" It makes one wonder about other maligned persons in history such as Caesar, Caligula, and Gaddafi".....I guess depend on how and who wrote the history. Gaddafi is not seen as a bad figure. He did a lot for his people. We studied Cesar has a hero....not a villain....some modern historians say Putin follows Cesar footsteps. Caligula ....well history always bashed his character as an unhinged psychopath.

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Nothing really changed much since Macchiavelli times. We studied him in school....when I attended high school in Italy.

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Thanks for even reading my book review. Very few every read Machiavelli directly and rely on paid propagandists who want to smear him - like Leo Strauss's book Thoughts on Machiavelli. If you are interested in reading what Machiavelli might write as a response to Strauss's diatribe against him - read my Amazon.com review of Strauss's book at the following online LINK


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I like Macchiavelli style and not many Americans really know him. You must be a highly educated one.

My hat off to you....

The Prince was about Cesare Borgia life......and the Borgia family intricacies always fascinated me as a teenager.

Thanks for the link on amazon book.

Leonardo da Vinci made his money inventing war machines not painting. It is interesting to me to read how different critics from various countries either attack or idolize certain historical characters. So much hidden history.

Soooo....that is why you call yourself Macchiavellian man?

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I'm just a person who has tried to read Machiavelli directly through his letters, poems, plays, etc. not just The Prince. I'm not highly educated about Machiavelli.

Machiavelli believed in the State as politically constituted as a republic as the highest value for which he would sacrifice his soul. That seems to lead to a dead end because as you point out history is a story of how ironically we're back to square one of the oligarchs and tyranny rulers. Conversely, about the only consolation to the tragedy of power politics in world history is that we might be saved by our actions as an individual, not a member of the state, a class, tribe, or ethnic group. But as alienated individuals we have no power outside institutionalized religion or our ethnic group to resist those in power. So even libertarianism is a dead end. But I find the Christianity of Marcion, Erasmus and maybe Kierkegaard as offering redemption. As Erasmus put it in his book In Praise of Folly:

1. Folly provides the illusions necessary in life to render life this world tolerable and even pleasant;

2. Folly makes the professional leaders of the church and state blind enough to be happy in their vicious irresponsibility; and

3. Folly enables the Christian fool to renounce the world in favor of Christian joy, hope, play, humor, order and a sense of damnation of what is evil.

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Yes I had libertanian ideology too....still do but I have moved all over the chess board. I m going back full circle to where I was years ago almost.

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Problem with libertarian ism (a Yehoody narcissistic invention and most of its members are Yehoody) is that we only have power in numbers, ORGANIZED numbers. The Libertarians are individualist to a fault and don't want to organize. They hate power and thus leave it to others to wield against us while they smoke pot. They no longer have a raison de'tre of "stop the war against pot". Now opioids and fentanyl are murdering millions. The underground drug economy corrupts the entire economy. The Yehoodis keep us divided and fighting each other while they kill us.

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Aug 31Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Protocol 9:3...For us(elders) there are not checks to limit the range of our activity (intrigues) Our Super Government in subsists in one word- Dictatorship.I am in a position to tell you with a clear conscience(bug possessed) that at the proper time, we, the law-givers shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare(fellow yahudi) we as head of our troops(funded by tribute)are mounted on the steed of our leader(king despot of blood zion)We rule by force of will, and the weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengence, hatred and malice.....Machiavelli gets the blame for this yahudi bloodlust from the protocols, ye Lusvardi, with this post, destroyed that myth.

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