Apr 4Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I think you are distorting the 'alternative' view point here, when the immune system is bypassed by injections or the system is overwhelmed, these are not 'usual/normal' occurrences and go well beyond what is meant I believe by the body balancing itself, eg a winter cold or flu. When the bodies bacteria are proliferating where they are not meant to be because medical practices that is a trauma to the body and not part of the design for homeostasis. Just my opinion.

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My limited understanding is Bacteria form protective Capsids that protect it from the many layered Innate Immune System of degrading enzymes and macrophages that explode invasive pathogens. And Bacterial Resistance to fungal antibiotics also end runs the Innate Immune System by triggering imbalances in the pools of beneficial gut bacteria and the remainder of Candidiasis overgrowth. But these two circumventions of the Innate Immune System only occur in hospitals, not in labs or in nature. So, hospitalization produces "mutants" such as Capsidized Bacteria (Sepsis) and warring pools of life-sustaining pools of bacteria (Bacterial Resistances), not to be confused with genetic mutations. Capsidized bacteria are viral like in that they can replicate and are parasitic. The body's cleansing and regenerative processes are short circuited because these aberrations occur only in hospitals. There is no way for the body to use its many elimination systems of bowel, lymph drains, exhaling and coughing, nasal mucus discharge, urination, skin perspiration to eliminate the mutants. Your thoughts please.

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Helpful comment. I will try and incorporate it.

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