Aug 20Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Cleanse & Purify Thyself: The Definitive Guide to Internal Cleansing

by Richard Anderson

I’m about to try this …


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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

From what I understand, one should be very careful about purging "mucus or mucoid plaque". The small intestine has vast amount of mucus to protect its outer wall which is only 1 cell thick to allow digested food to cross over from the intestine into the bloodstream. 80% of all of our immune system cells are in the small intestine. Mucus is part of the Innate Immune System and without it we die. The mucus plaque referred to in the advertisement may be in the Large Intestine or Bowel.

What is the mechanism of action in the Cleanse 28 product? Could it also be done with water and salt purge, oxygenized magnesium, etc.

That is why I listed freeze dried beef cartilage because the small intestine is made up of mucus, muscle and cartilage, and nearly all of us have a cartilage deficiency because we do not eat cartilage.

Thanks for informing us.

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deletedAug 20Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, recommends detoxing the big bowel first because otherwise all the junk from the intestine, lymph, liver, will just back up and the new junk you dislodge will only add to that, resulting in more plaques.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I’m not sure how that is possible ? I don’t do enemas. Also, I haven’t studied the 20 pages of info yet. I just printed it out at the library.

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Also, I understand that Arnica Montana homeopathic can stop internal bleeding. I'm investigating if it might help with sepsis blood poisoning.

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No enemas. Dr. Daniels has her own complex her patients forced her to make because they wanted something easier than a strict diet and walking. Her formula is called Vitality Capsules and has cayenne, ginger, aloe vera, senna, cascara sagrada, etc. It works. She is not a fan of enemas, probiotics, etc.

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Aug 20Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I use ginger in my diet regularly and have been drinking herbal tea that contains senna and other fine ingredients. I have cascara sagrada bark powder and make my own capsules topping it off with a bit of cayenne.

I appreciate your interest but I won’t post any more about this because you seem to think I’m a dolt and I require medical intervention.

I’m almost 80 and have taken good care of my health my whole life. I have none of the diseases that plague most people my age. I don’t take any pharmaceuticals, I’ve never had a flu jab and have never had the flu. I rarely get sick and only when I’m very stressed. I eat primarily organic food and have for over 55 years, incl. meat when I can afford it. Since Covid I’ve had some digestive issues and I’ll deal with them in my own way, as I’ve always done.

Being a doctor I know it must be hard to believe that us peons can figure things out for ourselves without scaring us (i.e. “bleeding”). I’ve always treated myself with herbs and homeopathic remedies so I’m well aware of their efficacy.

I know you mean well, but I don’t appreciate your condescension it’s what’s wrong with most health professionals and why my circle of friends have little use for doctors.

Be well, I will be too.

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