Jun 1Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

gosh! whom (sic to avoid WHO) to believe


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Perceptive question. I listened to an audio podast by Dr. Jennifer Daniels MD who is the guru of collagen/cartilage. The list of so called collagen boosting foods is pure marketing according to Daniels. If we want cartilage we have to eat it - pigs feet, pigs ears, beef tendons, chicken feet, etc. Many people find it unpalatable to eat such parts of animals but if we want to live a vital life we have to eat cartilage. It is the body's scaffolding. Daniels has been successful, for example, at recommending patients with atrial fibrillation problem to eat pig heart valve. According to her it works. No drugs or surgery needed. I am revising my article and will repost the revision shortly.

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Bone broth is delicious, not unpalatable!! I've had a pot simmering all day, smells great. I use roasted chickens from the grocery--eat the chicken, throw the carcass and bones in a pot, cover with water, add salt, simmer for 12+ hours. Add chicken feet, beef marrow bones, pigs ears, or whatever else you want. Super easy, way better than any both broth you can buy.

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Jun 2Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

hmmm i seem to have survived so far without any of those feet, ears, and tendrons, and no brokemn bones yet, there’s still time for my scaffolding to collapse unexpectedly, like a died suddenly but not so far.

we are animals too. how come we can’t create collagen?

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Good question. My understanding is as we age metabolism and stomach acid declines and enzyme deficiencies. Cartilage is made from amino acids. Older people have more skin wrinkles from sugar, fried foods creating inflammation, lack of lubricants like olive oil. There is a set of specialist doctors who deal with cartilage deficiencies (interstitial pneumonia, etc.).

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Jun 2Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

well then i’ll continue to stay away from sugar, fried foods and keep eating olive oil. i’ll leave the feet, ears and tendrons to those with such a predilection

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Jun 2Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Leaky gut big cause is glyphosate, which is an antibiotic

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Interesting. I did not know that it had antibiotic mechanism of action.

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Jun 2Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Patented as an antibiotic in 2010

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Of course its potency is dependent on its dosage, which must be tiny in food but nonetheless can accumulate in the human body perhaps eventually causing bacterial resistance. Glyphosate loses potency when used as a crop insecticide below 50 degrees. Dr Bruce Ames, PhD, Cal Berkeley, has shown that purely organic plant foods have 10,000 x the natural toxins of any industrial pesticide (including plant oxalates). But 50% of this natural toxicity comes from rat droppings where grain and vegetables are stored. Ergo, buy flash frozen veggies.

Antibiotics wipe out the Oxalobacter bacteria that control yeast-candida, resulting in a yeast overgrowth that promotes oxalates and leaky gut. Oxalates can create an auto immune reaction. So, the delayed bioweapon in food and medicines is the autoimmune reaction that the antibiotics cause. I have learned how to control yeast/candida with a small dose of pure turpentine, biotin B-7, non-dairy probiotics such as sauerkraut and coconut based yogurt with Bifido and Rhamnosus GG strains, and dietary avoidance of sugar and starches. This has eliminated arthritis, oxalate damage to intestine, brain fog, fatigue, neuropathy.

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