The new buzz/triggerword is: Context.

When I was looking into Chanca Piedra it is called: The Stone Breaker.

Sounds dramatic. But when you scratch & sniff beneath the fine patina (no relation to me) you find that it DOES NOT BREAK UP ALREADY FORMED STONES it inhibits the FORMATION OF NEW STONES.

So, common folk names and even what passes for science uses deceptive language and concepts. Your material used the proper language "...shown to inhibit the formation..."

Which is a helluva long way from breaking up what was already formed.

So, what do we extrapolate from this?

The ONE THING that the gurus NEVER address when they want their acolytes to follow them blindly.

When you measure pH in the urine and it is acidic is it because you have a ton of acid waste and you're merely excreting it? or could it be that your body was TOO ALKLALINE and the only way to BUFFER IT was to pump out a lot of acid to bring the overall blood pH back to normal? and Vice Squad Versa for the other direction of pH starting position at the kidneys?

The ONLY way to keep oxalates from forming (precipitating out of solution) is to maintain an acidic environment. This is why people with calcium, phosphorus, and oxalate stones benefit from lemon juice to break down the already formed crusties and keep the ACIDS IN CIRCULATION FROM PRECIPITATING OUT AS SALTS. Acid + Base = Salt = Crystal.

CONVERSELY (I used to wear the High-Tops. Red and Fluorescent Orange) if you have URIC ACID stones then the ONLY way to keep those from precipitating out is the Opposite Day of baking soda. to make the pH alkaline to keep the NITROGEN based critters in solution.

Acid is considered sour.

Alkaline is considered bitter.


NO ONE is examining or explaining this chemistry.

It's like the Dark Ages where everyone is in the loving embrace of a scientific Iron Maiden.


So then riddle me this Batmen and Batwomen and Bat Fluids: How in the HELL could eating something that is over the top with oxalates POSSIBLY *PROTECT* YOU FROM FORMING OR ADDING TO YOUR OXALATE STONE PROBLEM?

I have no answer.

But the Mechanism of Action of such a process would tell us everything.

IF there is no MOA associated with this in any literature anywhere then this is not science but dingleberry sniffing contests and after 24 years I have no patience whatsoever to find out who might be the winner.

Mastic is related to poison ivy so anyone with allergies and those with Type O blood might have a bad time with it.

Yellow Nightshade? Maybe if you've got abdominal cramps right before a big night out with the girls in the coven for a witch's sabbat.

Black Cumin is one of the most powerful cytochrome inhibitors known. If you NEED those cytochromes then you have just been fucked by half-assed folk tales with no MOA and no consideration for individual variations and what kind of stone-masons they are.

There's a couple of plants I don't know and don't care about. Oregano is pure medicine so I can't say anything bad about that except don't over-use the essential oil or you will be a willing stooge of creating oregano-oil-resistant superbugs.

Piece Out.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Author

Pat - your comment is the only thing I can find thus far addressing the mechanisms of action for Bitters. Like many things, have to find a bio-chem book before about 1920 to get anything half right.

Whatever the substance or acid - oxalate, urates, lactate, etc - if we have a dead pool or stagnant pond then it concentrates instead of being eliminated and we have VIRULENCE or toxemia. Call it the Cesspool Theory. It is not necessarily the acidity, alkalinity or toxicity of whatever substance as it becoming a dosage high enough so that it becomes poisonous - the Dose Makes the Poison. So we must keep the flow going in all our elimination channels, bowel, lung outflow of C02, skin sweating and rashes, lymph flow, nasal discharge (histamine), or it become VIRULENT. So, taking laxatives, cayenne red pepper, garlic, aloe, berberine, ginger, cascara segrada, all facilitate flow and not stagnation along with enough water. Once there is a logjam anywhere in the elimination channels, there is start of dis-ease. So maybe bitters has no mechanism of action per se but pushes stuff along the channels or allows dilution (the solution to pollution is dilution). I read where bitters helps gut motility (but who knows if that is true?). Bitters also said to increase gall bladder emptying.

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The Dead Pool sounds good, however, it is more than just motion.

When I was in Physics class in college it was made clear that the study was purely mathematics and that chemistry was a branch of physics and ELECTRICITY was a branch of CHEMISTRY.

So everything that happens in the body bridges chemistry that is pH driven and pH IS ELECTRICITY. The whole nonsense of oxidants (Loss of electrons) and reducing agents (anti-oxidants) {GAIN of electrons} which is why the overall label is called BioPHYSICS.

My emphasis on more than just flow is that predominantly women have severe constipation so they rely on senna or cascara where the label says clearly not to be taken for more than 2 weeks. 40 to 60 YEARS later they are still beating that dead horse having never identified or fixed the underlying CAUSE which was not motion but I will take this back to the pesky viruses shed by spirochetes that KYLLED the nerves that generate peristalsis.

Log jams don't happen in nature. Beavers and humans make log jams, therefore there HAS to be an outside agent (even on the inside) that creates the condition for the stagnant pools.

Motility is not a car part that can be replaced. It is holistically integrated to where you MUST HAVE ACID (the bane of all alterNuts) in order to MAKE BILE ACIDS. They only become bile SALTS when they are met by the bicarbonate that the pancreas may or many not donate during digestion because the gallbladder may or may not squeeze out the toothpaste or stones that plug that outlet. Clean bile is ANTIMICROBIAL so if we MARRY terrain theory (log Jam) with Germ theory (the LOG MAKERS) then we have all of the answers sought. Without that harmonization then it is endless mental masturbation of half-thoughts that go nowhere blaming EFFECTS instead of CAUSE.

Root Cause Analysis is the basis for all healing and it is obvious that even alterNOTive medicine has NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER IN ROOT CAUSE WHEN SUPPLEMENTS ARE NOW A BILLION DOLL EAR INDUSTRY.

By all means go hunting for the early pre-Rockefeller texts.

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Pat - below is link to Research Gate article and when it opens up you have to download the longer report which explains the chemistry of bitters.


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Thanks. In place of endless nattering of alternuts even the abstract started with what we needed to know from the Big Inning:

Alkaloids, Glycosides

I'll read it and then weigh in.

...OK, I'll read it and skip the weighing in. I don't want to M'barass myself.

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"monoterpene iridoids with pyran cyclopentane ring"

if the authors were women I'd be emailing: Oooo, baby, what are you wearing?

Seriously, this is science not that tripe on the world wide wipe.

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What I've been forced to do over the course of a quarter century is to refine results based on blood type diet restrictions (Gentian is out for Type O) and other sensitivities that might impair healing instead of promote it (wormwood locks up iron = bad for those with iron pathologies).

Quassia is extremely bitter and I never know if it is the way that the 'organic' herbs are prepared or if it is a property of the herbs but some of them smell and taste like dry cleaning fluid. Thing about Quassia is that like other substances such as cayenne pepper it just makes the guts inhospitable to buggers either of those do not kill buggers. Since I'm looking for the fast kill rather than a Get Thee The Hell Hence Ottahere! I have abandoned the use of Quassia even though Hulda Clark used it in her system.

The inclusion of hydrastis genus and hypericum chemical is of special interest to me so thanks for that.

The silymarin from milk thistle makes perfect sense. I had only used it teased out of the herb but I am opposed to using single things like Berberine in place of the whole herb like barberry and silly marin (no relation to Cheech) in place of milk thistle. But Mother of Our Lady of Thistles! the milk thistle herb was more bitter than anything I had ever tried to put down the gobhole and it actually made me unwell.

Witches another caution that not everything is for everybody. Having eaten a vegan diet for decades I'm overly Al Kay Line so I actually crave and thrive on acid. I mean: plant acids but even and especially HYDROCHLORIC ACID the mineral acid.

Chamomile surprised me because I twern't 'spectin' that'n. It doesn't taste bitter to me and it is the only thing that is used for pain that is not pre and post ganglion origin.

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deletedMar 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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There are two factors at work: When my mother's kidneys failed I had to go looking for WHY that happened. Turns out it was serum sickness from - vaccines that start the entire process. But medicine is regulated by government. So I spent the next 11 years fighting government. But then I discovered there is NO separation between church and state since government derives its power from religion. Then II traced ALL religions to black magicks and the circle closed in on itself because pharmacy IS SORCERY, hence why they would include nightshades in with other substances that get the job done WITHOUT bringing the Dark Arts into it.

I can see these creatures like night vision goggles and they disgust me.


NOTHING is 'natural' any more. Just cooking in hard water our family was able to disable oxalates to the point where they were never an issue until more recent times when the level went off-scale.

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is serum sickness same as sort of sepsis?

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You know, Wayne, there's a lot of shit that I don't know...

Then someone like you asks the most pertinent questions so I go looking...

I don't know what I'm looking for, but based on what I already know, what YOU want to know, and what possibly might be: I typed in:




I'll try to Farm Boy this for everybody.

Serum Sickness was discovered when they used horse blood (the serum only not the red blood cells) to make things like anti-toxins (for tetanus, well before they made vaccines). When they shoot you up with foreign blood the immune system goes apeshit. It binds to everything that it thinks is the enemy including the foreign bits but then also any bits made by the host that look like the foreign bits because we have a lot in common with other lifeforms, AND those circulating antibody/antigen complexes can get embedded in tissue and then it's a free-for-all for the immune system to flamethrower everything in site.

That's Serum Sickness.

Enter the link that I just posted and they say....

"Sepsis is a potentially fatal or life changing syndrome wherein the body responds to an infection with a systemic immune response. "

Bloody Fucking Hell !!

You could have pushed me over with a gravedigger's shovel.

Classically we are told that the main destructive force of Sepsis is that microbes get into the blood then shit and vomit endotoxins and exotoxins and that poisoning takes the poor victim to the Next Life. But OF COURSE (and that's why I searched for STAGES) there HAS to be an immune response to that and if it were in the realm of Serum Sickness or what people have become familiar with: The Cytokine Storm, then You, my good friend, have just authored a new view of CONTINUUM.

In my mind there is NO difference between Seruim Sickness, Cytokine Storm, and Sepsis.

I will leave this topic in your capable hands to perform the rest of the autopsy after I opened with a WHY? incision.

Dude. You rock!

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deletedMar 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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Since 1900 they took every food plant and modified with Ray Dye A Shun. What we eat has practically no food value not because of depleted soil (a valid problem in itself) but because the chromosomes were converted to haploids (half of their original content) so that it can't even be considered a true organism therefore food. That's 124 years of fuckery.

In the 1980s the US government had farms on at least Maui where they grew - are you ready for this: THIRTY FOOT TALL TREES of a particular weed. It might have even be run by the USDA. They were hybridizing it probably with the already scripted plan of making it legal so that they could control the sale and the CONTENT in order to have a Brave New World drugged slave race. The push by Monsanto to prevent farmers from saving any seed had less to do with preserving their patents that polluted everything that cross pollinated but more to do with preserving the unpolluted gene lines.

Plants haven't been natural for over a century so the SUPER FOODS from the rainforest are just plants they haven't dicked with yet. There's nothing 'super' about them. They're just unmodified.

Humans haven't been natural on the wholesale level since Jenner in 1800 so that's 224 years of fuckery. I don't think that the genus can recover from that damage.

Within the White Purity movement there was the topic of Donkeys and Mules being created due to the assaults on mankind. I'm thinking that we've already reached the mule stage. Even if mankind can replicate the starter material is so damaged that it is madness to even try.

Depression session over for today.

Please indulge in the free complimentary horse tranqs on the way out.

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deletedMar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by Wayne Lusvardi
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Wayne, you have forced me to add this paper to that very short list of what I consider actual science of which I have only read about 5 papers in 24 years that qualified. These folks from India are at the top of the game.

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