Hey Wayne. I know what you are doing and why you are doing it, so I support your inquiry into the abyss. Let me gently suggest that the System that created the 'statistics' is the very System that is made up of genetic liars so unless we did the counts ourselves there is no possible way for us to know if they are real or total fakes. In the world of Black Magicks and Millie Tarry PsyOps the greatest trick is to get the mark to fool themselves, which may be the thrust of the quote that you favor on Folly.

IF true then the numbers are a compelling indication that the scam was made up of smoke and mirrors. If not true then the numbers ARE the smoke and mirrors.

Also I'm a briggand where it comes to quotes and artistic licentiousness to inflict my own on top of and underneath the originals.

So, the quote from They Live! is:

"There ain't no countries anymore

No more good guys

They're runnin' the whole show

They own everything, the whole goddamned planet, they can do whatever they want!"

The bit that I put beneath it was made-up paraphrase of my own in case you want to replace it.

My interpretation of what I was told was Assymetrical Full Spectrum Wharf Air can be found in:

Isaiah 24:18

And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare...

So even if the statistics of excess deaths were used to create fear to manipulate the masses - whether those statistics were made-up or real don't matter because the herd animals stampeded.

Running from the sound of Fear.

They fell into the pit. {took the wax job and/or the drugs}

And now they are caught in the snare of a lifetime of genetic damage and disease - although that lifetime has been considerably shortened.

We are up against major Magi warriors that cannot be underestimated.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Author

Thanks Pat. I hate the Old Testament as it is the teacher of evil in the name of The Law or Morality (eg, Ten Commandments) because it focuses on individual sin not Institutional Evil. The Book of Isaiah was co-opted and "doctored" so there are really two books of Isaiah that have been combined. But First Isaiah has some insights that make me believe what was happening 500 years before Christ was something very similar to today. Notice that I just reported the raw total death count each year and did not try and run any "sadistics" that would confuse or disinform.

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The official mortality data in countries around the world, including the US, indicates a democide has likely been in progress since 2020. That's why the official mortality data is being covered up. When it is discussed at all, it is to cherry pick pieces of it to support an agenda, and hand out bad/wrong information about it. I think this is probably because the procedures in place for collecting the official data (e.g., collected from deaths certs issued in counties and states across the US) is too large and well-established to tinker with, plus this data is widely used in industries such as life insurance, pensions, Social Security, etc., and is available to the public 24/7. US and Canada mortality data is similar, which I just wrote about here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/13/democide-in-canada-2020-2022

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Very interesting Wayne.

I wonder, do excess deaths begin after 2020

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Excess deaths only showed up after vaccinations in 2021. Now, supposedly, excess deaths have declined. But insidious ways to slowly destroy the human small intestinal gut by food laced with antibiotics to supposedly keep animals free of disease continues to create what is really causing premature deaths - sepsis blood poisoning.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Thank you for your response Wayne

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Mr. Thomas

I forgot to add that leaky gut is also called Scurvy of the Gut. So, bioflavonoids are needed to stop scurvy (from lemons of limes but not the juice but the pulp). Buck Wheat is a fruit not a grain and has bioflavonoids.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Funny thing, I intuitively eat the lemon (not the skin) after squeezing it on meals or in water in the morning and my partner gives me a strange face as if saying “how can you eat that” maybe this is why.

Thank you, I am going to check out the books mentioned in other comments too. 🙏

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

What I can’t process is why (unvaxxed to be clear) I experienced an awful night of my sense of smell going haywire where I can only describe the odor as that of a decaying corpse. What followed was severe dehydration and nearly two years where I had limited taste or smell. Some things I couldn’t even eat because they tasted so foul. I agree that virus’ are likely a big pharma fiction and that people died from the “treatments” and that hospitals were incentivized to lie, but I’d still like to know what “hit me” and so many others. There was no Covid, ok, but what kind of nastiness caused so many of us to get sick.

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I'm no doctor and cannot diagnose or treat disease. But I can have an unprofessional opinion. Disease is typically a way for the body to try and heal. So shutting off taste and smell is a way for the body to tell you to fast - water with electrolytes, maybe some coconut fat that can be digested without going through the liver, minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium. Hippocrates stated 3,000 years ago that all disease comes from the gut. In my uneducated opinion, what we all have is leaky gut (and leaky arteries). We die from heart attack or respiratory disease or the complications of cancer, but these are just different symptoms of the compromise of our small intestine. By the time we end up in a hospital ICU it is too late to heal up the gut. Reportedly, one can try using nicotine gum to quickly close up the gaps in the intestinal lining so we can resume eating food without auto immune reactions. Tobacco (nicotine), coffee (caffeine) and alcohol were historic folk medicines that people used to boost their metabolism and fight leaky gut. But these have all been demonized by modern medicine and replaced with antidepressants that only ruin the gut such as opioids or fentanyl. Eat animal based gelatin, high cartilage meats preferably from cows and steers, and rebalance the bacteria-fungal balance in the gut by controlling Candida (consider Dr. Jennifer Daniels' protocol of food grade Turpentine (see Candida Cleaner Report at VitalityCycles.com). Stop eating grains and antibiotics laced meats. Just my opinion.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Yes, among my nutrition anti vaxx allies, the gut is the center of the wheel. And not surprisingly since my bout with whatever it was, I’ve developed and suffered for a time with gut issues, even headaches and vertigo. For a few days every time I stood up I’d fall sideways ! I took high dose homeopathic Belladona and symptoms disappeared. They resurfaced once more, mildly, dosed again and they’re gone. I also began drinking organic milk kefir which helped my gut and occasionally activated charcoal. Still, it’s a struggle. I buy beef from local grass fed responsible farmer. I’ve become skeptical of all supplements. I did some research and apparently most ingredients are sourced through an international marketplace. I don’t buy or eat or use anything made in China. I try to get minerals from herbal tinctures and tonics. No grains, never any jabs ever, and NEVER pharmaceuticals. I’m doing my best !

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Miss Nancy-Lynn

I would suggest you become acquainted with Dr. Jennifer Daniels online at her website VitalityCycles.com. We need to do two additional things according to Daniels: 1) rebalance the gut bacteria/funguses by using pure food grade Turpentine using her protocol The Candida Cleaner Report at VitalityCapsules.com. However, this will not work (nor anything else will work) if you are not having 3 bowels movements early each day. To do that, you can take Daniels' Vitality Capsules (they work) or take your own fiber but her formula includes herbs to flush the Lymph system in addition to the colon. 2) you need to consider eating more cartilage animal foods (beef tendons, pigs ears, chicken feet, animal based gelatin, etc.). The intestine is cartilage-muscle-mucus. So repairing leaky gut means restoring cartilage as well as using probiotics to rebuild and rebalance mucus layer. A component of what is euphemistically called COVID is a cartilage or collagen deficiency.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I’ll look into it. Thank you.

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More -

According to Dr. Natasha McBride, MD, the immune system creates viral syndromes or virulence by not being able to respond as no fever or other symptoms develop, and the pathogen comes into the body unopposed. This is what a “virus” or virulence is: an initial non-response of the immune system not a bug or germ. This non-detection can also occur if the cell wall of the pathogen is deficient and thus cannot be seen by the immune system (call it a ghost virus). When a patient is put on the Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) diet the immune system begins to kick in and virus is vanquished (see Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020, p. 37; and Elaine Gottaschall, Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet, 1994). A GAPS diet is free of grains, starches, sugar, beans and soy, and lactose dairy products. Breads should have no gluten (glue) or yeast that would feed Candida (yeast) overgrowth (Flat Bread). Candida overgrowth can also be controlled with Biotin Vitamin B-7 (30,000 mcg). Abnormal gut flora is what creates penetration of the intestinal gut lining and gradually metabolic sepsis blood poisoning. Gut lining cells, called Enterocytes, that lack beneficial microbes are subject to pathogenic microbes that can change their shape and size and turn into cancer. This is why singular viruses cannot be isolated because it is a functional absence of the immune system not a parasitic takeover of cells that creates disease. Moreover, a collagen deficiency is the other half of the incapability of the immune system to deal with a permeable gut and the entry of viruses and toxins into the bloodstream. According to Dr. McBride, 90% of human cells are in the gut, the rest is cartilage scaffolding and the other 10% of cells.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I appreciate this discussion. I’ll read it over (and over) and check into your recommendations. As an aside, I’m nearly 80 years and do not suffer from any of the accepted and acceptable dis-eases of old aging. So, in my own quiet way I’ve certainly done alright, esp considering my chaotic and unhealthy upbringing. I attribute my fairly good health to yoga, good eating and never a jab or big pharma drugs. Getting out of NYC was a good idea too ! And important, I feel, that big stress in my life always drove illness. Even when I got sick as I described here was in good part due to the fact(s) that my dog died and my home of 20 years was threatened.

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You were lucky and prudent enough to go your own way. Yoga very good for lymph drainage. You never were conscripted into the military where you get, say, 100+ vaccinations by the time you leave "service" for going overseas. Let me ask you, did you ever get an antibiotic? If so the chances of Candida yeast overgrowth are high which sets us up for leaky gut.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I did occasionally take an antibiotic decades ago when I lived in NYC for chest congestion. Wheezing made me nervous. If I knew what I know now, I’d have taken a different route. Is there a way to test whether we have Candida for certain ?

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Oh, Candida yeast overgrowth has a way of telling you without a test. White patches on your tongue, loss of taste, poor digestion, bloating, fatigue, brain fog, nail fungal infections, etc. Candida overgrowth can create gap in the intestinal lining leading to major compromise of that organ and its eventual death - upon which it triggers other organs to fail - called sepsis.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

This is the question that I too am struggling to find an answer, I have done my best to understand what has happened throughout the COVID timeline and the pseudoscience of virology and I can understand there is no particle transmitting to cause illness but even with this understanding I am left wondering what happened in December 2020 when a very large number of people fell sick in our town with fevers, loss of taste and smell, muscle aches lasting weeks and more flu like symptoms.

Myself personally fell ill with a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs and hospitalised for several weeks, a friend had the same symptoms and died after discharging from hospital. We fell ill on the same day. My recovery was months with fatigue, lung injury and scarring. It could be considered a pneumonia but what triggered that for me and others at the same time?

The evidence for a ‘trigger’ event is overwhelming for me, anecdotal but still. Unfortunately it gives enough for confirmation bias for family and friends to trust the vaccines and label and my friends crazy anti-Vaxers. Many peers that didn’t take the vaccine were seemingly more sick than many that did and when we fell ill they felt they had made the right choice and any ground I had made in persuading them otherwise was lost.

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My personal guess is that we are all in a precarious condition of vulnerability due to the compromise of our small intestine which ends up leaking even in adolescence. When cold weather comes, the body is signaled to start purging toxins and poisons from food and medicines but it overloads the liver which is main filter of body. The liver cannot handle food and purging of toxins at same time and spills some of the infection into the blood stream (deadly sepsis). Thus the body uses vicarious elimination of toxins through the lungs, kidney, etc. to purge toxins. This ends up with the lung filling up with fluid to flush the toxins (called pneumonia). An entire wave of "leaky gut" can occur in a population that has already has their gut compromised. Just my personal opinion.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Another thought : I wonder if the jabs are modifying this process in those that decide to take them. Strange that during this “event” where many people were “triggered” into this response that the vaxxed seemed less affected.

how much can genetics or modified RNA in the body can signal these responses.

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I'm not sure I understand your question. I have no knowledge of vaccines providing protection against leaky gut. Look at Britain's Princess Kate who had the vax then got colon cancer quickly, probably because she already was predisposed with leaky gut (not genetics). Any doctor who practices gene therapy is a quack.

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I was just thinking that maybe the jabs did stop people from getting sick in this way.

A doctor I have seen in the past believes the reason I was so sick is due to unique genetics I possess. Does not link to leaky gut and prescribes IV Vitamin C.

It seems to be so much of what modern doctors are thinking, new science of genetics, genetics that dictate detoxification pathways etc. the reason why someone like me gets so sick from ‘COVID’ and others are Asymptomatic or mild illness. There is also so much genetic testing happening in the alternative health space to determine what to prescribe you, Be it herbs, vitamins or others.

I do wonder if people are able to pass toxicity to one another, why someone manifests certain diseases such as STD’s

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Thank you Wayne, I can confirm there was a change in weather at this time and I am much more inclined to notice when the weather suddenly changes and many people become sick in the area, and of course the usual story of ‘somethings going around’ and “it’s a bad flu this year” etc etc start being spoken.

The silver lining to this all is learning the way the body detoxifies, how lung conditions can occur and starting to rebuild the gut.

Thank you for your Substack Wayne I am always learning from it and it takes me down paths of further investigation, ie the works of Jennifer Daniel’s and Daniel Roytas

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Hey we learn from each other. The last thing I am is any kind of guru. But I read a lot of books and have my own health issues. You will not like my kind, but critical, review of Roytas's book on Amazon.com.

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I did enjoy it very much, it is a very detailed explanation and I have read it multiple times to get the full scope of understanding. I enjoyed Roytas book also but was reading it to gain a deeper understanding of covid and the ideas outlined in your review did more so than the book that focussed on cold and flus which is easy to accept, unless you’re a GP. lol

I have certainly experienced self-generated flu from poor food, stress, partying etc. and it always surprises me when others do this to themselves but then blame ‘catching’ a bug.

My partner works in a hospital as a nurse and I worry she could be exposed to plasmids but so far her health seems to be ok.

The dance of bacteria and fungus continues on. , from some of Patrick Jordan’s work I have read it is a deep rabbit hole

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Yes, especially those who get all the jabs, eat processed foods. And simply don’t comprehend the connection between food and health. Some of us get it, most never will.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I would argue in some cases the jabbed seem less affected from this type of scenario, at least in my circles of people I know.

But the jabbed have maybe had other issues such as cancers or sudden deaths or strange symptoms and recurring flus

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The "jabbed" who have intact gut linings are usually younger and may have intact Mucus linings in their lungs as well.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

EMF, 5G? The symptoms of electromagnetic radiation poisoning are similar to "the virus" (which means poison), 2019/20 flu jab?

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We are living batteries which need salts (minerals) to conduct the electricity through our bodies. Without the 12 essential salts parts of our body get short circuited. Interesting that those with sufficient mineralization (salts) such as calcium, are reportedly unaffected by EMF's.

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Something I’ve considered but how it can discriminate makes it hard to believe it’s the main cause

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Perhaps a factor. I have no smart devices, I don’t own a cell phone. So I’m aware of those dangers.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I so glad you survived the hospital. I’m not sure those of us unvaxxed suffer(ed) more from whatever it was. Many I know who were vaxxed, over and over, are still getting sick (they call it Covid) many having terrible eye problems (think raging bull) repeated bouts of shingles, problems with circulation that settle in their feet, one good friends dad had his leg amputated due to cluster clots. These illnesses IMO come from the jab or are exasperated by it. Those I know, incl me, who haven’t been jabbed still have small reminders, but none so serious as those who’ve been jabbed and continue I’m afraid to get the jab even as their sicknesses keep coming. It’s all so crazed. But I would like someone to address our concerns, if not a virus WTF made us sick, in tandem.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Author

I lost my twin brother due to COVID which is really sepsis blood poisoning. He was a vitamin innovator and health guru and took megadose Vitamin C by IV, Ivermectin, inhalers, Chlorine Dioxide, etc. from alternative medicine doctors (MD's). This was useless because his gut was apparently spilling toxins and poisons into the blood stream from either leaky gut and/or tooth infections in the gums. His death certificate showed he died of Sepsis with COVID the third cause of death so the hospital could collect money from the government. He might have tried Nicotine gum to quickly close up the intestinal gaps from spilling poisons into the bloodstream and then tried to heal up his gut and have any decaying teeth removed. But both conventional and alternative med doctors have vilified smoking as a prime cause of cancer (not so). Just my personal opinion. I would suggest you consult a medical practitioner but they are so brainwashed, even alternative medicine for the most part. To educate, I would suggest reading Russian doctor Natasha McBride MD, Master MedSci, The Gut and Physiology Syndrome (not her other book Gut and PSYCHOLOGY Syndrome).

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I’m sorry sorry and saddened by your loss. It’s one of the issues I struggle with amongst my learned friends, their teeth. They’re all loathe to go to the dentist and even though Im sympathetic I get my teeth cleaned twice a year. I do not use chlorinated toothpaste and put off the routine X-rays that have never helped avoid or detect anything. I’ll check out McBride and share with my friends.

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LOL … Fluoridated not chlorinated, though both are pretty bad.

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Jul 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I have also noticed many of these illnesses in the vaxed, sudden cancers, deaths and odd illnesses, more frequent illnesses

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The issue is not "falling ill"--it is over a million excess all-cause deaths in 2020 and 2021. Of course, many people did get ill rather than die, luckily. The fact that 529,000 more people died in 2020 in the US than in 2019--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. "COVID19" was the cover for a democide. Here is the US mortality data- https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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But as former President Richard Nixon once said, the American people do not believe anything unless they see it on TV and it is announced as the official narrative.

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That's the great thing about the official data--it is what it is, no matter what anyone believes. We can argue forever about what it means, and whether it is reliable and legit, but what the data IS is a matter of record, not belief.

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Deaths in 2020 were 3.38, not 3.08, per the official US database--an unprecedented increase in deaths. Otherwise your numbers look consistent with the official numbers. I saved this search for deaths from 2000-2020 and you can use this link to run it: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/saved/D76/D400F103

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Thanks Miss Virginia. I intentionally used 3.08 million because the total death count was probably puffed up and I found a different government source with a lower number.

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What is your source?

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CDC is my source. In 2020 I calculated the adjusted elderly deaths for percentage of the population, but I have since been unable to find my data. It is better not to adjust raw data.

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Here is a saved search for deaths and death rates by age group 1999-2020 from the CDC WONDER database. https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/saved/D76/D400F155

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CDC is the source of the data I provided--the CDC WONDER database. It is the definitive source for the official numbers. The official mortality data actually suggests a democide occurred in the US in 2020, caused by something other than a virus. I cover the numbers in my new reference book on US mortality, which is totally free of opinions and claims about what the data means. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Thanks for engaging all of us with your data assemblage and discussion. The worst thing for a blog writer is when no one even reads the blog or offers comments. You have enriched us and I am trying to weave your point about democide in an article I am currently writing (with proper attribution).

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Miss Virginia

I will be buying your fascinating book. The table on the cover shows a massive spike in pop. beginning in 2020 then a precipitous fall. How do you interpret this?

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It shows a massive spike in deaths in 2020, followed by a small increase in 2021, and a precipitous fall in 2022. There was no spike in population.

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Thanks. I intentionally did not use the 3.38 million number because of the government's and corporations incentives to puff the numbers. I found another government report with the lower figure and used that. Former Pfizer employee Michael Yeadon is also out with his own conclusion there is no evidence of COVID or viruses.



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The contents of the official CDC mortality database are NOT DEBATABLE, in the sense that everyone who does the same search will get exactly the same results. The mortality data for 2020 indicates a democide may have occurred. Why would anyone fake the data to look like a democide, rather than a virus? Makes no sense, even if it were doable.

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