Apr 21Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Yes, Essentially, we are the product of being products of our environment.

The chicken farm was a great example.

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The chicken farmer has no awareness of there being no virus - every authority figure from FDA, veterinarians, physicians, and other chicken farmers, tell each other there is a virus - for how could there be otherwise if they are collecting huge sums for crop insurances? So, when someone in the No Virus camp releases a study showing no contagion and no virus, it has no institutional impact. Moreover, we internalize what our institutions and their authority figures tell us. Step 1 - objectify a fiction by institutionalizing it. Step 2 - socialize people to internalize it. Step 3 - those who internalize the fiction reinforce its existence to others.

(see sociologist Peter Berger, The Social Construction of Reality). The coup de gras is when a religious minister is paid a wad of money from the Pandemic funds, and he dutifully shuts down his church without every questioning the status quo. There becomes no way to transcend the official but fictional reality of the status quo.

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Apr 21Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

True, they will say anything to get farmers NOT to farm. When anything is institutionalized, We can only assume that we are being incarcerated into their camp thus becoming prisoners of a war on our consciousness. & eventually our entire being. It's a truly vile concept.

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Beautifully elucidated. Thanks.

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