No way to avoid the "Trotskyite" / "Schachtmanite" legacy of so many in the post-modern neo-con camp. These were ideological Marxists in the beginning; many were emigres form Europe who ended up on the faculty at Columbia or Univ. of Chicago, Embittered old social democrats and "Reds". That theory of "permanent revolution" they pilfered from Trotsky (Lev Davidovitch Bronstein), who had himself borrowed it from aging arms dealer "Parvus" (Alexander Helphand). Permanent revolution ("the revolution in warfare") was a popular theme at neo-con thinktanks. They repackaged it with different words and names; but it fairly oozes out of that infamous PNAC document; referencing so many futuristic themes and schemes for re-engineering the wholen world in the post "Cold War" universe.
The only thing backing the USDollar is the military might and assured destruction of the US if one does not trade using the USD. So, this bakes constant warfare into the cake of the US economy and government. So, US "defense". policy is "Trotskyite" and Russian policy is not?
No way to avoid the "Trotskyite" / "Schachtmanite" legacy of so many in the post-modern neo-con camp. These were ideological Marxists in the beginning; many were emigres form Europe who ended up on the faculty at Columbia or Univ. of Chicago, Embittered old social democrats and "Reds". That theory of "permanent revolution" they pilfered from Trotsky (Lev Davidovitch Bronstein), who had himself borrowed it from aging arms dealer "Parvus" (Alexander Helphand). Permanent revolution ("the revolution in warfare") was a popular theme at neo-con thinktanks. They repackaged it with different words and names; but it fairly oozes out of that infamous PNAC document; referencing so many futuristic themes and schemes for re-engineering the wholen world in the post "Cold War" universe.
The only thing backing the USDollar is the military might and assured destruction of the US if one does not trade using the USD. So, this bakes constant warfare into the cake of the US economy and government. So, US "defense". policy is "Trotskyite" and Russian policy is not?
Thank you for giving a very different idea of who Machiavelli was.