I believe every word. I had a horrific hospital experience myself though nothing compared to MothMan. The irony is that the “doctor” who recommended I go to the hospital was way ahead of the vid curve which was why I consulted her. I was severely dehydrated. She was known amongst my militant anti vax friends and since Covid was in vogue at the time, they wanted me to consult with her. My first big mistake. Luckily I knew the dangers of remdesivir (though the learned “doctor” failed to warn me) so I vehemently refused it, now she’s Big hero after being barred from practicing here in Maine for going against the Covid flow. and fighting successfully against the WHO attempts. I’m fine but still pissed off. I was 74 at the time, prime victim for the hospital psychos. And oddly, I often have the sensation of being pricked by a pin in all parts of my body. Who knows what happened to me in the hospital, their notes are totally inconsistent with my experience. One nurse told me I was dying, she whispered it in my ear. I don’t know if I had Covid going in but I most certainly had something nasty after a night in that hellhole.
Miss Lynn - These first person accounts like yours are invaluable. In my experience with Oxalosis resulting from antibiotics causing yeast overgrowth and then oxalate (kidney) stones and crystals everywhere in my body (eyes, feet, muscles, etc.), your sensation of pin pricks might be from neurological damage from oxalate crystals. Cut back on spinach, chocolate, Vitamin C, all nuts, bran cereals, soy, etc. and reduce fungus in your liver with enteric garlic capsules and Biotin 3 to 4 tabs each meal, and see if that relieves your pins and needles. Chewable Lysine might also help. Flood each meal with water to flush out oxalic acid before it forms a crystal in your stomach. Constipation and lymph channel blockage from sugar can result in oxalate crystals piling up everywhere. If this provides some relief, then it might be oxalates. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting. I don’t do pharmaceuticals and never take antibiotics because except as described I never see a doctor and have never had a flu shot (I’m 77). I do find even when I soak and roast nuts they upset my stomach. And except for occasional spinach I don’t consume the others. Ive stopped all vits because I found they’re all sourced through an international marketplace…duh. And interestingly Lysine is the only supplement I keep around. I mostly rely on herbal tinctures and homeopathy. I will try some of your recommendations, thanks.
Aftermix - this comment was posted to the prior article where I was having a discussion with Mothman about Vitamin C by IV and respiratory disease. Whoever Mothman is, his story is so detailed and poignant I do not see any reason to believe it is untrue.
11 years in the medikill deth mill says that everything they wrote tracks with what goes on in the English Colonies as well. Frankly, you could have just set the narrative in Hell with demons wearing white coats and it still would have been 100% accurate.
In 1593, playwright Christopher Marlowe was suspected to have been assassinated for writing overt defamation of the British Crown into his plays (the Yehoo of Malta and Dr. Faustus). In 2014, Joe Atwill wrote his book Shakespeare's Messiah indicating that Marlowe was implicated with Italian-Yehoo Amelia Bassano, who wrote some of Shakespeare's plays which were covert revenge literature against the inheritors of the Roman Empire, Christians, and Gentiles. The Bassanos were brought to England to be the entertainers for the Crown. History repeats itself.
I believe every word. I had a horrific hospital experience myself though nothing compared to MothMan. The irony is that the “doctor” who recommended I go to the hospital was way ahead of the vid curve which was why I consulted her. I was severely dehydrated. She was known amongst my militant anti vax friends and since Covid was in vogue at the time, they wanted me to consult with her. My first big mistake. Luckily I knew the dangers of remdesivir (though the learned “doctor” failed to warn me) so I vehemently refused it, now she’s Big hero after being barred from practicing here in Maine for going against the Covid flow. and fighting successfully against the WHO attempts. I’m fine but still pissed off. I was 74 at the time, prime victim for the hospital psychos. And oddly, I often have the sensation of being pricked by a pin in all parts of my body. Who knows what happened to me in the hospital, their notes are totally inconsistent with my experience. One nurse told me I was dying, she whispered it in my ear. I don’t know if I had Covid going in but I most certainly had something nasty after a night in that hellhole.
Miss Lynn - These first person accounts like yours are invaluable. In my experience with Oxalosis resulting from antibiotics causing yeast overgrowth and then oxalate (kidney) stones and crystals everywhere in my body (eyes, feet, muscles, etc.), your sensation of pin pricks might be from neurological damage from oxalate crystals. Cut back on spinach, chocolate, Vitamin C, all nuts, bran cereals, soy, etc. and reduce fungus in your liver with enteric garlic capsules and Biotin 3 to 4 tabs each meal, and see if that relieves your pins and needles. Chewable Lysine might also help. Flood each meal with water to flush out oxalic acid before it forms a crystal in your stomach. Constipation and lymph channel blockage from sugar can result in oxalate crystals piling up everywhere. If this provides some relief, then it might be oxalates. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting. I don’t do pharmaceuticals and never take antibiotics because except as described I never see a doctor and have never had a flu shot (I’m 77). I do find even when I soak and roast nuts they upset my stomach. And except for occasional spinach I don’t consume the others. Ive stopped all vits because I found they’re all sourced through an international marketplace…duh. And interestingly Lysine is the only supplement I keep around. I mostly rely on herbal tinctures and homeopathy. I will try some of your recommendations, thanks.
What a reading Wayne! I do not know MothMan. Is this a true story? I am assuming it is.
Aftermix - this comment was posted to the prior article where I was having a discussion with Mothman about Vitamin C by IV and respiratory disease. Whoever Mothman is, his story is so detailed and poignant I do not see any reason to believe it is untrue.
11 years in the medikill deth mill says that everything they wrote tracks with what goes on in the English Colonies as well. Frankly, you could have just set the narrative in Hell with demons wearing white coats and it still would have been 100% accurate.
In 1593, playwright Christopher Marlowe was suspected to have been assassinated for writing overt defamation of the British Crown into his plays (the Yehoo of Malta and Dr. Faustus). In 2014, Joe Atwill wrote his book Shakespeare's Messiah indicating that Marlowe was implicated with Italian-Yehoo Amelia Bassano, who wrote some of Shakespeare's plays which were covert revenge literature against the inheritors of the Roman Empire, Christians, and Gentiles. The Bassanos were brought to England to be the entertainers for the Crown. History repeats itself.