Man Of The Hour - MothMan's ICU Story of Weaponized Medical Torture
Don't Miss It. Mothman is a commenter on this website who left this comment.
The death rate was 75% in the ICU where I was, I was told by a senior nurse there at the stage just after where patients were taken off ventilators, then more were killed by heart attacks and strokes and secondary pneumonia, and that was for up to 65 year olds, I was 63 and a half then, and for those over 65 in the ICU the death rate was 97.2% at that stage.
I think some wanted to keep me alive but only to do so while leaving me as seriously messed up for life as possible, like giving me a good working over with baseball bats or worse, though one doctor and nurse very deliberately surreptitiously gave me a drug I am strongly allergic to without telling me beforehand, making me even more desperately ill, and when I asked the nurse what she had given me when I was feeling very bad indeed just after getting some unknown medication and told her I am allergic to that after she told me what it was, that it causes anaphylaxis in me, she went away, came back, and told me "The doctor says she is thinking of giving it to you again". Complete head cases, the pair of them, they both belong in Rampton (Rampton is a high security psychiatric hospital in Nottinghamshire, UK).
I had a bunch of these clever cunts pratting about like that, but I was kept alive due to the kind help of the proportion of the staff who actually were sincerely intended and very kind, decent and helpful, who were obviously not part of the WEF (NAME OF GROUP DELETED) death cult club having a rave up. I had been required to confirm with every doctor and nurse visiting me what drugs I am allergic to, so these bastards who gave me that knew exactly what they were doing and just wanted to watch me choke, and I was very genuinely nearly dying already, being continually at very serious risk of fatal stroke or heart attack, and did have a stroke and heart attacks diagnosed after coming round, and secondary pneumonia, with lungs still full up with impacted mucus so I was having an especially hard time trying to draw any breath at all, and all my muscles were all heavily wasted away having been laid flat out and having had machines do everything.
While I was in hospital in an induced coma the hard case police chose that particular time to smash the door to my apartment clean out of the wall and then they tore my place apart, and my website of 11-years’ work, 50 GB or so containing 3,800 articles or so, many my own work or large commentaries to on other people's articles, were all irretrievably taken down. Just after I was brought out of induced coma, a man in a black suit approached me in my high security medical isolation unit room while I was laid flat out in bed unable even to sit up, struggling to breathe, and asked me why I had made allegations to the police about a certain (ethnic group name deleted) Prime Minister, waving my actual written statement in his hand in front of me provocatively at the time, as if to let me know that was the real reason I was now in hospital. Or maybe they are just trying to find out if I have grandiose delusions of actually being a doctor myself, haha, and more likely the latter is the true reason they ask this in what is after all a rather gaslighting manner.
I have no doubt whatsoever that my 'illness' was artificially induced by electronic weaponry and COVID jab nanotech either injected surreptitiously or acquired through shedding that was then activated by a directed electronic attack, if you had experienced exactly what I have done you would not be in the slightest doubt about this either. I am not a doctor by the way, though a lot of nurses ask me that too, or if I have ever been one, as they say I seem to know a lot about medicine.
Incidentally, sitting on buses several times I have felt a sensation exactly like a pin being stuck in my eye, and when I have got home there have been massive eye bleeds in the white of the eye, I reckon that is from people using mobile phones around me when I am in an enclosed metal space, which makes mobile signals very dangerous for everyone in such an enclosed space, but the weird thing is, this has only started happening to me, and happening very regularly, since the COVID thing started. The most recent occurrence of this was when I was sitting in an office building with loads of dishes on the rooftop, and I felt as if someone had stuck a needle in my eye, I got up to go to the bathroom to rinse my eye, thinking a sharp piece of lyme tree pollen was in it, and saw my eye was bleeding heavily with bright red blood totally covering over one half of the white of my eye just under the surface of the conjunctiva, interestingly, a lady working in the same office had just had a stroke there, I think the rooftop dishes are causing dangerous intensities of EMF (electro magnetic fields) there.
I know what you are saying about medical snobbery, I agree there is a lot of that, even staff bully other staff who are not from public school backgrounds for instance, the nastiness even between staff can be horrible. but what I am talking about is on the level of something far more serious. Another senior consultant doctor came up to me in ICU and ominously and threateningly said to me "The government warned you", and then repeated that shortly later, like I had better learn to keep my mouth shut or else. I have had some very very nasty things done to me which I won't go into here involving 'doctors', but suffice to say, many of the so-called doctors these days are politically motivated and more like Bolshevik torturers mainly intent on using medical positions in an entirely weaponized manner to inflict a form of terrorism as part of their 'social engineering' program, the current fashion involving the intended liquidation of 7.5 billion human beings by the Bolshevik WEF (World Economic Forum) using heavily infiltrated political and medical staff and others inflltrated into all kinds of influential and powerful positions.
Concerning vitamin C, when someone is about to die or have their arms and legs cut off with sepsis and have major organ damage from sepsis itself, if vitamin C can help stop that sepsis would you really then refuse to give them vitamin C in that situation? If so, what would you give in its place, as you would have to come up with something better than the Dr Marik protocol or simply watch your patient either die in many cases, or have arms and legs removed in many other cases or watch them suffer liver or kidney failure in any case. If you have a viable tried and tested better alternative, I am all for it.
I believe every word. I had a horrific hospital experience myself though nothing compared to MothMan. The irony is that the “doctor” who recommended I go to the hospital was way ahead of the vid curve which was why I consulted her. I was severely dehydrated. She was known amongst my militant anti vax friends and since Covid was in vogue at the time, they wanted me to consult with her. My first big mistake. Luckily I knew the dangers of remdesivir (though the learned “doctor” failed to warn me) so I vehemently refused it, now she’s Big hero after being barred from practicing here in Maine for going against the Covid flow. and fighting successfully against the WHO attempts. I’m fine but still pissed off. I was 74 at the time, prime victim for the hospital psychos. And oddly, I often have the sensation of being pricked by a pin in all parts of my body. Who knows what happened to me in the hospital, their notes are totally inconsistent with my experience. One nurse told me I was dying, she whispered it in my ear. I don’t know if I had Covid going in but I most certainly had something nasty after a night in that hellhole.
What a reading Wayne! I do not know MothMan. Is this a true story? I am assuming it is.