Jun 7Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

What is your opinion of Jim Humble's MMS health benefits please?

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This is a complex question to answer. And no thoughts out loud here should be considered medical advice. If Chlorine Dioxide is used to treat the secondary infection of leaky gut metabolic sepsis, such as respiratory infection and pneumonia, one should be aware it does not get to the apparent root cause of leaky gut.

Conversely, Iodine and Chlorine Dioxide combined are reported to be a prophylactic against antibiotic resistance according to Dr. Mark Sircus (11 Days in Omicron Hell and Forbidden Cures – LINK

https://rumble.com/v1y6uga-dr-sircus-on-chlorine-dioxide.html. The major action of Chlorine Dioxide is in the blood – and sepsis is a blood poisoning. There is no chlorine in chlorine dioxide. Rather it is a salt – chlorite.

Many municipal water systems use it. It can supposedly kill bacteria, fungi, parasites, amoeba, etc. The problem here is bacteria, fungi and parasites are not toxins or poisons or germs but eat dead or dying human cells. So, using it to kill bacteria, fungi, etc. could be detrimental.

Aloe Vera (inner part), Bone Broth, gelatin, animal cartilage, can plausibly heal up the lining of the intestine, but only if one is not constipated which can cause toxins to congest in the lung, arteries, and kidney and thus Chlorine Dioxide would only disinfect, not heal the gut.

Chlorine Dioxide can react with sulphides and disulphides. Sulphides include lemon-lime juice, vinegar, grape juice, potatoes, maple syrup, jams, jellies, biscuits, bread, pies, pizza dough.

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An amazingly interesting read..

My greatest appreciation for your effort..

I will need to archive and save a pdf as well!

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Well now that is very interesting and I had actually read it a while back but it makes more sense now. I’m from Ireland and despite that study smoking is taboo here too.

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