It is their way of giving us some truths while obfuscating the bigger picture. The media and alternative media is full of people making their money with that practice and even though it is despicable, I am still thankful for them because I have learned a lot from people I now consider liars.
As I wrote in the text of article, be suspicious of anything being communicated from an institution, as the communicators can not distinguish from lying and truth because what is operating is an ideology - a cover for economic interests.
Seems to me this misses the point which is "If you can print as much money as you like, and counterfeit money legally who controls the Government" (A quote I once observed). And of course, also, the massively financed Corporations & a huge percentage of the public. The CC, DEI, MIC, WS/Pandemic/Med Industrial complex etc, etc are all just ruses (& distraction/division) & also backed/controlled by finance (be it public or private) (& MSM). Financing the Media Barron's who "promote the BS" & destroying the others who do not is also a big part. They are using "Disruption/distraction/wars/fear/DIVISION & racism is their BIG trick, its all over the Media & not in the streets-good for war promotion)) etc" to get near everybody sidetracked from focussing on who is really pulling ALL the strings from above. The WEF is not really about Fascism it is about pulling together all their "debt dependent Corp heads" & TELLING them the agenda & they all know if they don't support it the will lose their financing (& be taken out by those they will then finance). ie Its about building "a coalition/puppets" to push the BS tricks (AND monetising them). The game is get everyone in debt, keep them in debt & then you control them & milk them. Also of course keep them ignorant. Pretty simple, follow the money!
Seems to me they want tyranny and to trick everybody into believing it is "democracy" ....all about total control because they don't want to taken off to the guillotine for initiating the murder of countless millions over centuries...& using their propaganda tricks to make it look like they are "the saviours". Its pretty simple just watch what they do. How much wealth could be created all over the planet in just a few yrs with sensible "pro-trade & wealth creation, & other good" policies eg post war Japan, past 30yrs in China... Thats the last thing the want ...they don't 99% of folks wealthy they want CONTROL & DEBT SLAVES, & Orwells "ignorance is strength" .
You always bring a Linda Blair head-spinning fresh perspective to everything.
I really like your analysis.
My personal view is that the political demoninations were invented just like religious denominations for the Divide & Rule once the rubes have chosen and side and therefore an enemy.
Sun Tzu also maximized: Expect the Unexpected.
What if?
What if Fascists USE capitalism and communism as TOOLS to funny (edit: funnel) industry, people, and wealth into the direction that they want it to go? What if the different flavors of Mind Control (Govern Mente) were just flash-in-the-pan show to keep people distracted from the singleness of purpose and singular goal that is being etched into what is left of human society?
I can't find the quote from 60 Minutes (I always blame the secretary of the Navy) that there was never a free market economy (a major plank of the Libertarians) because the Constitution is clear that Congress shall regulate trade. So there is another Ism down the toity-hole.
They're just working us so anything that has to do with crowd control has to be stopped.
Great points.. I've come to learn we can not escape politics but maybe we can reorient the organising power of political and social structiral management to be as local as possible..
The preface to your post was quite intriguing..
I listen a lot to Dennis Fetcho whom has a weekly radio show over Internet focusing on Geopolitics (a word invented by a Swedish economist if I recall) and on the organized J-y power political block (or should we maybe call it the "Jonopoly"..
Dennis Fetcho is as you and Pat a great teacher..
I'd love to hear you do a listener call in to his show if you'd fancy..
He is live 10 am - 1 pm eastern at on studio A..
His show name is Inside The Eye Live/ITEL and web page with link to archived shows (a 12 year back catalogue)..
The thought crossed my mind that the Power Elites want us to think we are under some sort of Commie takeover to divert our attention away from the skullduggery of oligarchs. I once tried to leave a comment at Jeo-Xtian The American Thinker but they just said everything was Commie-ism. If everything is Commie-ism, nothing is. So, I couldn't get any kind of recognition that oligarchs may be behind what has been going on since 2020.
Oligarchs have been behind probably every significant "movement" since the 16th century at least.
One could do much worse than study the British East India Company and its machinations and atrocities. Check out the flags of the BEIC for some hints regarding the political monstrosity we see today.
As Pat knows* the Hospitalers are a military branch and entering a hospital is to enter as a foreign enemy combattant thus per se volonteering for what ever hapoens when the enemies military infuences its operation over you..
The Hospitalers crest is the same as the Danish flag..
To give you an idea of the by Scandinavians ill tongue over Danes/Denmark**..
The Danes are among Scandinavians regarded as "the Nordic J's.. We are warned" to count our fingers after shaking hands with 'em" due to Danes are heald as sneaky/cheap/greedy in business dealings..
**(a "mark" is a land given in vassal ("vessle/commerce"))
* (and the known' s are the preposits to use to describe the unknown's with)
"Marxism has always been used as a false ideology of a working-class revolt to justify mass murder and the takeover of a country by oligarchs...Communism is a racket for oligarch banker control, not a proletarian or worker revolt against the factory-owning class. Communism is a strategy to use grievances of social misfits and racial groups to destroy a nation’s leadership class and impose the international globalist class."
"Famous names, Vanderbilt, Lamont, Whitney, Morgan, mingled with those of communist leaders. The Russian Institute was so respectable that it was allowed to give in-service courses to New York City schoolteachers for credit."
“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)
Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle
Thanks for the feedback especially about the US Constitution which my article did not address. Yes, if the US Constitution was so great, why was it possible to declare a phony public health emergency as a pretense to take over the country and destroy small businesses without just compensation or redress in the courts? There are still many who believe we should restore the Constitution. Bolshevik Russia was promised a Constitution and it had the very same loopholes - could not stop spending, could not stop endless war or emergency powers. Ancient Rome under the oligarchs was a Timocracy - government by the propertied and selfish ambitious rulers. Oligarchy in the US concentrates so much wealth that they can fund an army (BLM, Antifa) against the people.
Yup. The whole system was a farce and a fraud from the get go. Speaking of the Bolshie monsters, that freak show was financed into power and supported to the hilt by the banking mafia of the world. FDR's admin was full of Commies as Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers said.
The constitution concentrated power in the hands of a few and enabled the subsequent crime spree, yet the brainwashed masses yap about it as if it was something sacred to this day.
It is their way of giving us some truths while obfuscating the bigger picture. The media and alternative media is full of people making their money with that practice and even though it is despicable, I am still thankful for them because I have learned a lot from people I now consider liars.
As I wrote in the text of article, be suspicious of anything being communicated from an institution, as the communicators can not distinguish from lying and truth because what is operating is an ideology - a cover for economic interests.
And it is a great advice :)
Amen. It's all a big fat set of lies.
Seems to me this misses the point which is "If you can print as much money as you like, and counterfeit money legally who controls the Government" (A quote I once observed). And of course, also, the massively financed Corporations & a huge percentage of the public. The CC, DEI, MIC, WS/Pandemic/Med Industrial complex etc, etc are all just ruses (& distraction/division) & also backed/controlled by finance (be it public or private) (& MSM). Financing the Media Barron's who "promote the BS" & destroying the others who do not is also a big part. They are using "Disruption/distraction/wars/fear/DIVISION & racism is their BIG trick, its all over the Media & not in the streets-good for war promotion)) etc" to get near everybody sidetracked from focussing on who is really pulling ALL the strings from above. The WEF is not really about Fascism it is about pulling together all their "debt dependent Corp heads" & TELLING them the agenda & they all know if they don't support it the will lose their financing (& be taken out by those they will then finance). ie Its about building "a coalition/puppets" to push the BS tricks (AND monetising them). The game is get everyone in debt, keep them in debt & then you control them & milk them. Also of course keep them ignorant. Pretty simple, follow the money!
Seems to me they want tyranny and to trick everybody into believing it is "democracy" ....all about total control because they don't want to taken off to the guillotine for initiating the murder of countless millions over centuries...& using their propaganda tricks to make it look like they are "the saviours". Its pretty simple just watch what they do. How much wealth could be created all over the planet in just a few yrs with sensible "pro-trade & wealth creation, & other good" policies eg post war Japan, past 30yrs in China... Thats the last thing the want ...they don't 99% of folks wealthy they want CONTROL & DEBT SLAVES, & Orwells "ignorance is strength" .
You always bring a Linda Blair head-spinning fresh perspective to everything.
I really like your analysis.
My personal view is that the political demoninations were invented just like religious denominations for the Divide & Rule once the rubes have chosen and side and therefore an enemy.
Sun Tzu also maximized: Expect the Unexpected.
What if?
What if Fascists USE capitalism and communism as TOOLS to funny (edit: funnel) industry, people, and wealth into the direction that they want it to go? What if the different flavors of Mind Control (Govern Mente) were just flash-in-the-pan show to keep people distracted from the singleness of purpose and singular goal that is being etched into what is left of human society?
I can't find the quote from 60 Minutes (I always blame the secretary of the Navy) that there was never a free market economy (a major plank of the Libertarians) because the Constitution is clear that Congress shall regulate trade. So there is another Ism down the toity-hole.
They're just working us so anything that has to do with crowd control has to be stopped.
Wow... I type as fast as I can in stream of consciousness but only caught: DEMONinations AFTER I hit POST. I really like it.
Great points.. I've come to learn we can not escape politics but maybe we can reorient the organising power of political and social structiral management to be as local as possible..
The preface to your post was quite intriguing..
I listen a lot to Dennis Fetcho whom has a weekly radio show over Internet focusing on Geopolitics (a word invented by a Swedish economist if I recall) and on the organized J-y power political block (or should we maybe call it the "Jonopoly"..
Dennis Fetcho is as you and Pat a great teacher..
I'd love to hear you do a listener call in to his show if you'd fancy..
He is live 10 am - 1 pm eastern at on studio A..
His show name is Inside The Eye Live/ITEL and web page with link to archived shows (a 12 year back catalogue)..
The thought crossed my mind that the Power Elites want us to think we are under some sort of Commie takeover to divert our attention away from the skullduggery of oligarchs. I once tried to leave a comment at Jeo-Xtian The American Thinker but they just said everything was Commie-ism. If everything is Commie-ism, nothing is. So, I couldn't get any kind of recognition that oligarchs may be behind what has been going on since 2020.
Oligarchs have been behind probably every significant "movement" since the 16th century at least.
One could do much worse than study the British East India Company and its machinations and atrocities. Check out the flags of the BEIC for some hints regarding the political monstrosity we see today.
I heard the BEIC flag is "USA"'s flag structure..
As Pat knows* the Hospitalers are a military branch and entering a hospital is to enter as a foreign enemy combattant thus per se volonteering for what ever hapoens when the enemies military infuences its operation over you..
The Hospitalers crest is the same as the Danish flag..
To give you an idea of the by Scandinavians ill tongue over Danes/Denmark**..
The Danes are among Scandinavians regarded as "the Nordic J's.. We are warned" to count our fingers after shaking hands with 'em" due to Danes are heald as sneaky/cheap/greedy in business dealings..
**(a "mark" is a land given in vassal ("vessle/commerce"))
* (and the known' s are the preposits to use to describe the unknown's with)
Interesting comment. I didn't know that about Danes and "Danemark" or anything about the Hospitaller. Thanks.
Here's a flag link you may like and I hope it still works!
Article by Sir Charles Fawcett
I corrected some typos in my post above..
You just nailed it beautifully.
"Marxism has always been used as a false ideology of a working-class revolt to justify mass murder and the takeover of a country by oligarchs...Communism is a racket for oligarch banker control, not a proletarian or worker revolt against the factory-owning class. Communism is a strategy to use grievances of social misfits and racial groups to destroy a nation’s leadership class and impose the international globalist class."
"Famous names, Vanderbilt, Lamont, Whitney, Morgan, mingled with those of communist leaders. The Russian Institute was so respectable that it was allowed to give in-service courses to New York City schoolteachers for credit."
-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness, Chap 11 (1963)
The US Constitution also represents a similar scam.
“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.
“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)
Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle
Thanks for the feedback especially about the US Constitution which my article did not address. Yes, if the US Constitution was so great, why was it possible to declare a phony public health emergency as a pretense to take over the country and destroy small businesses without just compensation or redress in the courts? There are still many who believe we should restore the Constitution. Bolshevik Russia was promised a Constitution and it had the very same loopholes - could not stop spending, could not stop endless war or emergency powers. Ancient Rome under the oligarchs was a Timocracy - government by the propertied and selfish ambitious rulers. Oligarchy in the US concentrates so much wealth that they can fund an army (BLM, Antifa) against the people.
Yup. The whole system was a farce and a fraud from the get go. Speaking of the Bolshie monsters, that freak show was financed into power and supported to the hilt by the banking mafia of the world. FDR's admin was full of Commies as Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers said.
The constitution concentrated power in the hands of a few and enabled the subsequent crime spree, yet the brainwashed masses yap about it as if it was something sacred to this day.
Thanks for your fine article.
Well said