Apr 10Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Interesting stuff, but there is so much life in us and around us. How it all ties together and works together will always be a mystery. I suffered from pretty severe colitis or Crohn's disease (diagnosis changed depending on the doctor a saw) almost my entire life, then did a fecal transplant about 10 years ago and it healed me almost entirely. I had a friend that was diagnosed with Stage 3 or 4 colon cancer, then he changed his diet and ate a lot of fermented foods and healed himself. Others have had similar results through fasting or using anti-parasitic drugs, or they just got lucky. The tests for cancer or really any scientific test really aren't that good anyway. I recall reading an interview with Rodney Richards, who was involved in developing tests for AIDS and he would say the various tests can never be validated or accurate until the HIV can be isolated (it never will be). The same holds true for almost every illness, or so-called virus. Guys like John Ioannidis are absolutely correct for pointing out that around 95% of scientific research is utter bullshit (I lived it in my own career). I love Tom Cowan for his inquisitive mind and for him endlessly pointing out the bullshit in biology and science. My favorite gardener is David The Good and he often talks about the powerful herbicides that go very far downstream with their destruction, even into manures that we buy at the box stores can carry these herbicides and utterly destroy any garden for many years. Please don't ignore the many ways they are poisoning the world. I pray everyone can continue to have an open mind and become more humble through this difficult journey of trying to find truth, while living in a sea of lies.

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For your consideration:


I've been doing literature review for 24 years and have only read ~6 papers that could be considered actual Science. All of the work of Gilbert Ling was/is beyond perfection which is why the Navy illegally cut his funding, and one of his grad students stole his work and got a prize for plagerizing it.

Living on the Pharm in ILL Annoyed, I finally broke the code on what herbicides are:

They aren't.

They are HUMAN DRUGS that have the added benefit of killing weeds.

As you say these new human drugs are so persistent that they can zombify plants for years or in the case of annual plants render them Undead until the frost deadifies them.

We are in some deep Kimchi.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Hey Wayne. Do you have any background material on the Sepsis warning for Ambulance services?

This entire thing has the surrealistic feel of you pushing so hard on the hollyweird facade that the A.I. just gave up and said: OK, we'll stop denying it, and give Wayne what he wants because he pushed through the wall in the maze and he's in the control room. Maybe he'll leave us alone if we offer him some hard cheddar - I hope he likes cheddar...

I have to catch up with your earlier posts so that I can re-read this in that context.

Would you please look into:

Plasmids, Cold Spring Harbor Labs.

I fear that you and your jackhammer might breach the storehouse of the Monterey Jack.

God Nose what you'll put together when you start studying what the Eugenics Guys were up to. Please be prepared to go back to the 1930s, because I think the roots of what you uncovered began its slow fermentation in their unhallowed halls.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9Author


Here is link to photo of ambulance in Dublin, Ireland

Commenter "Good True and Beautiful" below was the one who tipped me to the ambulances putting a list of sepsis symptoms on the outside.

I posted a review of this book at Amazon.com as well. And another version has been posted at LewRockwell.com

I expect I will make everyone on both sides of the false C-19 dialectic mad at me.

I live by a Credo - if you wanna be my friend you have to tell me what I DONT want to hear. Otherwise I know you're not my friend.

I started writing about COVID sepsis in March 2022. Now my new understanding of Bacterial Plasmids has provided a breakthrough.

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Whoopsi. I forgot to add the link to the photo of the Dublin ambulance with the warning about signs of Sepsis. LINK


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Thanks I'm data mining.

You have a Credo? David Icke had a Credo Mutwa.

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deletedApr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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I understand that garlic-milk is a potent anti-microbial. But most milk feeds fungus. So maybe crushed garlic and unsweetened coconut milk.

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The use of milk as bait goes back to at least the Amish who would grind FRESH pumpkin seeds and put them in milk. Tapeworms LOVE MILK. They soak it up with the paralyzing agent from the curcubits and then you have to run some Lube in the form of Castor Oil (I refuse to take that internally) to flush the paralyzed worms out. It's really hard to kill the bastards.

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Look, my brother died of Sepsis and took IV infusions of 3,000 mg of Vit. C every 4 hours. High dosages of Vitamin C can wipe out your kidney, creating a cascade of organ failures, called Sepsis. I would be very careful in taking high dose Vit. C by IV. Candida is an essential bacteria but when an antibiotic wipes out the other bacteria that balances Candida, then Candida goes haywire and can result in making kidney stones, etc. I can't give medical advice, but I would look into taking a tiny dose of Pure Spirits of Turpentine to keep Candida under check. Go to the Vitality Cycles.com website and get the free Candida Cleaner Protocol of how to safely take Turpentine. Also need to take high fiber before and after every meal to remove any bacterial overgrowths from backing up and stagnating in the body. Proverb - never drink water from a stagnant pond.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Candida before Dirty Balms (Nooks don't work, yet another lie) used to be a commensurate organism that broke down cellulose for us (no exotic enzymes needed). Darhpuh got a hold of it and now it is a sexually reproducing flesh-eating di-morphic fungal monster that can't be stopped by any conventional methods.

NOBODY talks about buy oh logical we upons.

This ain't your Granny's Biosphere.

There's a strain from government bases that resists ALL attempts to take it out including the Turps (which I would never use because it is a defatting agent that can affect the brain and it's #1 listing in the modern Merck chemical index is not for tapeworms but for that illustrious kidney damage.

Here's where the We Upon makers have us by the balls.

Sure the Hamerican diet is not. It's not even food. So what is falsely called Fiber is missing. Fiber is a bullshit name for SUGARS that are undigestible by humans but feed bugs. They are also called pre-biotics.

But we're back to the pre-1940s candida that used to eat the PRE-BIOTIC UNDIGESTIBLE SUGAR: CELLULOSE for us.

So, here's the catch 22: in order to try to keep the candida from over growing you definitely want a balance of microbes so that they can fight the turf wars. But in doing so you are going to have the STARTER MATERIAL (cellulose sugar) that GROWS the bugger you are trying to get rid of.

This is why these We Upons are so insidious. The buggers are engineered to use the very things that we are trying to fight them with. It took only one year after the discovery of streptomyces antibiotic for microbes to actually EAT IT AS A FOOD SOURCE.

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deletedApr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Ore... as I like to say:

It was PUT in hospitals so that it could spread easier.

These superbugs don't come out of nowhere. They are man-made.

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Robin. - thanks for bringing Candida Auris to my attention. Here is what U. of California at Davis says about it:

The fungus can cause a bloodstream infection. Fever, chills, sweats and low blood pressure are the most common symptoms of a C. auris infection. Infections have been found in patients of all ages, from preterm infants to the elderly.

So, it sounds like C. Auris is like Staph or C. Difficile in that it can provoke bacterial resistance against it.

I don't know for sure, but I bet measured tiny doses of Pure Spirits of Turpentine could help control Auris.

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deletedApr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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I misspoke in haste. Thanks for the correction. Candida is a yeast. It is found in the mouth where it helps digestion.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I live in Dublin and I have seen this on ambulances, plus I have had a few family members die who had 'MRSA' quotes cos that's what we were told, sounds like sepsis to me. In last 12 months we also have lots of bill boards saying 1 in 3 people will get shingles. Fortunately I am old enough to know that is a 'new' thing.

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Thanks for the original tip to the title of this article.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Happy to help, you are doing an amazing job and i wish I could pay for subscription but zero coming in for a while now.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Ahhhh.... to come UP to Zero from negative integers is the dream of all Hamericans....

All of the best people in the world have been impoverished. Cheers.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Thanks for making us aware of this latest LOOK OVER THERE! deflection psyop of the ConVeed skam. If I were an Evil Govern Mente Agent in collusion with my fellow Evil International Agents of Chaos and Mayhem, I would have released an agent 4 years ago that caused all of the SYMPTOMS of what we have been told; call it something completely different; and then when folks caught on that it was just a ruse to keep people looking for a Buy Oh We Upon release; then I would TELL THE TRUTH that Sepsis was rampant without telling them that the We Upon that was created and released CAUSED the Sepsis that is now undeniably a foundational feature of the Main Feature film.

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Apr 9Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I'm going to spend a bit of time trying to reason out Wayne's new insights with what is standard practice in the Genetic Manipulation industry: to engineer in antibiotic resistance or sensitivity into a bugger so that it can be used as a control or marker.


I NEVER considered that until you two pushed my mind in that direction.

Their goal has always been to destroy us so it seems that they are always working on revisions to their software.

Staph as well as other 'Flesh-Eaters' are merely the result of toxigenic bacteriophage infection that takes what was quiescent to make it into a monster. An ON switch, if you will. Plasmids, Phages, and Spirochetes are intricately entwined in this particular Murr Durr Mystery.

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Very interesting line of exploration. You're on the cutting edge, Pat

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Dude. It's all you.

I know so much about so much, but there are times when the compartmentalized facts remain just that. Then someone like you just puts a stick of gellignite in the T-Rex fossil and blows the entire cliff face off to see the chiseled instructions: FOLLOW THE ANTIBIOTICS !

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THEN.... on the topic of shingles. It was Mel Thornberg on Facebook who said that the Herpes Order of viruses were just dandruff (my paraphrase) from spirochetes like Lyme, and Syphilis both are insanely huge PAN DEM ICKS.

So people won't 'get' shingles. The agents were already embedded since Jenner in 1800. It's just that whatever is activating them is now part of their assaults they are hitting us with.

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