Quote from this article;

"Sepsis is blood poisoning and anything, including Vitamin C ascorbic acid injected intravenously not orally, could be considered by the immune system as a foreign substance and the body could mount an autoimmune reaction against it (Cytokine Storm).

This study below which is one of a number of similar malicious hatchet jobs also says Dr Marik's vitamin C protocol has no beneficial effect in treating sepsis, and if you read up on the specifics of the supposed study itself elsewhere one finds the methodology of the supposed testing used on the Marik Protocol deeply flawed and deliberately fudged in order to obtain the desired falsified conclusion to deliberately prevent humanity from receiving medical help.

Most disturbing facts include that those who did this study very suspiciously concluded that no further funding should ever again be permitted to be made available to test the effectiveness of Vitamin C against sepsis, and I worked out from the figures that the study really had shown some limited improved effectiveness of the Dr Marik protocol, which they did not really test on against the standard treatment that they really provide in hospital, but against something far better itself, so as to make the Marik Protocol only marginally different in performance, when in fact had they tested the Marik protocol against the treatment they really do use in hospitals as standard for sepsis, the results would have been massively different in favour of using the Marik Protocol.

Looking at the end figures, in the UK for instance, even tested against the fake protocol, the Marik Protocol adding thiamine and Vitamin C would even still have resulted in 2,000 lives every year extra being saved in the UK for instance, and they even still said the study was a total failure and would not justify the Marik Protocol being adopted.

Yet TPTB responsible also put other people in prison for murder purely to distract attention away from their own mass murderous activities while their own absolutely psychopathic mass-murdering monsters who order these genocidal mass killings through the weaponized fake medical system on a national level walk around free instead of being kept permanently locked away inside top security prison mental hospitals and TPTB even let them(selves) participate in the running (into the ground) of this country.

Evidently a 'mere' 2.000 lives extra being saved and many more being spared lifelong disability and amputations of arms and legs every year was of no importance to these nihilistic sadists, all for the sake of a few pence worth of Vitamin C and thiamine.

I did a full report on this on my WP site but that was cruelly taken down by TPTB nearly 3 years ago during the mass purge of free speech on the internet blog sites.

One wonders if the victims might ask whether their own lives, or their own arms and legs are 'worth' the NHS spending those few pence of their own taxpayer contribution money on them. Such is the clear desperation of the anti-human nihilists today in their frenzy to destroy all life on Earth and cause as much suffering in the process as they possibly can:

The following report misleadingly says that the Marik Protocol is proven not to be effective: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/912845

Something is very wrong here, because here is another report from co-pilot saying the Dr Marik protocol using vitamn C, hydrocortisone and thiamine in reality is actually highly successful for preventing and treating sepsis, in fact, the protocol is stated in recent report by Dr Marik to be 81% effective at treating sepsis, and in another report below he mentions another test where they did not lose a single patient using Vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine, so I am not happy at all about this apparent deliberate extremely serious attempt at obfuscation on this issue, which of course throws the validity of everything else mentioned in this article into doubt, so I am very much dubious about scientific reporting in general these days since the nihilists who are actually intent on permanently destroying the capacity of this world to bear life any longer have apparently been unleashed.


Paul Marik, a critical care doctor at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, has developed and tested a new protocol for treating patients diagnosed with advanced sepsis and septic shock. His protocol combines intravenous (IV) vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine. The results have been remarkable: moving from a 30-50% mortality rate using standard treatment protocols for sepsis to achieving a sepsis-related mortality of less than 1% with this IV vitamin C regimen1. In fact, Dr. Marik’s protocol has been lab-tested and proven to work, and it is now regularly used at Eastern Virginia Medical School to treat sepsis. His groundbreaking work has the potential to save many lives.

This truthful report below says the Marik protocol with Vitamin C really works great on sepsis: https://www.evms.edu/about_evms/administrative_offices/marketing_communications/publications/issue_9_4/has-sepsis-met-its-match.php

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Thanks Mothman for the critique. My motivation however is not “malicious” but grounded in both research and experience. I have Marik’s textbooks and agree with you he has been maligned. However, let me explain where I am coming from. My twin brother died in 2022 of Sepsis after taking Ivermectin, high dose Intravenous vitamin C, and the rest of Marik’s protocol in response to a respiratory infection, difficulty breathing, fever, shaking, low blood pressure, racing heart rate (e.g. classical COVID and sepsis symptoms). His kidney failed resulting in a cascade of organ failures. He received Remdesivir authorized by his designated decision maker against everything he ever wrote or stated.

I have struggled all my life with what I learned about 5 years ago is oxalates (kidney stones). Oxalates can be found in many vegetables and fruits but is mainly produced in the liver from Vitamin C -ascorbic acid- plus Aspergillus fungus. The oxalates crystals can contribute to kidney failure, breast cancer and arterial plaques. Nutritionist Sally Norton in her book Toxic Superfoods explains:

“Though our bodies need Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), if we take more than we require, the excess increases oxalate in the body. High dose supplementation of Vitamin C (1 gram or more 1,000 mg per day) can increase internal oxalate production. However, addressing oxidative stress by supplementing with antioxidants (specifically Vitamin C) is likely to be counterproductive. Lowering the oxalate intake, getting adequate B-vitamins, and limiting Vitamin C to more appropriate amounts and that diminish the cells’ ability to manage free radical compounds and their harmful effects.

The amount of Vitamin C we need varies with carbohydrate consumption. If we eat fewer carbs, we need less Vitamin C. The US recommended daily allowance is 75 mg. for person on typical high carb diet. Infections or acute inflammation may slightly and temporarily increase our need for Vitamin C, perhaps to as much as 250 mg per day.

(Norton continues): “The use of Vitamin C, even for therapeutic purposes, can result in serious damage. For example, the authors of an article in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases report a case of “massive oxalate deposits” in a man’s kidney and related kidney failure. “Our patient likely had long term intermittent hyperoxaluria contributed to by misguided use of IV Vitamin C and oral EDTA, ironically in attempts to promote wellness.” (A Case of Oxalate Nephrology: When a Single Cause is Not Crystal Clear, Sofia Marquez MD, et al, Thermo Fischer Scientific,

LINK https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318605830_A_Case_of_Oxalate_Nephropathy_When_a_Single_Cause_Is_Not_Crystal_Clear

Also see. Vitamin c-induced hyperoxaluria causing reversible tubulointerstitial nephritis and chronic renal failure: a case report, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Nov. 27, 2007.

Norton quotes S. Mashour, Chest, “Vitamin C should not be viewed as a benign, water-soluble drug but rather as a drug that is potentially toxic, not only for diseased kidneys, but also for normal ones”.

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Thankyou for your lengthy reply.

In the book 'Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks, but Humans Do' by Dr Mathias Rath, which can be downloaded for free here:


Dr Rath states that a minimum of 500 mg of Vitamin C a day taken over 3 years reduces arterial plaque by 50%, he shows that a mild form of scurvy is in fact responsible for much heart disease today, though of course many other often avoidable factors also play a part like air and EMF pollution, and particularly chlorine in bathing and drinking water that causes a very significant proportion of cancers and heart disease, with plaque build-up in arteries caused by chlorine rancidising fats in the bloodstream.

In the early 1900's several major European cities instead used ozone to purify public water, which is more effective, cheaper and less toxic than chlorine, and ozone does not cause cancer or heart disease, and has the added benefit of killing all parasitic worm eggs in the water, which is something that chlorine cannot do, so chlorinated water leaves us wide open to parasitic worm diseases of many kinds passed through reycled water that is never properly cleaned or sterilized at all, as 'sedimentation' is the only method currently used to remove parasitic worm eggs, but convection currents and bubbling methane gas from composting sewage generating heat under the surface of the water constantly disrupts any supposed sedimentation process, constantly causing parasitic worm eggs to rise to the upper level of the water being drawn off for public use.

I have taken several thousand milligrams of vitamin C for decades and have no kidney damage according to annual ultrasound kidney scans they say. Some researchers say ancient man used to naturally consume as much as 12,000 mg of vitamin C a day and that we are missing out today, and if you check out what some animals consume or make each day, it can be around that amount for an equivalent weight animal.

From internet:

Saul: Animals make a lot of vitamin C, in the neighborhood of 2,000 to 12,000 mg (2 – 12 grams) per day per human body weight equivalent. They make considerably more when they are ill. A sick goat might make the human equivalent of 50,000 mg/day (50 grams per day). Dec 26, 2017

Ivermectin is not guaranteed to save someone's life, nor is vitamin C when they suffer a COVID (bioweapon) attack.

A number of doctors including Dr Mercola would strongly recommend taking far more than 75 mg of vitamin C at all times.

Dr Mercola has reported with considerable data as proof how a huge proportion of so-called medical studies by the so-called respectable medical establishments, even double blind peer-reviewed studies by so-called prestigious research bodies, are in fact provenly highly fraudulent and deliberately fudged for a variety of reasons, such as for personal prestige, or bribes by chemical and medical companies or for political reasons.

And I have personally come across an extremely unpleasant instance of a PhD level scientific study being done which I have reported on by a prestigious university in the UK where the study was deliberately carried out using what I would term no less than criminally harmful and deliberately deceptive and misleading methods specifically in order to obtain the results they wanted, which were actually designed to deprive mankind of a very vital natural resource, just so that toxic agricultural chemicals and synthetic mRNA toxic crops can be produced instead that will cause poor nutrition, lowered IQ's, increased infertility, cancers, still-births, miscarriages, birth-defects, organ failures, auto-immune disorders, increased susceptibility to all kinds of diseases, neurological disorders and very premature deaths with very false justification.

What I mean by this is that in this day and age, WEF-type toxic nihilist 'scientists' and nihilist top 'doctors' can and do tell lower-ranking doctors to accept their lies to get them to pass on poor advice or even harmful advice and false and harmful treatments to their patients.

You cannot believe a word most doctors say these days, even sincere and good doctors are very often unknowingly merely parrotting lies told them by malevolent WEF agents.

Even in the 1930's there was a totally side-effect free 100% effective cure for all cancers that was suppressed by AMA head Harold Fishbein acting under the Roosevelt administration. That was a literal act of war against humanity, and there are some in the medical profession, now many, who are organized together worldwide exactly as some criminal terrorist mafia to present falsehoods in order to make war against all humanity and even tell humanity that they are actually really saving humanity at the same time.

Actually, this obscenely malicious process of actually attacking humanity on a large scale in a massively organized manner is being carried out by a furtive group intent on world domination by surreptitious criminal terrorist means of ultimately exterminatory violence. This is not new, and has a record of being made to occur even many hundreds of years ago throughout Europe, but this history is largely covered up today, though the NWO military bioweapon attack that is now occurring as regards COVID and the intended WHO program involving 500 mRNA shots for every individual over every lifetime is merely the massively expanded end-stage continuation of the very same destructive process by the very same dark-soulled group of attackers who often operate under false colours.

These dysgenic anti-human types, who see no reason at all for the existence of any others outside their own soul group either in physical or spiritual terms, often pose as sincere doctors, politicians, medical researchers and legislators and have been heavily infiltrating many target nations over centuries in order to be able to effectively carry out an actual military campaign, and now their numbers are overwhelmingly sufficient to implement the end-stage of this program, they are unleashing their grand slam operation to take the world, including by means of simultaneously instigating needless war, with infiltrated enemy agent heads of state all apparently going insane at the same time and consigning the nations they have usurped to war, and towards nuclear devastation together to get everyone targeted in their subjugated nations burned to a crisp.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

Let me attempt a tentative alternative hypothesis given my limited knowledge. If one has leaky gut, C might be misrecognized by the immune system as a foreign microbe triggering an adverse sepsis reaction, whereby someone with less damage to their small intestine would benefit from the C.

This is often why research (and religious scripture) can be found to prove anything.

You have done a lot of research here and I appreciate you sharing it with readers. Truth comes in layers and I bet we have not even scratched the top layers to the question of Vitamin C. Another alternative might be to study Vit. C effectiveness in patients who had no Yeast Overgrowth (Candida) and those who did have Yeast Overgrowth, as C + Yeast makes Oxalate crystals.

I believe Marik's Protocol worked as long as he was conducting the study on his own patients. When adversaries attempted to replicate his protocol who were pro drug company they reported his protocol failed. No surprise there. So, we're back to conflicting subjective realities with no objectivity available. But I believe clinical studies are superior to correlation studies. Great discussion.

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But the latest tests do prove that Marik's approach really was right all along, that is exactly what the research did prove, and it is a hospital who is saying that Marik's approach works, not just Marik himself, though we are entirely agreed that much older studies done by others were surely fudged on purpose to come to the opposite conclusion (by the death cult).

I have mentioned his studeis in a very kindly, friendly and helpful and entirely constructive manner to medical staff and have literally received unmistakeable cold-blooded hate in response after mentioning Dr Marik's work, and the people doing the hating were not just offended, they really set about trying to physically harm me in some instances in some ways.

At this time in these circumstances genuine medicines are often mis-stated to us as being useless or even toxic, and fake medicines that the death cult want to shove into us which are actually useless or toxic are stated by them to be the most beneficial and efficacious in treating diseases, even when they are patently nothing of the sort, like ventilators and tocilizumab, and the Israeli Gilead company remdesivir, etc. . being pushed on people by the sadistic nihilist death cult that now seems to pervade many medical facilities by infiltrated Communist WEF political arrangement these days.

The fact that goats manufacture such a vast amount of Vitamin C when they are ill is surely to make themselves better. If it were the case that vitamin C might do something else given various different medical conditions then they would not make it as a general reaction to illness, I don't think you need to worry too much about vitamin c possibly being toxic.

In ICU they are not giving out ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for COVID, nor are they giving out vitamin C and the rest of Dr Marik's protocol for sepsis associated with most cases of fatality with COVID even now, even though it is proven, when patients have sepsis from COVID (from the jabs themselves), and nor do the ICU units give out large doses of vitamin D3 (with K2 for safety) to dampen cytokine storm activity in sepsis, nor do ICU units give out large vitamin B doses, when I was in ICU I had tio actually suggest I ought to be getting some vitamins from them, I had just been on water and tocilizumab and electrolytes and knock out drugs on a mechanical ventilator first, then an ECMO unit for 4 weeks, after two weeks at home not eating, gravely ill, with 50% blood oxygen on being admitted to hospital, but they eventually gave me some vitamin C pills just before the end of my nearly 2 months stay in ICU with COVID - I was never officially jabbed, though may very likely have been surreptitiously jabbed, having had a number of very suspicious injections of strange yellow fluid some time before I became very ill, and what I experienced was not the flu like the latest psy-op agents are ranting about uniformly everywhere very suspiciously, it was most definitely a microwave-linked attack, the pghenomena were absolutely blatant, like being plugged directly into a Matrix-like AI computerised alternate reality, some of the 'ex-Pfizer whistleblowers' are not quite what they make out I think, and really part of a psy-op team themselves making sure any protest groups are kept on certain tram lines, like the worst anyone really had was the flu, that sort of thing, I however fully agree with the approach of Dr Anna Mihalcea on this, that 5G and nanotech in the jabs that can spread from jabbed to unjabbed on the breath or by touch are involved in the COVID for instance.

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Mothman - in the middle of your discussion you explain your ICU experience. I'm blown away. You are probably lucky to be alive. I still did not catch what caused you to end up in ICU? As for microwave, there are cell phones at mw bandwidth, there are Imaging machines that may be at mw bandwidth, etc. in a hospital without even some weapon. As for Vit C, my brother developed a product labeled Formula 216 made from olives that supposedly stimulated human bodies to make high dose Vit. C. We do make C but in lower doses. I would be careful with high C for older patients if their kidney can't handle it.

The hostile reaction you got from hospital staff (where you work?) is a signal of social class hostility by the Knowledge Class right out of a sociology of social class textbook. Doctors and experts have class consciousness that we don't. Anyone who is perceived as threatening their parasitical profession is reflexively and angrily put down.

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The death rate was 75% in the ICU where I was, I was told by a senior nurse there at the stage just after where patients were taken off ventilators, then more were killed by heart attacks and strokes and secondary pneumonia, and that was for up to 65 year olds, I was 63 and a half then, and for those over 65 in the ICU the death rate was 97.2% at that stage.

I think some wanted to keep me alive but only to do so while leaving me as seriously messed up for life as possible, like giving me a good working over with baseball bats or worse, though one doctor and nurse very deliberately surreptitiously gave me a drug I am strongly allergic to without telling me beforehand, making me even more desperately ill, and when I asked the nurse what she had given me when I was feeling very bad indeed just after getting some unknown medication and told her I am allergic to that after she told me what it was, that it causes anaphylaxis in me, she went away, came back, and told me "The doctor says she is thinking of giving it to you again". Complete head cases, the pair of them, they both belong in Rampton. I had a bunch of these clever cunts pratting about like that, but I was kept alive due to the kind help of the proportion of the staff who actually were sincerely intended and very kind, decent and helpful, who were obviously not part of the WEF Chabad Lubavitcher death cult club having a rave up.

I had been recquired to confirm with every doctor and nurse visiting me what drugs I am allergic to, so these bastards who gave me that knew exactly what they were doing and just wanted to watch me choke, and I was very genuinely nearly dying already, being continually at very serious risk of fatal stroke or heart attack, and did have a stroke and heart attacks diagnosed after coming round, and secondary penumonia, with lungs still full up with impacted mucus so I was having an especially hard time trying to draw any breath at all, and all my muscles were all heavily wasted away having been laid flat out and having had machines do everything.

While I was in hospital in an induced coma the hard case police chose that particular time to smash the door to my apartment clean out of the wall and then they tore my place apart, and my website of 11 years work, 50 GB or so containing 3,800 articles or so, many my own work or large commentaries to on other people's articles, were all irretrievably taken down. Just after I was brought out of induced coma, a man in a black suit approached me in my high security medical isolation unit room while I was laid flat out in bed unable even to sit up, struggling to breathe, and asked me why I had made allegations to the police about a certain Jewish MP, waving my actual written statement in his hand in front of me provocatively at the time, as if to let me know that was the real reason I was now in hospital. Or maybe they are just trying to find out if I have grandiose delusions of actually being a doctor myself, haha, and more likely the latter is the true reason they ask this in what is after all a rather gaslighting manner.

I have no doubt whatsoever that my 'illness' was artificially induced by electronic weaponry and COVID jab nanotech either injected surreptitiously or acquired through shedding that was then activated by a directed electronic attack, if you had experienced exactly what I have done you would not be in the slightest doubt about this either. I am not a doctor by the way, though a lot of nurses ask me that too, or if I have ever been one, as they say I seem to know a lot about medicine.

Incidentally, sitting on buses several times I have felt a sensation exactly like a pin being stuck in my eye, and when I have got home there have been massive eye bleeds in the white of the eye, I reckon that is from people using mobile phones around me when I am in an enclosed metal space, which makes mobile signals very dangerous for everyone in such an enclosed space, but the weird thing is, this has only started happening to me, and happening very regularly, since the COVID thing started.

The most recent occurrence of this was when I was sitting in an office building with loads of dishes on the rooftop, and I felt as if someone had stuck a needle in my eye, I got up to go to the bathroom to rinse my eye, thinking a sharp piece of lyme tree pollen was in it, and saw my eye was bleeding heavily with bright red blood totally covering over one half of the white of my eye just under the surface of the conjunctiva, interestingly, a lady working in the same office had just had a stroke there, I think the rooftop dishes are causing dangerous intensities of EMF there.

I know what you are saying about medical snobbery, I agree there is a lot of that, even staff bully other staff who are not from public school backgrounds for instance, the nastiness even between staff can be horrible. but what I am talking about is on the level of something far more serious. Another senior consultant doctor came up to me in ICU and ominously and threateningly said to me "The government warned you", and then repeated that shortly later, like I had better learn to keep my mouth shut or else.

I have had some very very nasty things done to me which I won't go into here involving 'doctors', but suffice to say, many of the so-called doctors these days are politically motivated and more like Bolshevik torturers mainly intent on using medical positions in an entirely weaponized manner to inflict a form of terrorism as part of their 'social engineering' program, the current fashion involving the intended liquidation of 7.5 billion human beings by the Bolshevik WEF using heavily infiltrated political and medical staff and others inflltrated into all kinds of influential and powerful positions.

Concerning vitamin C, when someone is about to die or have their arms and legs cut off with sepsis and have major organ damage from sepsis itself, if vitamin C can help stop that sepsis would you really then refuse to give them vitamin C in that situiation? If so, what would you give in its place, as you would have to come up with something better than the Dr Marik protocol or simply watch your patient either die in many cases, or have arms and legs removed in many other cases, or watch them suffer liver or kidney failure in any case. If you have a viable tried and tested better alternative I am all for it.

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I only have a paper that talks about Chlorine Dioxide but it's possible that this applies to any oxidizer including iodine:

If you don't hit bacillus subtilis with a dose or doses that knocks it out on the first try then it forms a biofilm that makes it impossible to eradicate.

So the connection here would be the MMS.

But bacillus subtilis is SEWAGE bacteria that is deadly to the immune compromised (that would be everybody) and IV drug users; now being promoted as a pro-fucking-biotic.

When I searche Bacillus Subtilis Sepsis I got repeated citations that it was RARE but it does happen with...

... invasive medical equipment....

of course it does.

www.antimicrobe.org › b82.asp

Bacillus species - Infectious Disease and Antimicrobial Agents

Examples of antibiotics formed by Bacillus spp include bacitracin by B. licheniformis or B. subtilis, polymyxin by B ... Bacillus sepsis is associated with Hickman catheter in patients with neoplastic disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987, 6: 851-856.

Bacitracin is an antibiotic that is used by hollywood types before they do kissing scenes. But it is considered a drug of last resort and I've known people who had spontaneous bleeding with just a few pills. Funny it is made by Bacillus that is the same Genus as Anne Thrax.

The problem as I see it is that since they switched a sewage bacteria in the family of what has often been used as a Buy Oh We Upon to a probiotic due to the Prion Agenda (see my book of the same name) they have been putting it in damned near everything so you are getting INOCULATED WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT.

So, whereas they might claim that Bs has rare incidences of sepsis its now ubiquitous status promotes it to a prime player in my book.

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For clarification: Those who were given antibiotics 'survived' the infection but so did the infection.


Lida made it clear that TB, Leprosy and Syphilis never went away they were just pushed into Cell Wall Deficient forms that were still contagious but there was no manifestation of the disease because the immune system couldn't 'see' them so there was no reaction.

This forces the question of whether antibiotics should have ever been used since it is claimed that survivors of the Bubonic Plague and 1918 Flu passed that immunity on to their progeny.

Now, the 'survivors' are merely passing on an embedded stealth infection.

So the other fallacy that constantly circulates is that there is such a thing as antibiotic resistance so as to imply that the organisms were 'killed' by the agents. Given that they only make CWDs so they are STILL THERE, the 'resistance' said properly merely lets the cell wall competent form persist therefore the disease is VISIBLE through its entire course even if it results in the end of the host.

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