Response to: 'God is that which is more powerful than me at this time" - Patrick Jordan at Vaccine Fraud @substack
“God created the heavens and the earth. God did not create society (or religious scriptures). That latter achievement belongs entirely to man’s own ingenuity” (or disingenuine-ness). - Peter L. Berger, sociologist
Christianity was invented as a form of emperor worship by the Roman emperor Vespasian after the Israelites had slaughtered battalions of Roman soldiers occupying Judea twice in the first century. Moreover, the Israelites attacked the Island of Cyprus where they additionally slaughtered 240,000 innocent gentiles. What made the Judean fighters so vicious was their tribal war-driven religion and xenophobic paranoia. So, Vespasian massed an enormous military force in the first century and destroyed the Judean temple in Jerusalem and put a siege on the Israelites on the top of Mount Masada and eliminated them. But the Romans captured the Judean general and biblical scholar named Josephus who was fleeing the Roman counter-attack and brought him to Rome and gave him a townhome to live in. Josephus wrote propaganda history for the Romans (see his book The Jewish War) that was meant to provide third party validation of the Christian Gospels and Jesus. The Jesus figure had a split personality. The name Jesus Christ was created to appease the Israelites on one hand and the Greek-Roman gentiles who had no Messiah but could share in the worship of the Greek figure Christos.
Josephus, along with the Herodian Princess Berenice, and the former Israelite turned Roman general Tiberius Alexander, and a group of Roman scribes, formed a committee that wrote the first three Gospels. The word Gospel means a whoop or hurrah of “good news” by the winner of a war. Josephus devised a story of Jesus-Christ as the fulfillment of the Israelite prophecies of a messiah. But unlike the real Judas the Galilean who opposed the Romans (see the Dead Sea Scrolls), Josephus’s characterization of Jesus was as a pacificist and pious exemplary prophet not an emissary revolutionary prophet. Josephus also described the figure of Jesus as prophesying in 40 years the “abomination of desolation” of the Jewish Temple for their collective sins. Jesus also prophesied that “one greater than him” would come as their messiah (alluding to Roman general Titus). The Gospels were backdated, the book of Isaiah was appended to prophesy a future “suffering servant”, and the book of Daniel was written to prophesy the “abomination of the desolation” of the Temple, to make this appear as a fulfilled prophecy. Josephus described the Israelite Jesus as having all the same accomplishments as Vespasian's son Titus who destroyed the Temple, to make the Judeans believe Titus was fulfilling prophecy and was a god (see below – note: parallelism is not verbatim-ism).
Jesus was “sent by his father who was in heaven” and Titus was sent by his father Vespasian to Jerusalem to destroy the Israelite resistance.
When Jesus was brought to the shore in a boat his followers followed him; when Titus entered Jerusalem, his followers followed him.
When Jesus said I will make you fishers of men”, Josephus said when the Israelites fell out of the boats in the Sea of Galilee that Titus’s Roman vessels caught them.
Jesus is the leader of the disciples at the Sea of Galilee in Matthew 4:20; and in Josephus’s book Jesus is the leader of the pacifist Israelites in Galilee.
More importantly, every story, parable, and prophecy of Jesus in the New Testament can be found in the Old Testament or related documents.
The story of a pacifistic Judean Messiah who urged people to render taxes to Caesar, to turn the other cheek, to love their enemy, to let the Romans be first and the Israelites last (the Sermon on the Mount), to not have two masters of Rome and Israel, to implore Israelis to carry the packs of the Roman soldiers on the roads as a "good Samaritan" should, etc. The Christian Trinity is a prototype of the divinity of Vespasian (father), Titus (son) and youngest son and emperor Diocletian (spirit).
It should be added that the Israelites were expelled from Rome for disturbances around 49 A.D. by the emperor Claudius who was succeeded by the infamous emperor Nero; who allowed them back into Rome as his wife had converted to Judaism. But to drive the Christians out, Rome was burned and blamed on the pacifistic Christians.
So, Christians effectually worship Caesar not Jesus; Caesar meeting Pat Jordan’s criterion of someone who is all powerful over you. This is all explained in Joe Atwill's book “Caesar's Messiah”. Don't get me wrong, I am a (heretical) Christian if only for one reason: because Christianity was founded on being a counter religion to Judaism and its legalism, circumcision, psychological projection (blame) of their racism onto Gentiles, incapability of moral introspection, child sacrifice, money changing and usury, and unending wars on innocents. Put differently, my opposition to Judaism is behavioral not theological, ethnic or social. By 325 A.D. the Israelites, in consort with the Romans, re-wrote and assembled the Christian Bible to include that "salvation comes from the Judeans" (Gospel of John) rather than Jesus Christ. The Christian scriptures are like wall papering a wall repeatedly without stripping the prior layers of wallpaper – many contradictory layers of meanings. The eventual co-optation of the scriptures by the Israelites, made the Christian Gospels into Judean Worship today called Zionism, which is most prevalent in American Evangelical churches. American evangelical churches sponsor Holy Land tours to Jerusalem, while the story of Jesus is of a Galilean who lived outside the 12 tribes of Israel in tax revolt Galilee, and the first Christian churches were in Antioch, Turkey, not in Jerusalem. But today you can not find a version of Christianity that is a counter religion to Judaism. To the contrary, Christianity is Judean worship.
I'm so glad that you posted this Wayne! You made it easy to digest & I'm sure it will help many gleem hope & FREEDOM from the CONstruct of religiousity & churchianity.
Thank you. Your short article succinctly summarized the purposeful obfuscation of true history. The tremendous amount of research you must done saved me much time.