The symptoms of SEPSIS shown below are the same or similar for many diseases. So, if you guess wrong that you have the flu, or food poisoning, or whatever, but it is really SEPSIS, you have wasted time as SEPSIS needs to be diagnosed within first hour of onset to save a person's life. So, if you get the symptoms listed below, get checked out in a hospital emergency department ASAP.

Rapid breathing and heart rate.

Shortness of breath.

Confusion or disorientation.

Extreme pain or discomfort.

Fever, shivering, or feeling very cold.

Clammy or sweaty skin.

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** Ivermectin causes paralysis of the nerves of parasites but supposedly not mammals.**

If the above is accurate, then why is Ivermectin used by veterinarians for cows? Ivermectin reportedly is used by humans, who are mammalians, but is not strong acting in the human brain

See; Table 1 A list of studies demonstrating the probable mechanisms of ivermectin (IVM) against SARS-CoV-2

From: The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2—an extensive review


IVM inhibits lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced production of inflammatory cytokines by blocking the NF-κB pathway and improving LPS-induced survival in mice Zhang et al. 2008 [47]

Zhang X, Song Y, Ci X, et al. Ivermectin inhibits LPS-induced production of inflammatory cytokines and improves LPS-induced survival in mice. Inflamm Res. 2008;57:524–9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00011-008-8007-8.


Ivermectin functions by interfering with channels that are used to relay signals in nerve and muscle cells.


First, ivermectin penetrates the mammalian brain poorly, so it does not exert any pharmacological effects via mammalian ligand-gated ion channels in the brain unless it is used at high, potentially toxic doses or the blood–brain barrier is functionally impaired.


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Confusion and disorientation is def a big trademark. My father had that. It was Jan 2014. His SEPSIS was caused (so we were told) by Lysteria bacteria. By the time he got to the hospital and he was diagnosed 72 hr later in cardiac unit. The sepsis had already caused endocarditis and encephalo-meningitis.

If we look at the medical literature this is actually a possibile pathway for someone with any bactetia infection.

Including Lyme disease and Bartonella in a promary stage of acute infection.

My father died at age 80 after 4 months of agony. After the septicemia was identified he was treated with very massive doses of antibiotics. He overcame the Lysteria but then got infected from another bacteria in the hospital caused by the tracheotomy they gave him because he kept removing the feeding tube.

Thabk You Wayne and Patrick for focusing on this.

But....the problem seem the diagnosis is often made late in the hospital setting.

It is absurd to me that in 2024 people still die of sepsis.

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I read the story of your father's demise with great sadness. It took 72 hours to diagnose sepsis? Then treated with massive dosages of antibiotics which will create bacteria resistance that is deadlier than the disease! What do you believe we need to do? Go to hospital ICU for diagnosis only but with an Informed Consent to deny any antibiotics, Remdesivir, intubation, ventilation? It seems to me that some form of Triage should take place where it is assumed one has Sepsis even before blood work up. Nothing will work if constipated because then the toxic poop has nowhere to go. This is why infusion of saline to balance pH, massive hydration, laxatives, mineralization and electrolytes, has a better chance of getting the body to eliminate the toxins fast enough without all the hospital overkill. And sepsis patients should be hooked up to dialysis ASAP as they do in Japan. Maybe I will attempt to write a model Informed Consent/advanced directive? I hesitate to do so because it might be misconstrued as giving medical advice and I'm not a doctor. My twin brother was given the Overkill hospital treatments even though he was adamantly opposed to all of them but gave oral designation of a medical decider to someone who had a motive to see him dead to abscond with $160,000 in coins. When I tried to tell hospital that as next of kin I should be making those decisions they believed the designated person's lie that he had a written advanced directive when he did not. You are one of the very few who even understand what I am writing about. More later on this........

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Mel Thornberg was all about Lyme Sepsis.


Teresa preserved a lot of Mel's work.


My approach is to not wait for a diagnosis.

Treat as if you've got it.

Dr. Mendlesohn said: "If you're dying - stay out of the hospital - you'll probably get better."

What I learned from Mel's work shaped my entire future because I had developed the theory of Continuum. Mel said that Herpes was just dandruff from Spirochetes. Cosmo magazine published an article that said Herpes kills the nerves in the intestines, shutting down peristalsis thus creating constipation.

It's not just for cold sores anymore.

So, whereas the endotoxins of ANY organism can lead to sepsis, we have a major player in spirochetes that form the dominos that work together to make the perfect storm.


In doing a keyword search in my database for sepsis, I came up with 365 Malacards on the topic. Those are just files that I had access to. It would probably be worth your while to go incognito to prevent cookies to have a look at that Is Ra Eli database on all known human diseases to see how many of them cross-reference to sepsis.

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I'm thinking of exploring a local 7th Day Adventist Church because they have a "nursing" outreach "ministry". As you know, Adventists are big into nutrition and naturopathy. Dr. Steven Gundry, the TV doc, is an adventist. Dr. Kellogg who successfully used Hydrotherapy for the 1918 Spanish Flu was Adventist. I will try and report back what I find out.

One of the drawbacks with trying to pre-treat Sepsis without a diagnosis is to figure out if it is Bacterial Sepsis or Fungal Sepsis (C-A-N-D-I-D-A). If Fungal, then large doses of Berberine, Enteric Coated Garlic capsule, Caprylic Acid, etc. might work along with hydration, etc.

Parasite Sepsis is rarer but that is where Ivermectin might have a role. Maybe that is why Ivermectin works against the bugaboo COVID??

Now I'm beginning to understand where Spirochetes come into the picture now that you mention it.

Hey, conventional medicine does not even admit there is such a thing as Parasites, but alterNOTative medicine seems to be totally blind to Endo or Exo Toxins. And a bowel detox enema might dehydrate.

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I count on you from approaching every problem from Left Field before the ball gets out of the park, hits a car in the parking lot and sets off the burgler alarm.

Why not treat for all three at once?

It wouldn't be a dialectic if one side didn't believe in something that the other disbelieved in.

Colon therapists use filtered tap water. That HAS to be dehydrating. How hard is it to make something either isotonic or slightly hypertonic?

Answer - it is inconvenient and a bit more expensive.

Humans are vermin.

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Is lysine an Antibacterial?

The L-lysine was selected because it contains positively charged cationic groups of amino acids, which are very effective in destroying the membranes of the bacteria, thereby killing the bacteria.


L-Lysine was found to significantly enhance the antifungal action of AmB (Amphotericin B) against C. Albicans strains, although lysine itself did not exert a fungicidal effect. More importantly, an enhanced effect of the combination of lysine with AmB was observed for the prevention of biofilm and hypha formation

Is it possible to reverse antibiotic resistance?

“Our findings show that by targeting disulfide bond formation and protein folding, it is possible to reverse antibiotic resistance across several major pathogens and resistance mechanisms.

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Lysine is used by those who have herpes outbreaks.

Since Herpes is Spirochete dandruff it makes sense that it doesn't harm the herpes it just acts as an arginine amino acid competitor.

Arginine is gasoline to herpes (spirochetes).

The problem arises when too much arginine is suppressed and depression sets in.

The problem arises when too much lysine is relied upon and it starts being toxic to the kidneys.

I would never use pharmaceuticals so although I find the amplification of drugs by lysine interesting it stops there.

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I'm all in on shooting down infection with a 3-barrel shot gun with separate bullets for each barrel but then would that trigger anti-bacterial resistance? And something like Ivermectin is a paralyzer that might freeze up bacteria but does it do the same with Fungus amongus?

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It is important for us to know the chemistry of drugs and herbs so I will never shut down that inquiry. I would never use pharmaceuticals so the interplay between bugs and drugs is of no interest to me.

Ivermectin causes paralysis of the nerves of parasites but supposedly not mammals.

I've never looked into the full scope of other organisms like bacteria and fungus that IVM might affect. My view would be to use natural remedies to address sepsis from all contenders. You have to take most natural substances for weeks before there is a threat of adaptation.

LOVE your idea of a three barrel shotgun.

Lettuce also keep in mind that shutting down the overgrowth in the blood stream of buggers that don't belong there must also happen at the same time that agents that bind to the endotoxins are delivered to mouth, gut, and blood.

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Like Salmonella, Listeria is a favored Buy Oh We Upon that they can use to trace how well they are A Tack King the human rats. It was used a decade ago as an argument to put phages on meat in order to fight an mutated unstoppable bug.

HOW did it get mutated?

I remember you said that your father was not a meatasaurus so that makes this all the more disturbing.

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Uh oh! The Middle Earthers are starting to congregate into a militia.

Go here - https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=GD9A6AK3OW2S

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