May 18Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Thanks for a very thought trough message..

I myself follow the sense of learning of truth and at times find angles of "opposition" between lets say greatly educational imformative Dr. Jennifer Daniels - vs - colossally creatively tenasciously meta-filtering investigative genius of the vaccinefraud-/biomed-project from Patrich Jordan produces - vs - out there practical Mr autodidakt fix-it for debug specialist of mega-international computer network systems (shamanic level dosing silocyben) Clif High..

You melded some individual prescient angles from these three intently interesting researchers/teachers into a one message coherent in brilliance/honourstanding- that at times seems to tear theses thre action oriented teachers apart as "opposing each others angles of message about reality" but here in your metagfiltering fishing parts up you aligned threads and your presentation is a gem of clarity highly valued by me..

I pdf-ed it and will archive this gem!

Thanks Wade!

Greetings from Scania in nowaday south of Sweden formely "Scania-land" (Skaaneland/Schoenland)..

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Thanks for the message All-Rights-Reserved. I depend on my readers to correct me or even disagree with me. The new MS Word from Micro-Hard has glitches in it and it drops letters and over writes words with words they prefer. Other than say Pat Jordan, I have to do original research. Readers ask who do I get all my stuff from? Basically, myself after working for government and understanding how it works. In 2001 I was involved first hand in the California Energy Crisis and learned how Enron was made into a scapegoat. If you're interested you can read my first hand account of what happened at following link:

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/06/12/recent-science-hoaxes-reruns-of-2001-california-energy-crisis/. Regards

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.. my thanks for the link dear Sir!

You do research the way it peaks anyone's interest once truth is a vital component and learning from reasoning is served from good sources..

I'm a bit tied up tim wise to tend mother's land lease of her farm she granted me - even though the rest of the family cared nothing fore her even so much getting her dragged to the death the horrid midas brings so lame way (by midazolam/morphine derivated) in a snatched hospital "kidnapping" of her where they brought her under (anastecia) and then deprived her lungs to no longer oxygenate well enough due to the midazolame/opium + no nutrients in the drop.. It was a government aided op with family initiating a "switch and bait" situation pulling "me as the bad guy" even I tended mum's care and needs.. a bad situation where the family got me locked by pomice up for nothing yet accused of "ill care" and mummy snatch hidden on undisclosed lodging (a hospital) .. once I was freed from arrest and freed from bogus accusation and 6 days later allowed to get disclosure where mum was she was held hostage with forced care and "secret accusations against me even I was freed" securing they could "covid protocolled her" (for the ""wef pay-out"?) to bringing mum dead in 11 days flat from entering the hospital..

It is a dreaded story all too many experience similar ways of family members lost in "public care" sotuations of medical officers..

Yada yada..

Caring for mum in her old days (sje was over 90 but hardly a gray hair on her scalp) was stolen away from me but the land lease to care the farm for her honour I am defending sincebit was her and mine plan to have the farm revived while I cared for her elder days..

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May 16Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

A TruGreen lawncare rep just left my house ... They use "nitrogen" I inquired the REAL source of ingredients.... He said it's chicken poop. So not only do they feed cows chicken poop, but they want to spray our lawns with it..... Sounds to me they are PRIMING for a huge avian flu psyop of sorts. YIKES!

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Thanks for the tip and alerting us.

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