because the phage can only come from the gut of the horse. Tetanus was never the problem. The Virus was/is. This is why they have to destroy any sense that viruses exist because their whole plan and we upons industry is based on it.
How do you know it's only in hs ( feeling apprehensive now after putting said HS on veg beds! Do Amish get Tetanus with their agriculture and barn erecting with nails? I must be dim, really dim. How can the notion of none existence of viruses be beneficial?
It depends on what is called a virus. There are viruses and there is virulence and the gut disease chamber is where it is all cooked up with ingredients from the butt. Stay tuned
Phages have been studied since 1900 with the 1930s showing the advent of molecular biology. As with anything that people deal with in this hellhole, I have no personal knowledge of the phage coming only from HS but the giants that did the work before us said so. When I evaluate data I look for what makes sense. The HS/noHS notion of why we aren't all dead makes sense.
Did you compost your HS so that the temperature got over 130F for the ENTIRE PILE for more than a couple of hours?
if not, then you are exposing yourself to every bacteria, fungus, virus and parasite associated with horses.
if not, then fresh horse shit will burn both plants and soil.
You bring up a very important question of just who those 50 per year tetanus-havers are. It would be worthwile to find out if they are Amish or gangbangers in a knife fight.
The legend of the rusty nail deals only with puncture wounds. How many people legitimately puncture themselves anywhere on their bodies with soil contaminated by horse shit? Amish and piercing nuts combined?
The VDE cult substitutes feelings from buggers as the cause of disease. So I guess if you FEEL like you did the right thing putting HS on your garden then you WON'T get tapeworms and roundworms. But if I made you FEEL bad about it then you will get sick because it wouldn't be the worms' fault because they're here to help us.
VDE is nothing but anti-science. That's worse than an anti-oxidant.
I used well rotted manure, taken from the bottom of the pile, which was kept in my compost area for some time before spreading, or planting. Unsure of temperature it achieved. I know not to use fresh stuff.
On malacards there is also the connecton with neonatal tetanus.....that was my question in the above born do not have open wunds.....if any human could get tetanus is the mother post delivery. And women DID die of infection post child birth but nobody called it tetanus.
I will refer you again to Chapter 13 where the CDC said that there is no LABORATORY test to confirm tetanus. It is just a best-guess of the dockedwhore. So, that calls into question if neonatal tetanus was/is ever tetanus or a guess-gone-bad?
From the days of Semmelweiss women were dying from the dirty hands of their doctors, so tetanus or not, it was any number of horrors and 100% preventable.
Well they divided these pathogens with tricky numenclature......bacteria.....nano bacteria and viruses.....the latter is harder to see unless one has special microscope. So imo ignorant opinion is the classic rename that thing to confuse people and branch out in a unknow field. Unknown leads to fear.
There is always a military strategy of action behind it.
Even so according to literature Clostridia T is present mammals gi...again I ask what equines have to make it so readly available. Horses have been used for millennia.....
Let's sneak up on the rabbit from behind its snowball tail.
Clostridia includes tetani, perfringenes (gangrene), and botulism.
Not everyone who gets a wound gets grangrene.
I refer back to bacteriophages causing the toxigenicity.
Since the spores of botulism are everywhere in everything (including our guts) then: Why aren't we dead or still have wrinkles?
If you pressure cook before you can, you can only destroy the toxin at over 2 atmospheres. Canning alone does not break down the poison but acidity in the material keeps it from growing in ANAEROBIC conditions. But even if it grew... would it still give you botulism if the spores weren't pre-infected with phages BEFORE they grew?
If we sneak up on the horse from the tail-end we see that many things have ecological niches that they occupy and thrive in, some can ONLY exist in those niches. So, since clostridia tetani is everywhere in everything but no one even gets tetanus anymore and it isn't because of the damned vaccine, then that allows for the possibility that it was a niche inside the guts of the horse that fostered the bacteriophage that infected the clostridia that infected the receiver to get the lockjaw.
That's a lot of contingencies since I get puncture wounds all the time in the farm and anyone playing with a stapler in the office might too, be we ain't dead (that's debatable) even though the tetanus is on and in us every single day.
Toxigenic phages are the only reasonable answer and species specific phages fine tune it to a point where Germ and Terrain theory are harmonized.
I refer you back to the CDC chapter 13 quote in my Stack where they were unable to recover the spores from suspected tetanus and found clostridia in people who weren't even sick. Either they are LYING, or IDIOTS, or their TESTING WAS BAD, or THEY WERE DOING IT WRONG, i.e. not accounting for phage-provoked toxigenicity since the clostridia found in the healthy people would be the benign variety.
Said a different way: Why did you have Lyme but none of the classic symptoms that make up the case definition?
The testing is usually the problem ....for example for lyme spectrum we have tons of cross reactivity depending on test used for diagnostics. Lets begin with the method of testing....microscope would be most logical for most diagnosis but it is set aside and all together ELIMINATED in testing bacterial diseases of zoonotic origins.
What I have gathered and learned is that this is purposly done to misguide from the get go now you can carry over all the implications of a wrong diagnosis. Example leading to chronic illness.
Diptheria being a primary one. Interesting the Nut Allergy which brings me to think is more of a side effect of the Tetanus and Diptheria vaccination in early age….or there is a connection with mold type such as Aflatoxin. Also notice a connection with Military Tubercolosis. IMO all those are direct consequences of the direct vaccination (blood poisoning)with the toxoid.
Scroll down to "DRUGS for TETANUS” …... Interesting that iron is one of the drugs. Iron must act as an oxidizing agent? OK that is the connection with the rusted nail? Poison with poison….heck sounds like homeopathy to me. Also Tannic acid is a nutraceutical in study for tetanus shock treatment.
From History of diseases excerpt …..[“Military physicians of ancient Egypt, Assyria, Rome and India knew to leave certain wounds unsutured or open for several days before bandaging, a procedure that was likely to result in fewer tetanus infections.”].
How did they know it was tetanus? They did not.
excerpt ….. [An isolated island off the coast of Scotland, St. Kilda had a major outbreak of neonatal tetanus during the 1800s. Between 1855 and 1876, 41 infants out of 56 total births died of the ‘sickness of eight days,’ which was neonatal tetanus.].
How do we know it was tetanus? I guess the delivery system at childbirth? I thought it required a cut to enter the body…..
So how can a bacterium live in the soil without oxygen when we are in oxygenated soil? An ancient tomb, sealed or a grave inside or under water seems a more logical place. How the rusty nail legend came to be? Patrick wrote about tetanus extensively in regard to being found in soil with horse manure instead, where it can live up to 100 years. You would think Amish land is all infected with it.
That above was a question BTW…
In 2004 I stepped on a nail and I was wearing my sneakers but the nail went through and punctured the sole of my foot. Since I was a vaccination freak and an ignorant idiot I went to the doctor and got a tetanus shot.
Fear did that.
OK so now a tetanus shot is given to any person walking in the ER regarding if they are up to date with their shots or not. Curiosly in given to people not as a single shot but as a trio-combo of other 2 additional shots. I know this because my son was given that shot in 2021 when he got stabbed in the back.
Another question……people often tell me how their relative was SAVED by the tetanus shot after they noticed a RED LINE in their skin getting longer, that would be sign of tetanus. What is up with this story?
My sequel will be on a theme of we have only one disease and tetanus is one symptom.
Your comment just adds more mystery to tetanus.
Yes.....i want to figure this out.
Plant roots need oxygen for respiration, so adequate soil aeration is essential for healthy plant growth. Roots obtain oxygen from air in the soil for respiration. In the absence or deficiency of O2, root growth is restricted or completely stopped.Oxygen makes up 46% of the Earth's crust, largely as silicates, compounds of oxygen and silicon. Soil additives: You can improve your soil's aeration by adding elements such as peat moss, sand, perlite, and vermiculite, which make the potting mix less dense. Adding stones to the bottom of your container can also help drainage, improving the soil's aeration and adding humidity.
So soil in general has oxygen basically at different levels. What would be a level of non oxygenated soil? How that happens in a rusty nail? Or a dirty piece of glass?.....did people in the past were all exposed ...OVERWEMIGLY to Tetanus? Thus most of them died from it ...sounds like accordind to this medical literature on tetanus.
I m interested in the bacteria life form in absence of oxygen specifically narrowed down to these details that have been passed on to us according to scientific literature.
I could find no black and white photo of the Tetanus Bacterium. All are cartoons in color. Is there even a bacterium at all?
The tetanus bacterium is isolated by mincing it and cooking it in beef broth and then letting it cool. So, how can scientists be sure it is pure isolate? Moreover, if it is anaerobic how is it measured for size and shape as reported?
Characteristics of the Pathogenic and Related Clostridia
A. TREVOR WILLIS DSc, MD, FRACP, PhD, FRCPath, FRCPA, in Anaerobic Bacteriology (Third Edition), 1977
Clostridium tetani is widely distributed in soil, especially cultivated soil, and in the intestinal tracts of man and animals.
In young cultures the tetanus bacillus stains Gram-positively and appears most commonly in a delicate filamentous form. Individual bacilli are usually about 5 × 0.4 µm in size. Incubation at 37 °C for at least 48 h is required for Cl. tetani to produce its fully developed spherical terminal spores which give it a characteristic ‘drum stick’ appearance. Immature spores are oval and terminal, and resemble those of sporulating cultures of Cl. tertium and Cl. cochlearium. Spore-free forms of Cl. tetani have no distinctive features. In older cultures containing fully mature sporing rods, the organism not infrequently stains Gram-negatively. Cl. tetani may be stained by the fluorescent labelled antibody technique (Batty and Walker, 1964, 1967).
Cultural characteristics
Cl. tetani is a strict anaerobe, growing only in the absence of oxygen, and being rapidly killed on exposure to the air. Cultures of this organism have a ‘burnt-organic’ smell.
Isolated surface colonies are difficult to obtain, since Cl. tetani tends to spread as a fine rhizoidal film over the surface of solid media, especially in the presence of blood, and on moist plates. The advancing edge of the swarming growth is finely filamentous with curled projections.
The swarming of Cl. tetani is a characteristic and distinctive feature which must be sought carefully. It is easily overlooked on account of its extreme fineness and delicacy. Not only is it of diagnostic importance, but it is also of value in obtaining pure cultures of Cl. tetani from mixtures with other organisms (see p. 119). A laterally inoculated agar plate is completely covered by swarming growth in 24 –36 h. Non-motile variants of Cl. tetani, however, give rise to discrete colonies which show no tendency to swarm.
Swarming growth of Cl. tetani may be prevented by growing the organism on firm agar media (2 –3% agar), or on ordinary agar media containing commercial horse tetanus antitoxin (Willis and Williams, 1970; Williams and Willis, 1970; Williams, 1971). On concentrated agar media, colonies are 2 –4 mm in diameter after 48 h incubation, irregularly circular to coarsely rhizoidal in shape, translucent, with a granular surface and an ill-defined edge. Discrete colonies of a much more compact structure are obtained when the organism is cultured on 1.5% agar media containing 40 –60 units per ml of commercial horse tetanus antitoxin. The antitoxin may be added to the cooled molten medium before plates are poured, or more conveniently and economically, it may be spread over the surface of plates before inoculation. The formation of discrete colonies in the presence of horse tetanus antitoxin is doubtless due to the presence of agglutinating antibody, since strains of Cl. tetani are known to possess a common O antigen, but may have type-specific H antigens. Tetanus antitoxin preparations that contain no agglutinating antibody, e.g. human antitetanus immunoglobulin, do not prevent swarming growth. Inhibition of swarming by tetanus antitoxin is specific, and is therefore of diagnostic value. It is conveniently demonstrated in a half-antitoxin fresh blood agar plate.
On horse blood agar growth is often accompanied by α-haemolysis, later passing into β-haemolysis, due to the production of a haemolysin, tetanolysin, a toxin distinct from the neurotoxin, tetanospasmin. Haemolysis has been suggested as a means of identifying Cl. tetani (Lowbury and Lilly, 1958). These authors advocated the use of half-antitoxin fresh blood agar plates, using undiluted therapeutic tetanus antitoxin; toxigenic strains of Cl. tetani produced haemolysis which was inhibited by the antiserum. But the claim that this is of diagnostic value is unsound for a number of reasons, the most important being that tetanolysin is a typical oxygen-labile haemolysin. Its haemolytic activity is inhibited, not only by homologous antitoxin but also by antisera prepared against other oxygen-labile haemolysins (for example, the θ-toxin of Cl. perfringens and streptolysin O), and by normal serum and cholesterol. Further, haemolysis due to other oxygen-labile haemolysins is inhibited by tetanus antitoxin.
On heated blood agar, good growth is obtained without any change developing in the medium. On egg yolk agar there is no opalescence or pearly layer. In cooked meat broth good growth is obtained after 24 h incubation in the ordinary incubator. The meat is not digested but sometimes shows slight blackening after some weeks on the bench.
Biochemical characteristics
Cl. tetani is non-saccharolytic and non-proteolytic, but produces a gelatinase. Some rare aberrant strains ferment glucose. Most strains produce indole, but none produces hydrogen sulphide. A rennin-like enzyme is formed which produces zones of diffuse opacity about areas of growth on milk agar, due to precipitation of casein. Among the commonly encountered clostridia, this property appears to be shared only with Cl. novyi types A and B. Some strains of Cl. tetani produce a deoxyribonuclease.
Metabolic products detected by gas liquid chromatography are acetic, propionic and butyric acids, ethanol and butanol.
Antigenic structure
Differentiation by flagellar antigen into at least 10 types has been demonstrated (MacLennan, 1939). Neurotoxin is formed by all types and is antigenically identical in all. Non-toxigenic variants occur, and are not infrequently isolated from wounds in cases of clinical tetanus.
Cl. tetani is pathogenic for man by virtue of its exotoxin (neurotoxin) production. Susceptible laboratory animals include the mouse, guinea pig and rabbit. Washed spores or bacilli are harmless, unless their inoculation is associated with the production of a local nidus of necrosis. After the atraumatic inoculation of washed organisms, clinical tetanus may be induced at a later date by injuring the inoculated area.
Experimental tetanus
The mouse is a suitable laboratory animal for the demonstration of the toxigenicity of Cl. tetani. Two animals are used for each test. A protected animal is prepared by subcutaneous injection with 0.5 ml of tetanus antitoxin containing 1500 units per ml at least 1 h before it is inoculated with the virulent organism. Both the protected and unprotected animals are then inoculated intramuscularly in the right hind limb with 0.25 ml of the supernatant from a 48 -h cooked meat broth culture of the organism. It may be necessary to include 2% calcium chloride in the inoculum to initiate necrosis. After an incubation period of a few hours, signs of tetanus develop in the unprotected mouse. In ascending tetanus the first evidence of disability is usually that the inoculated leg tends to slip backwards as the animal progresses. Later the limb becomes slightly abducted and the ankle is extended. The leg gradually becomes more extended until it is quite stiff from the spasm of opposing muscles. The tail of the mouse becomes stiff, and gradually the leg on the opposite side is affected. Involvement of the trunk muscles leads to hyperextension or lateral flexion of the spine and finally the forelimbs become spastic. During this period the slightest stimulus induces a generalized spasm.
In mixed ascending and descending tetanus, which is produced by a larger inoculum, local tetanus of the injected limb is followed rapidly by generalized spasms, and death occurs in 18 –24 h. Descending tetanus in small laboratory animals is very rare unless special routes of inoculation are used. If very large doses of toxin are injected, the animal may die without the development of any of the classic signs of tetanus intoxication.
At post mortem there is a slight hyperaemia at the site of inoculation. The internal organs show little change. The animal protected with tetanus antitoxin shows no evidence of disease.
:when the organism is cultured on 1.5% agar media containing 40 –60 units per ml of commercial horse tetanus antitoxin. The antitoxin may be added to the cooled molten medium before plates are poured, or more conveniently and economically, it may be spread over the surface of plates before inoculation. The formation of discrete colonies in the presence of horse tetanus antitoxin is doubtless due to the presence of agglutinating antibody, since strains of Cl. tetani are known to possess a common O antigen, but may have type-specific H antigens.
Isnt funny how wevare back to the horse just like for small pox?
And if I dont mistake tetanus cases increased after small pox vaccination streaks...
So the anaerobic bacteria is present everywhere and inclufing in man kind and mammals intestinal can a tetanus infection be ENDEMIC to the body and triggered by something else?
I work in soil periodically, step on nails occasionally, cut my skin all the time and I get no tetanus! Don't recall last time I had tetanus shot. Perhaps 54 years ago when entering the USA as an immigrant. I was highly probably given series of shots,although I do not remember. Thanks for the work and the sharing of it!
I'm not done yet with tetanus. This is a work in progress and is a social team project.
More soon. I am waiting for delivery of a 55 year old medical book before posting the sequel.
Your reply is proof of one of my postulates which I won't disclose yet. But allow me to ask: do you wear gloves?
Not always. I get cuts even with gloves on as I do not wear the animal hide type that are thicker to provide better protection as they are too cumbersome for delicate type of work. I sometimes wear some high grade/level rated gloves that are designed to give higher protection against cuts if I have them. For general construction when making cuts, or nailing I wear medium grade gloves.
The vaccine camp people would say that is because you have been vaccinated against tetanus. And if you say it happened 30 years ago they will promptly tell you that you probably have tetanus antibodies from the very first vaccination. Yet the CDC suggestion for Tetanus shot is every 10 years. They pull out numbers out of their ass……they make shit up constantly.
Wayne in this link there seem to be a microscope image?
Tetanus bacilli are supposed to be drum stick shaped. And there is no way to take a colored photo. So I am dubious. But once combined with horse crap, who knows?
I will send people here so that they can understand my Stack stacking on your Stack.
Excellent work as always.
Maybe CDS would provide oxygen to stop the growth of the bacterium.
I was thinking the same thing. If it is susceptible to oxygen….It was found out to be in soil only in 1884 …..[wiki excerpt “Arthur Nicolaier showed that animals injected with soil samples would develop tetanus.[6] In 1889, C. tetani was isolated from a human victim by Kitasato Shibasaburō, who later showed that the organism could produce disease when injected into animals, and that the toxin could be neutralized by specific antibodies. In 1897, Edmond Nocard showed that tetanus antitoxin induced passive immunity in humans, and could be used for prophylaxis and treatment.”]
No shit injected in blood a sample of soil that has MILLIONS of BACTERIA!!!!
But if human already have it in the GI tract wouldn’t that guarantee some sort of immunity?
Yes if you believe in the specific antibody theory. My understanding is that there are only something like 6 generic antibodies but what, thousands, of bacteria strains. So specific immunity to say, tetanus, would be impossible.
ok got that. Thanks. Although the tetanus immunization banks on that….and immunized via injection which is bypassing the normal channels of infection to acquire immunization.
That is the point. They often administer anti-oxidants (anti-oxygen).
Here are causes of Lockjaw other than tetanus. If all you have is a hammer or vaccine, then everything becomes a nail or a bacterial infection.
Dental issues: Untreated cavities or gum infections can lead to lockjaw.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction: Dysfunction in the jaw joint can result in muscle spasms.
Teeth grinding: Persistent teeth grinding can strain the jaw muscles. Stress can contribute to teeth grinding, also known as “bruxism”.
Trauma or injury: Accidents impacting the jaw can trigger lockjaw.
Cancer therapy: Radiation to address head or neck cancer can cause jaw and neck muscles to become less flexible.
Head or neck tumors: Certain tumors in jaw muscles and/or in the TM joint could cause lockjaw symptoms.
To address the already long thread on the survival of tetanus in the soil:
Just like parasite eggs, the Clostridia Genus can encyst. The outer shell of a tetanus SPORE is damned near impossible to break down. They can survive 100 years in the soil. Spores are not GROWING = vegetative forms. When they GERMINATE then they start growing. They are ONLY a pathogen IF & ONLY IF there was horseshit in the same soil within the past 100 years. No horse shit, no toxigenic phages to push the tetanus that is on land, in air and sea (ubiquitous) from causing ANY harm.
Have horseshit will travel. It will provoke the tetanus toxins that then lead to all of the stuff that is a NON-ISSUE just like Rabies BEFORE Pasteur got at it, because the stats on tetanus are so low as to be STATISTICALLY INSIGNIFICANT.
BUTT!!! they push tetanus shots into NEWBORNS without the parents' knowledge or consent since the 1970s that tells us that they are working on another agenda that has NOTHING to do with Pub Lick Hellth.
Trump naming pro vax, pro masks surgeon general. My suspicions confirmed.
GENOCIDE in real time! These monsters are after us. I have no doubt about this. Patrick's books got me to where I stand on this issue! I trust Patrick.
it may be the necessary weapon that is a trigger of a foundation for something else ahead…. whether is installed with an additional shot or picked up environmentally or via nutrition. Hard to tell at this point because it is a confusing clusterfuck even for the makers.
That's the other thing that I forgot to put in a previous response.
Patricia Jordan DVM, said that she was shocked when they were trying to adapt Swine and Bird flu to horses. It is supposedly HARD to cross what is called the Species barrier. That's nonsense science language. there is not a difference in SPECIES between horses and men or birds and men they are separated not by genus, or family, or order but CLASS of mammals and birds. I hate stupid people using stupid words.
So it is hard to cross the CLASS barrier.
This is why Pasteur had to work so hard to infect rabbit brains with rabies. He actually FORCED it in there!
Patricia said that if you can adapt an agent to a horse then it EASILY transfers to humans.
So what's so damning about horse shit, as opposed to chicken or cow shit?
many organisms have environments and/or nutritional requirements that are specific. The bacteriophage that turns tetanus toxigenic is found ONLY in horseshit. Horses used to be the cars of earlier times. Everyone who could afford one had one and sometimes cities had horseshit piled 10-feet high at the curb. IF there were no horseshit in the environment 100 years previous to the current date, then supposedly there would be no risk of tetanus even if 99 year old spores were present because the phage can only come from the gut of the horse. Tetanus was never the problem. The Virus was/is. This is why they have to destroy any sense that viruses exist because their whole plan and we upons industry is based on it.
How do you know it's only in hs ( feeling apprehensive now after putting said HS on veg beds! Do Amish get Tetanus with their agriculture and barn erecting with nails? I must be dim, really dim. How can the notion of none existence of viruses be beneficial?
It depends on what is called a virus. There are viruses and there is virulence and the gut disease chamber is where it is all cooked up with ingredients from the butt. Stay tuned
Phages have been studied since 1900 with the 1930s showing the advent of molecular biology. As with anything that people deal with in this hellhole, I have no personal knowledge of the phage coming only from HS but the giants that did the work before us said so. When I evaluate data I look for what makes sense. The HS/noHS notion of why we aren't all dead makes sense.
Did you compost your HS so that the temperature got over 130F for the ENTIRE PILE for more than a couple of hours?
if not, then you are exposing yourself to every bacteria, fungus, virus and parasite associated with horses.
if not, then fresh horse shit will burn both plants and soil.
You bring up a very important question of just who those 50 per year tetanus-havers are. It would be worthwile to find out if they are Amish or gangbangers in a knife fight.
The legend of the rusty nail deals only with puncture wounds. How many people legitimately puncture themselves anywhere on their bodies with soil contaminated by horse shit? Amish and piercing nuts combined?
The VDE cult substitutes feelings from buggers as the cause of disease. So I guess if you FEEL like you did the right thing putting HS on your garden then you WON'T get tapeworms and roundworms. But if I made you FEEL bad about it then you will get sick because it wouldn't be the worms' fault because they're here to help us.
VDE is nothing but anti-science. That's worse than an anti-oxidant.
I used well rotted manure, taken from the bottom of the pile, which was kept in my compost area for some time before spreading, or planting. Unsure of temperature it achieved. I know not to use fresh stuff.
That's a relief. There's a lot of people who burn their gardens with it and wonder what happened.
On malacards there is also the connecton with neonatal tetanus.....that was my question in the above born do not have open wunds.....if any human could get tetanus is the mother post delivery. And women DID die of infection post child birth but nobody called it tetanus.
I will refer you again to Chapter 13 where the CDC said that there is no LABORATORY test to confirm tetanus. It is just a best-guess of the dockedwhore. So, that calls into question if neonatal tetanus was/is ever tetanus or a guess-gone-bad?
From the days of Semmelweiss women were dying from the dirty hands of their doctors, so tetanus or not, it was any number of horrors and 100% preventable.
Well they divided these pathogens with tricky numenclature......bacteria.....nano bacteria and viruses.....the latter is harder to see unless one has special microscope. So imo ignorant opinion is the classic rename that thing to confuse people and branch out in a unknow field. Unknown leads to fear.
There is always a military strategy of action behind it.
Lets call it a pathogen.
Even so according to literature Clostridia T is present mammals gi...again I ask what equines have to make it so readly available. Horses have been used for millennia.....
Let's sneak up on the rabbit from behind its snowball tail.
Clostridia includes tetani, perfringenes (gangrene), and botulism.
Not everyone who gets a wound gets grangrene.
I refer back to bacteriophages causing the toxigenicity.
Since the spores of botulism are everywhere in everything (including our guts) then: Why aren't we dead or still have wrinkles?
If you pressure cook before you can, you can only destroy the toxin at over 2 atmospheres. Canning alone does not break down the poison but acidity in the material keeps it from growing in ANAEROBIC conditions. But even if it grew... would it still give you botulism if the spores weren't pre-infected with phages BEFORE they grew?
If we sneak up on the horse from the tail-end we see that many things have ecological niches that they occupy and thrive in, some can ONLY exist in those niches. So, since clostridia tetani is everywhere in everything but no one even gets tetanus anymore and it isn't because of the damned vaccine, then that allows for the possibility that it was a niche inside the guts of the horse that fostered the bacteriophage that infected the clostridia that infected the receiver to get the lockjaw.
That's a lot of contingencies since I get puncture wounds all the time in the farm and anyone playing with a stapler in the office might too, be we ain't dead (that's debatable) even though the tetanus is on and in us every single day.
Toxigenic phages are the only reasonable answer and species specific phages fine tune it to a point where Germ and Terrain theory are harmonized.
I refer you back to the CDC chapter 13 quote in my Stack where they were unable to recover the spores from suspected tetanus and found clostridia in people who weren't even sick. Either they are LYING, or IDIOTS, or their TESTING WAS BAD, or THEY WERE DOING IT WRONG, i.e. not accounting for phage-provoked toxigenicity since the clostridia found in the healthy people would be the benign variety.
Said a different way: Why did you have Lyme but none of the classic symptoms that make up the case definition?
The testing is usually the problem ....for example for lyme spectrum we have tons of cross reactivity depending on test used for diagnostics. Lets begin with the method of testing....microscope would be most logical for most diagnosis but it is set aside and all together ELIMINATED in testing bacterial diseases of zoonotic origins.
What I have gathered and learned is that this is purposly done to misguide from the get go now you can carry over all the implications of a wrong diagnosis. Example leading to chronic illness.
Checking the for information on tetanus.
Scroll page down to see the connections with other diseases
Diptheria being a primary one. Interesting the Nut Allergy which brings me to think is more of a side effect of the Tetanus and Diptheria vaccination in early age….or there is a connection with mold type such as Aflatoxin. Also notice a connection with Military Tubercolosis. IMO all those are direct consequences of the direct vaccination (blood poisoning)with the toxoid.
Scroll down to "DRUGS for TETANUS” …... Interesting that iron is one of the drugs. Iron must act as an oxidizing agent? OK that is the connection with the rusted nail? Poison with poison….heck sounds like homeopathy to me. Also Tannic acid is a nutraceutical in study for tetanus shock treatment.
From History of diseases excerpt …..[“Military physicians of ancient Egypt, Assyria, Rome and India knew to leave certain wounds unsutured or open for several days before bandaging, a procedure that was likely to result in fewer tetanus infections.”].
How did they know it was tetanus? They did not.
excerpt ….. [An isolated island off the coast of Scotland, St. Kilda had a major outbreak of neonatal tetanus during the 1800s. Between 1855 and 1876, 41 infants out of 56 total births died of the ‘sickness of eight days,’ which was neonatal tetanus.].
How do we know it was tetanus? I guess the delivery system at childbirth? I thought it required a cut to enter the body…..
Many women have tears, or get cut, (epesiotomy), during natural birth, and require sutures. I have personal experience!