Hey Wayne. I'll Line-Item as I read.

I'm having trouble with their oxymoronic use of the description: human cells "containing" strains of measles, HIV and SARS with the conclusion that Lions, and Tigers and Bears were not detected...

So, how, in the Name of Grandma Moses, could it be determined that they "contained" these agents in the first place? If they were there in the first place then they should have been detected by the party of the second part.

I find all of this AlterNut stuff too trite to waste my time on, but I alway enjoy your refreshing autopsies.

Virus Taxonomy, Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, 2012 has family photos, gene sequences, and family trees of the buggers. So, if it is total shit I would love for someone to have at it and show how it is a moon landing hoax or STFU about 'never been isolated', never PHOTOGRAPHED?, and my favorite: never been seen. Those learned slogans of the VDE cult is rhetoric from religiously deluded people who are hysterical to Put It To The Man for being lied to when they can't discern that they've been lied to about being lied to. Because with the data in that 1272 page book there is plenty for any researcher to do what apparently never happens in science anymore: FACT CHECKING. (other than Snopes).

Please consider when talking about the digestive system to not restrict the narrative to just bacteria. Has anyone ever wondered WHY they throw antibiotics at EVERYTHING even when it is suspected it is a 'virus' or a fungus? It's because the anti-fungal drugs as a cure are almost as bad as the kyll. THEY GOT NO GAME. So they ONLY talk about their pet bacteria and make everything about bacteria and spread fear porn like a colony of bacteria. Parasites are DENIED TO EXIST IN NORTH HAMERICA!

Multicellular and single celled parasites ALL OF WHICH CAN BURROW through the body including the little single celled buggers if the tight junctions that should prevent sepsis are opened by cholera toxin (a poison from a bacteriophage-infected BACTERIA). Then you have your bacteria, rickettsia, nanobacteria, that should make everyone happy - except for the last two relate back to the Lyme we upons. NO ONE is talking about the BURROWING (back to gut-initiated sepsis) of the PHYLA of Spirochetes which aren't technically a 'bacteria'. Then you've got another corkscrew called helicobacter pylori that BURROWS into the STOMACH to shut dow the acid producing cells, so that acid you are referring to that SHOULD protect us is at 50% or below by the time we are 40 years old.

Then as you rightly bring up fungus, yeast, mold, and mildew to put us in a world of hurt and even deeper out of options to control what has taken over our guts.

The Warburg theory of fermentation was put into question when it was discovered that there were those with cancer who benefited from hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the cancer went away, but those in whom the extra oxygen FED their cancer.

We live in a world where nothing is predictable and if the Alternuts masturbatingly repeat the same stories over and over WITHOUT giving the Paul Harvey Rest Of The Story, then no one would THINK to investigate if the fermentation theory was true or needed to be retested, or... if it were true BUT ONLY IN CERTAIN CASES !!!!!

The catch 22 is that preformed vitamin A doesn't exist in the plant world. Carotenes are precursors that require the body to CHANGE them into the active vitamin so if you are genetically damaged, or you've got bad bile, or like Al Bundy you think vegetables are of the devil, then vitamin A ain't gettin' in.

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Jun 20Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

It is my understanding that terrain does not assume externalisation, the body is also the terrain and can withstand external terrain factors if the body terrain is strong and balanced.

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Yes. But de-toxing the fish tank or the human body will not work because clean food, good bacteria, and essential minerals are turned into toxins that can slip between cell junctions and poison the blood. Terrain Theory wants the fish tank cleaned and the body detoxed, but that will not prevent sepsis. I like your idea though. We need to work on a sepsis protocol beyond Dr. Paul Marik's high dose Vitamin C IV protocol. For example, Sepsis patients need hooked up with a dialysis machine to protect the kidney. The gut may need massive infusions of Aloe Vera to stop the leaking. Hospital protocol is to reduce the secondary infection symptoms such as difficulty breathing, heart attack, or cancer, and deal directly with the underlying cause of a porous intestine. Nicotine gum may work by plugging the intestinal lining.

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Jun 20Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Nicotine gum? Do tell.

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See my article of June 7

Nicotine Tightens intestinal Wall Lining Reducing Sepsis



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I found the article and I had already read but it seems didnā€™t retain it. Fantastic work and much appreciated.

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Thank you, unfortunately link is telling me page is private, when I put in my email it sends me a link to same error. I would be very interested in reading this (quit smoking tobacco 2.5 yrs ago) and will see if I can find it.

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Let it sink in that people still die of sepsis in 2024 AD just like they did in 3000 BC and that every disease spawn from the big 5 (see Malacards.org). There is such a thing as adaptation to continue evolution on both sidesā€¦.the parasite (pathogenic agent insert name here)and the host (human or animal). There are some quite challenging pathogens out here, example Bartonella (which not only is very difficult to detect but it is also difficult to culture outside of the human body).

My question is all about the testing methodology and what the testers were looking for. And notoriously every lyme disease patients are told that testing is negative most time -I would agree the the first and prime symptoms of lyme disease are of septic nature) - Again not microscope type of testing as mentioned in this write up. That alone is done in different ways. When I got mine tested, I was told my sample showed micrococci bacteria which is endemic in gut. So according to the expert this was the problem.

However I argue something else this would indicate ā€œleaky gutā€. Many people have this in the blood.



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