Apr 17Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Another great piece here Wayne. You continue to push the envelope and test our belief systems regarding the presumed premise of both sides of this discussion. Again, this is exactly what the world needs in order to get to the bottom of all this stuff. Being a member of TLF, I am of course on the side of Terrain Theory (admittedly with a limited understanding of it all) but nonetheless I do believe that the basic fundamentals of this Theory is moving in the right direction. Opposed to the "other side" (Allopathic) which seems to only perpetuate a Sick Population through their "Standard of Medical Sick-Care". I also do NOT believe that the experts from the Terrain camp think that their theory is a zero sum game. I think they/we all realize that our bodies are complex entities that require complex care. If I understand your writings correctly, this is also one of the main components that you're explaining to us, yes? Along with the idea of people needing to Wake the heck up and start learning.. Personally for myself, Being barely a novice in this realm, I am inspired by many to learn as much Truth as humanly possible.

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You might have guessed that the medical conditions I write about (oxalates, candida, etc) have either have been experienced by myself OR my experience with my anti-vax and vitamin guru brother who died of Sepsis in a hospital in Los Angeles County with the worst Sepsis death rate. I don't want my discussions to be reduced to just what I have experienced but it helps to know something about one's own conditions as a reference point.

Hey I'm a big fan of the Terrain school but I was trained as a real estate and public utility appraiser not to take sides or have preconclusionary values. I want the Terrain Theory to be right but where it isn't I have the obligation to point that out.

Terrain theorists are always harping on the Germ crowd having no control groups. But when I compare them with the Terrain theory neither do they in all cases either. If bacteria is always a clean up crew then why are there potentially deadly bacteria plasmids? Plasmids are not fictional artifacts. They occur in bacteriophages which are large enough to be easily seen in a scope and can be isolated using a hand held ice cream cone shaped filter and a spatula.

As you can also guess, I have graduate school education in the "evil" sociology - but not the Marxist/Critical Theory crap. I try to separate the medical from the sociological and when it appears all sociological and not medical, that tells me something.

I'm writing this blog in the hope of finding what killed my twin brother and how I can stay out of hospitals. This article hopefully will be accepted and cross posted at LewRockwell.com for greater exposure.

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This is a very interesting article. 8 years ago I got deathly ill. It started with a fever of 104 that continued for 3 days before I was taken to the hospital. It took them 24 hours to diagnose HIB. I had a septic/blood infection. The drs were stumped, my case was reported to the CDC because I was an adult, They told me this bacteria infection was rare in adults. Haemophilus influenzae is a Gram-negative, non-motile, coccobacillary, facultatively anaerobic, capnophilic pathogenic bacterium of the family Pasteurellaceae. Wikipedia

I was treated intensely by IV with antibiotics for 1 week in the hospital setting, followed by 2 weeks as an outpatient. I came in every day for an hour to receive IV anti biotics. I was cleared of the infection after the 3rd week. So I am just curious how my treatment anti bioitcs saved me from this sepsis death? It certainly aged me overnight. It took me 5 years to recover and get my strength back, I was in my early 50s. They told me that the bacteria had not left any "vegetation" I had several ultra sounds of my organs and CT scans through out my hospital stay. I developed adenomyosis during that 3rd week of treatment which lasted 5 horrible years, and had severe anemia.

I was at the prime of my life, climbing mountains, doing well in my career, living a happy and content life, I had no illness for years, avid outdoors person, worked out, ate well... Healthy of mind and body.

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What a story Karafree. My understanding of "Gram Negative Bacteria" (a term meant to obscure) is that it is bacteria that is highly resistant to antibiotics. It might not have been the antibiotics that cleared the infection but the body's elimination system (liver, kidney, lymph, skin) and of course water (or the mysterious bacteriophage). You had after condition of growth of cells in uterus - which means what? Polyps? Curious if you have Candida overgrowth now?

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It took 3 days for them to find the "right" anti biotic.

I was on IV glucose/water the 7 days. hardly ate, was mostly asleep. I did not even know I was septic or what I had till after leaving the hospital. I was so sick I didn't know what was going on. Patrick Jordan thought the same. Adenomyosis is when there is a build up of blood between the walls of the Uterus, so it has no where to go, and then suddenly the whole lining sheds. It's painful as all hell, worse then natural child birth, and it causes hemorrhaging every time it sheds. which was about every 2 to 3 weeks. It was a nightmare life for 4 years.

So, I guess, recovery from sepsis is POSSIBLE. and I must have a kick ass immune system? Why I got sick in the first place, Patrick wondered if it's the mysterious phage that met up with the HIB laying dormant in my nose... as 70 to 90% of us have HIB all the time.

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Pat was right - there are Haemophilus influenzae HP1, HP2, and HP3 Bacteriophages.

Thanks for educating all of us on this one because it finds a way to get into the bloodstream without needle injections or breathing ventilators breaking veins and allowing penetration into the blood.

How in the world did you memorize all the names of these microbes and antibiotics?

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The night I came down with the 104 temp.. it came on rapidly once it started. That morning I had a stuffy nose and blew it, it bled. I stuffed a kleenex up to stop the blood. so my guess is THAT was the point of entry.

I dont' know how any one can remember all these things. I don't remember the antibiotic they gave me.

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no symptoms or signs of candida either.

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Wayne, I think the war on plant foods is also a bit of a mis-direction, there seems to be quite a lot of money, time and effort, put into the story that plants are poisoning you. So when you jump on to that band wagon the red flag starts flying...I was very interested in your position on Sepsis though and and plasmids, not that I understand it really, you would have to give me some real life examples and analogies so that I could activate the grey matter with the right thoughts, to ascertain the reality of what you are saying, Sorry to hear about your brothers death, it seems to happen to everyone at some stage or another.

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If you read my article carefully it is not the toxins in plant food that is poisonous per se, it is the lack of elimination that causes disease (see T.H. Tilden, MD, Toxemia, 1955). So, a stagnant pond becomes a cesspool but a pond where there is an inlet and outlet flow, is still healthy even though full of toxins. I take a supplement called VitalityCapsules that has herbs that facilitate flow of blood, lymph, liver, kidney, C02, etc., along with fiber, that allows my body to maintain its flow. I have recovered from Oxalosis by increasing flow. Oxalates are only toxic if they are allowed to become congested without being diluted and extruded. Put differently, it is not the substance that is toxic, it is its concentration and stagnation. Sepsis and bacterial resistance are two sides of the same coin. Sepsis is blood poisoning by a bacteria or fungus and Bacterial Resistance is when bacteria develop defenses that repel antibiotics and the bacteria goes unchecked and causes a deadly imbalance. I will follow up with some case examples and will provide citations of books which have plenty of cases. One book I can cite now is The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly Superbug by Stephanie Strathdee. It is the story of how antibiotics were not working to stop an infection and bacteriophages were successfully used instead. More in due course. Thanks so much for comment.

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Thanks...very interesting, and much easier for me to evaluate. Flow make a lot of sense especially as the role of exercise in health which keeps the bodies energy system flowing. I'll look into the Vitality Capsules as I have just experienced my first case of staph, which was curious...I have just come through an extended period of excess eating due to various festivities, and due to travel. This has included some inflammatory foods which normally I avoid completely as well as being a little more sedentary...so perhaps my system needs clearing. Its taking quite a while to clear the infections which came up on two separate wounds, one was a leach bite on my foot and the other was a small cut on unknown origin on my hand...I am using salt water soaks and iodine to treat them...they are taking some time to heal, and have gone on over a couple of weeks. Previously I healed from cuts and abrasions very easily without using such antiseptic treatments.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Author

Mettalife - NOT QUALIFIED MEDICAL ADVICE. be very careful and vigilant if you have break in skin and Staph which occurs on skin naturally. If Staph gets into a wound you could get blood poisoning. I don't know where you live (USA/UK/?) but at first signs of getting sick I would go to Urgent Care Center if such is available or hospital ICU as you deem necessary. Staph infection can turn into Sepsis. If you get a fever, chills, skin rash, please go immediately to hospital without delay. Drink salt water to keep your pH (hydrogen-acid/alkaline) level in balance. Keep your potassium, magnesium up. If you admit yourself to hospital tell them you believe you have Staph infection in blood so they can triage (prioritize) you and not lose time doing diagnostic work up. If you get Sepsis you may get mental confusion so find someone to make your medical decisions. If the Staph bacteria has an adverse reaction to the fungal based antibiotic you could be in a dangerous situation. If you go into Sepsis please demand DIALYSIS treatment ASAP - which is hooking you up to a machine that cleans your blood. Be careful about taking HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C by Intravenous injection (low dose better). I can not give you medical advice so you need to discuss this with a competent physician if you get sick. The Vitality Capsules can be found at VitalityCycles.com and I recommend the Extra Strength caps. Not cheap ($49/+/-) but well worth the price.

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Well that's a scary scenario, and I can understand your advice given your experience. I am more interested in the cause of the initial susceptibility to the infection and also the flushing technique you described to keep the system clear of infectious bodies gathering together and holding any multiplication parties....it's the theory behind the cause.

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Sounds like you have no sepsis symptoms. If so, the ways to increase flow are 1) drink water equal to half your weight in ounces per day, 2) increase magnesium 3) cut out all dairy but unsweetened coconut milk is OK, 4) take Vitality Capsules or its ingredients separately - garlic, aloe vera, cayenne pepper, berberine, ginger, cascara sagrada bark powder, and senna for laxative. Garlic should be enteric coated capsule that can go thru tummy without dissolving and get to liver. You might also try Milk Thistle which helps lubricate the liver. Most lack of flow is a sluggish liver.

I also eat fiber before each meal to push stuff through my canals.

Some people take coffee enemas to detox stuff that is lodged in colon.

Ideal flow is 3 bowel movements per day. Hope this helps

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RemovedApr 18Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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Here is a link to some black and white photos of bacteriophages - https://salepeaket.live/product_details/7004779.html

What you are talking about are VIRUSES that have never been seen by the human eye except in an electron scope by the high priests of virology. A bacteriophage only occurs in bacteria. Andrew Kaufman sent me an email saying phages only occur in very extreme environments and have never been isolated. The credible Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, says is that phages and their plasmids form from bacteria due to the extreme situation of the bacteria potentially being killed by a fungal antibiotic. Cell death is such an extreme environment. Think of something like baking a pie with a shell of dough around it that is baked to form a crust. The crust is not isolatable from the dough any longer once it is baked. If you want I can give you Dr. Jennifer Daniels' phone number and you can take this issue up with her, as all I am not a virologist, chemist or physician.

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RemovedApr 19
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My friend. Bacteriophages were used in the 1940's to cure people of infections by Dr. Walter Ward in Los Angeles County Hospital. Out of 56 patients with typhoid fever only 3 died compared to 20% using other medicines at that time. W.E. Ward (1943) Protective Action of Vi Bacteriophage in Eberthella typhi infections in Mice, Journal of Infectious Diseases 172). The Eliava Institute in Russia has been using phages since the 1930's. I did not say Kaufman proved the existence of phages, I wrote the opposite. Please don't put words in my mouth. As for Dr. Daniels, please call her and get it from her directly.

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Thanks for the feedback. The credible Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD, has stated on several podcasts there are such things as plasmids which form when bacteriophages have an adverse reaction to fungal antibiotics. As I believe I previously stated, there are numerous black and white photos of bacteriophages in the book Life In Our Phage World-A Field Guide by Mary Youle. And the book by Carl Brogna, MD, The Secrets of SARS-COV-2, 2023, also has many black and white photos of bacteriophages too. Bacteriophages are relatively large and can be isolated from pond water using a cone filter about the size of a ice cream cone and a kitchen spatula (see online videos). Virologists claim plasmids can not be isolated because they are inseparable from their host and form by hardening the lining of the phage so it will not allow fungal antibiotic to invade it. Believe me I doubted there was a phage or plasmids but my own research showed otherwise. They are like conjoined twins where it is impossible to isolate one from the other because they share the same body. Please send me any other information you have to the contrary so we can post it.

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RemovedApr 19·edited Apr 19
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Hey, take your argument up with someone like Tom Cowan, MD, who says bacteria are the clean up crew for dead and dying tissue. If so, how do they not exist? Yes, virologists have fabricated viruses but that does not mean it is all a fiction. Not worth responding to you.

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