Under this heading…of Lockjaw or “Tetanus” and some other septic diseases (like septicemia blood poisoning), many deaths from vaccination are included and concealed every year by our falsifying doctors, who so foully tell us that vaccination is perfectly safe and harmless.– Charles M. Higgins, 1915, lead author of Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated, Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in the Army and Navy, 1920.
“…anyone who ingests unnecessarily huge levels of antioxidants is, knowingly or unknowingly, committing suicide” – Randolph M. Howes, MD, PhD, Antioxidant Suicide: Excessive Antioxidant Intake Linked to Increased Mortality, 2018.
The inception of this article was an email from polymath Pat Jordan, Vaccine Fraud Substack, saying he had run across a report from 1920, cited in the top quotation above, indicating vaccines caused deadly sepsis blood poisoning and inferring sepsis was tetanus. He asked that I investigate this further given he didn’t have time and as I have conducted research on metabolic sepsis. I have re-written this article many times and deleted three prior drafts focusing on sepsis, which I will address in another paper.
The above quotation more likely means that vaccination deaths were covered up under the category of “lockjaw, tetanus or other septic diseases”, not necessarily that tetanus deaths were attributed to vaccines, nor that sepsis was tetanus. Clearly, the lockjaw symptoms of tetanus are not the same symptoms of the 1918 Spanich Flu or current day septic pneumonia from the bugaboo COVID-19. Nonetheless, this piqued my interest, and I wanted to find out more about tetanus because there is no purported cure for it other than an undisclosed ineffective series of vaccinations and dubious high dosage intravenous Vitamin C.
What is Tetanus?
Tom Cowan, MD, of the Westin A. Price Foundation describes tetanus as a rather unique illness for which there is no known treatment other than a vaccine:
“Tetanus is the name we give to the illness that is caused by the toxin secreted by the bacteria Clostridium Tetanii. This bacterium is an obligate anaerobe which means it can only live in the absence of oxygen. It is ubiquitous in the soil and is widely distributed all over the world. When the bacterium enters the human body in a wound, and if the wound is devoid of oxygen (such as a puncture wound from a nail) then the bacteria can flourish inside the wound. If the wound is exposed to oxygen, which is what happens with common lacerations, then the Tetanii Bacterium will be unable to grow. If they grow, they eventually will produce a tetanus toxin (a poison) that selectively puts the skeletal muscles of humans into a tight spasm. The skeletal muscles include the major muscles of movement. The smooth muscle, such as the viscera (intestines) or the specialized muscle of the heart are unaffected by the tetanus toxin. As more and more of the toxin is produced, the affected person will eventually go into full body spasms and then develop “lockjaw” which is the dreaded outcome of a tetanus exposure as the jaws remain tightly clenched…. The key point in this is that even though the tetanus toxin is made by a bacterium there usually is no significant infection at the site of the wound. In some cases, the doctors have actually been unable to locate any overt signs of infection at all, but somehow the bacteria had grown in the body and had made their toxin”.
I interpret what Cowan is saying as there is no cure for tetanus and a vaccine is merely palliative to give a patient hope. The typical protocol treatment is for a patient to be prescribed a series of tetanus antibody shots even if one was vaccinated within the last year. More importantly, Cowan says that tetanus is often asymptomatic. The only “treatment” is management of any skin puncture wound at the beginning of the laceration to expose the tetanus bacteria to the air (oxygen) and not let dried blood or a scab or bandage cover it too soon where it would be denied oxygen, as tetanus only grows in an oxygen-deprived environment.
The tetanus bacteria can be found in soil and gardeners are prone to become infected with it. Tetanus has a 3 to 21 day incubation period and the longer the incubation period the further the injury site is from the nervous system. The only touted treatments for tetanus are a series of often ineffective vaccinations, surgery to remove any gangrene, or, dubiously, intravenous mega-dose vitamin C. But the results of studies of Vitamin C treatment for Tetanus are inconsistent, just as they are for cancer and sepsis from COVID-19 respiratory disease. Tetanus infection is self-clearing if it is exposed to oxygen.
Tetanus research cannot overcome reflexive bias by researchers, physicians and hospitals against any cheap and efficacious treatment like Vitamin C that would seriously hurt hospital, drug revenues or professional class livelihoods. Overcoming institutional obstruction is unlikely, as the sociological definition of an institution is a self-serving organization that strives to keep anything secret that threatens its perpetuation. In many communities, a hospital is the major economic stimulus, and the job of a hospital administrator is to keep revenues flowing no matter if contraindicated by treatment outcomes.
Likewise, the justifiable suspiciousness of patients about overhyped vaccines provokes patient resistance and skepticism. Under Cognitive Dissonance Theory, the resistance to vaccination would be stronger than its prescription, except if one is weakened and hospitalized and desperate for any solution.
The medical establishment’s hyperbole and rigged research about the effectiveness of vaccinations is buttressed by Free Radical Theory that oxidation therapy is harmful (see Randolph H. Howes, MD, PhD, Antioxidant Suicide: Excessive Antioxidant Intake Linked to Increased Mortality, 2018). The actual mechanism of action of Vitamin C as an antioxidant should preclude it as a treatment. What constitutes healthy oxygen levels is not well understood, but it is known that regular exercise oxygenates the body and white blood cells are highly dependent on oxygen. Even a pharmaceutical journal reported that treatment in an oxygen rich hyperbaric chamber was the only clinically effective treatment for COVID. Antioxidants are pushed on the public as a natural treatment for many ailments and even life or death cases of sepsis from the bugaboo COVID-19.
Vitamin C Protocol for Septic Shock
There is a famous Vitamin-C protocol for COVID respiratory septic shock that includes the steroid methylprednisolone, high dose intravenous Vitamin C as ascorbic acid, Vitamin B-1, and Heparin. The prescription of a methylprednisolone steroid for respiratory disease sepsis was found to offer “no apparent net gain in the oxygenation of tissues”. Vitamin B-1 helps put oxygen producing red blood cells into the bloodstream. Heparin is a known oxygen booster. Vitamin C, however, is reported as a strong antioxidant that can also can become pro-oxidant in the presence of “free transition metals”, meaning metals like copper and iron that are unbound to proteins in the body. This might explain the inconsistent and contradictory studies of the effectiveness and ineffectivelness of Vitamin C treatments for cancer and sepsis.
Alternative Explanation
There are only about 100 cases of so-called tetanus each year in the US. Doctors do not see enough cases of rare tetanus disease and thus must rely on a drug industry interpretation of the disease and a treatment standard of a series of tetanus shots even if one had been recently vaccinated. But isn’t lockjaw just a side effect of taking vaccines that is covered up with the fictional invention of tetanus? A 2021 case of facial nerve damage after taking a COVID-19 vaccine indicates facial nerve damage is a vaccine side effect (see A Case of Trigeminal Neuralgia Developing After COVID-19 Vaccination, J. Neurovirology, Dec. 6, 2021). All the online photographs of the tetanus bacterium are cartoons. A physician I contacted anonymously told me: “tetanus is extremely rare and there is no need for vaccination. In fact, it has never been proven. mRNA technology is now in all vaccines including animal vaccines”.
It needs to be repeated here that this is not medical advice, and one should consult a competent physician in such cases as suspected tetanus or septic shock. But in such cases where someone is hospitalized for deadly septic shock, emergency hospital doctors prevail over one’s own doctor and a patient might not be in a competent mental state to deny drugs or treatments made by hospital physicians. And patient designated surrogate health care deciders are often unknowledgeable about such issues.
So how can a bacterium live in the soil without oxygen when we are in oxygenated soil? An ancient tomb, sealed or a grave inside or under water seems a more logical place. How the rusty nail legend came to be? Patrick wrote about tetanus extensively in regard to being found in soil with horse manure instead, where it can live up to 100 years. You would think Amish land is all infected with it.
That above was a question BTW…
In 2004 I stepped on a nail and I was wearing my sneakers but the nail went through and punctured the sole of my foot. Since I was a vaccination freak and an ignorant idiot I went to the doctor and got a tetanus shot.
Fear did that.
OK so now a tetanus shot is given to any person walking in the ER regarding if they are up to date with their shots or not. Curiosly in given to people not as a single shot but as a trio-combo of other 2 additional shots. I know this because my son was given that shot in 2021 when he got stabbed in the back.
Another question……people often tell me how their relative was SAVED by the tetanus shot after they noticed a RED LINE in their skin getting longer, that would be sign of tetanus. What is up with this story?
Wayne in this link there seem to be a microscope image?