Why is there No Virus in Test Tubes of Measles, HIV-AIDS or SARs Respiratory Viruses?
“Every profession is a conspiracy against the laity” to acquire prestige, power and authority, and wealth. - George Bernard Shaw, The Doctors Dilemma
Patrick Jordan, a polymath extraordinaire (Vaccine Fraud @Substack), issued a challenge to the prior article on this webpage to additionally explain viruses that are not bacterial. Jordan cites the “Virus Taxonomy, Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, 2012, which has virus family photos, gene sequences, and family trees of the buggers”.
Jordan is responding to my prior article that independent laboratories working for Alternative Medicine researchers did not find any virus or virulence in vials of measles virus, AIDS-HIV Human Immune Virus, or SARS-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (link here and here).But the Alt Med research team specified to the independent laboratories that no virus or virulence was to be included in the samples provided them. Thus, I tentatively find this research methodology as self-validating circular reasoning, unless there is something I do not understand about the research design.
We know there are Bacterial Viruses that replicate but only invade other bacteria called Bacteriophages. But they are not apparently toxigenic unless attacked by Antibiotics. But what are Non-Bacterial Virus and their mechanism of action? Nobody seems to have a good notion other than Virus is protein wrapped around DNA/RNA, the protein shell of which is called a Capsid. Capsids protect and deliver DNA/RNA code to infect its host cell. Theoretically, Non-Bacterial Virus parasitically take over human cells and replicate. Bacteria are “visible” and Virus are “invisible”, “occluded” or hidden as a parasite that is not isolatable from its host. There is no photographic evidence showing a non-Bacteria Virus invading a cell from a microscope or cell culture of which I am aware of. It is hypothesized hereinbelow that a Capsid induces intestinal membrane dysfunction and disease.
Septic disease begins as the death of the intestine (for lack of a better term peritonitis). Some 2,664 years ago Hippocrates explained this as “all disease begins in the gut”, a “leaky” gut. Hippocrates Humoral Theory was that a deficiency of vital fluids (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm mucus) together with temperament (lack of humor) determined illness. Germ Theory replaced Humoral Theory in the mid 1500’s when 20% of mothers died in then-modern hospitals during childbirth but only 1% at home with midwives. It was presumed that lack of hospital sanitation and invisible germs had something to do with it.
Rather, I have endeavored to look at health and disease from an “organic” perspective (meaning from how the organs of the body function together as a whole) not how living cells, bacteria, or non-living parasitical viruses’ function in isolation in a test tube or Petri dish. Following Hippocrates’ inference, a virus is anything either small enough, stealthy enough, or slippery enough to get through the gut lining of the intestine and into the bloodstream that can cause virulence resulting in septicemia or sepsis of the organ of the intestine (putrefaction, rotting or death). Sepsis ultimately means the death of the entire symphony orchestra of organs. Sudden intestinal failure can also occur from an ischemic attack in the mesentery that blocks blood flow.
Under this more holistic hypothesis, lectin proteins, oxalate crystals, sandpaper-like grains, dehydrated carbohydrates, undigested fat or protein, refined sugar, excessive alcohol, spirochetes (a bacteria), antibiotics, drugs, and social stress causing Cortisol hormone production, are virus precursors because they can pry open the tightness between intestinal walls to allow metabolites (non-nutrients) into the bloodstream. Thus, we can hypothesize virus is not inherently toxic unless the precursors open the door for them. So, I am not convinced about the so-called scientific “Taxonomy, Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses” of inherently toxigenic germs that exist outside the human body. This would confirm the No-Virus or Virulence finding of the Alternative Medicine research team described above.
Toxicology should not only be about “the dosage makes the poison”, but the lack of integrity of the intestine that can make even good and benign substances “toxic” when entering the bloodstream (call it “Gastrotoxicology”). We are not the food we eat, but the food and metabolites that are allowed to enter the bloodstream through the walls of the Small Intestine. Nor is food always the best medicine if it is not broken down by enzymes, stomach acid and methylated (tagged with carbon), but nonetheless enters the bloodstream. Poor metabolism presumptively determines whether we are Autistic or Alzheimer, at the extreme ends of the age spectrum.
Said differently, Virus theoretically occurs only where there is preliminary virulence. Once the food absorption chamber in the intestine is virulent or toxigenic, this toxicity can spill over to other organs in a process called “vicarious elimination” where the Lung, Kidney, and Heart are asked to filter out excess toxicity the Liver cannot solely handle. Thus, if correct, Respiratory, Heart, and Kidney failure are not from inherently toxic or parasitical viruses. Nor is disease attributed to some bugaboo airborne COVID-19 virus but are secondary infections from the root cause of organ failure of the intestinal walls to exclude potentially toxic metabolites and other substances. If right, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) should not be solely classified and treated as a respiratory disease. To filter the toxins out of bloodstream kidney dialysis and activated charcoal should be considered for example.
If we take George Bernard Shaw’s above-cited sociological observation as valid, then virology is any system of professional knowledge that obscures technical terms, generates false positive tests and imaging equipment that provides government scientific legitimization for using lethal doses of drugs that provide massive wealth, prestige and power to its beneficiaries and government (see Jennifer Daniels, MD, The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It). This is why Alternative Medicine correctly calls virology a pseudo-science. But Alternative Medicine seems only interested in countering virology that: “there are no viruses.” However, Alt Med proceeds to fail to explain what people are dying of, leaving the public in the dark just as Allopathic Medicine does. We are left with the Shakespearean curse of a “plague on both their houses”.
Medical science is a socially constructed reality, not unchanging medical knowledge or reality (see Peter L. Berger, The Sociology of Knowledge, 1966). For science to be perceived as credible it must develop its own vocabulary that the layperson can not understand. And it must create a secret society that only insiders have the specialized knowledge of – a sort of secularized Gnostic cult of secret knowledge (see Jennifer Daniels, MD, “Protecting the Secrets of a Secret Society”). Science must also destroy all competitors such as homeopathy or folk medicine as “quackery”.
Homeopathic hospitals were curing about 20% to 30% of all cancer patients before Rockefeller allopathic (symptom based) medicine criminalized it, shut down the hospitals, and replaced it with a cancer industry that has an effective cure rate of metastatic cancer around 1%, and then called itself “evidence-based medicine”. Similarly, bacteriophages (bacterial viruses) were used in Los Angeles County Hospital in the 1940’s that cured 53 out of 56 patients with Typhoid Fever, a 5% death rate, compared to a 20% death rate for conventional penicillin antibiotic treatment (see Thomas Hauser, Viruses vs. Superbugs: A Solution to the Antibiotic Crisis, 2006, p. 114). Modern technocratic medicine is not about effectiveness but about enrichment and enhancing the social authority of elite priest-practitioners and pharmaceutical financiers.
Conventional pharmaceutical based medicine contends that their medicines and vaccines are based on scientific trials. These drug trials cost billions of dollars not to validate a drug but to add such a high tax onto such scientific testing to keep out competitors. Alternative Medicine points out that there has never been any government-sponsored study of viruses that even used comparison-control groups, which would be the minimum requirement of any real science. Modern technologically appearing medicine thus relies on government’s monopoly on legitimate violence and coercion, as no competitors who save more lives are allowed.
Patrick Jordan added that the Otto Warburg Cancer Theory, of fermentation of sugar replacing oxygenation as a source of energy only applied in certain cases and not in others. It was found that cancer went into remission for patients given hyperbaric chamber therapy. Here is a link to research confirming that hyperbaric chamber treatment inhibits cancer growth. If this is so, cancer patients should consult a physician before taking antioxidants such as Vitamin C. Once again, conventional Allopathic Medicine has it precisely backward from reality.
As to the issue of whether there is a form of supplemental Vitamin A other than Beta Carotene that can keep intestinal cell walls intact, I take Cod Liver Oil (300 mcg of Vitamin A as Retinol Palmitate) and eat Calves Liver (average 220 mg Vitamin A).
Nothing in this article should be construed as disparaging Alternative Medicine, as many of its leaders have paid the price of having their medical licenses removed or relinquished their licenses when involved in hospital-created harm as part of the standard of care. They are not enemies of the people nor out to enrich themselves.