The Thomas Theorem – If a situation is perceived as real it is real in its consequences (conversely if a situation is framed by monopoly media as having real consequences, it is individually and socially perceived as a real situation) – Sociologist W.I. Thomas
“There was only one catch and that was Catch 22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. ‘Orr’ was (psychiatrically declared) crazy and could be grounded (from flying bombing missions). All he had to do was ask (to be declared crazy); and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more bombing missions. ‘"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.
"It's the best there is," ‘Doc Daneeka’ agreed”.
The FDA recently clarified that its refusal to approve Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 remains in effect despite that a judge recently ruled that this does not ban physicians from prescribing it. But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Those at one end of the social class continuum who are religious and of the Business Class tend to believe Ivermectin cures COVID-19 and those at the other end in the Knowledge Class and irreligious that it does not cure COVID and should be banned. The differences are social not material.
But this begs the question does Ivermectin address the root cause of COVID-19 or is it merely a symptom-reducing palliative that accumulates more toxins and sets up patients for a fall? Moreover, if both Ivermectin and synthetic inoculations do not target the root cause, then shouldn’t this be disclosed? But by using reverse psychology and banning Ivermectin, did the FDA trick sick people into doing precisely what they wanted them to do: taking Ivermectin which is not a folk or homeopathic medicine but a pharmaceutical drug which is effective only against symptoms of so-called viruses but not the cause.
The bugaboo COVID-19 is a self-limiting or self-recovering disease with the same symptoms as seasonal influenza that is almost always resolved naturally without treatment or drugs by sleep, water, and fasting (99% recovery rate, Claus Kohlein, MD, video). Additionally, Eleanor McBean, PhD, in her book The Poison Needle, also mentions a calcium deficiency to neutralize acidity as a contributing factor in the collapse and paralysis of patients during the 1918 Spanish Flu.
Those taking Ivermectin may think they have beat the FDA only to find out Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are highly prone to deadly overdosage by nefarious practitioners and greedy hospitals (Steve Falconer, “Ivermectin”, video documentary, Bitchutecom and Klaus Kohlein, Virus Mania). Moreover, because the toxins and rotting proteins causing the bugaboo COVID-19 or flu have not been removed as the body would naturally do without Ivermectin or inoculations, these body wastes are then impounded deeper in the body making it more prone to eventually causing cancers or heart disease (Eleanor McBean, PhD, The Poison Needle). The anti-parasite drug Ivermectin works for COVID-19, but only by paralyzing toxic laden tissues and dead protein debris, but does nothing to cleanse the body (laxatives, colonics, enemas, saunas, magnesium baths, detoxes, etc. which drug companies cannot make money on).
Seasonal influenza and the bugaboo COVID-19 are one and the same and often overlap and become confused with parasite epidemics (see Stanley Weinberger, Parasites: An Epidemic in Disguise). Such parasite epidemics can occur when there is an in-migration of persons from traditional cultures where they eat with their hands (Pakistanis, Indians, or even Mexican Americans who eat tacos or burritos, instead of using utensils) or those who eat fast foods without forks. Such outbreaks need a fecal-oral route. It is estimated that sixty per cent of Americans have a parasite problem. But no such parasites as Amoebiasis (amoeba), Giardiasis (poop in food, water or surfaces) or Dientamoebiasis (protozoa) are airborne viruses. Parasites can be more easily acquired from a hot tub, elderly diapers in convalescent centers, pooper-scoopers, cat litter boxes or backyard chicken coops than from unlikely airborne exposure. Masks do nothing against parasites.
Both the propaganda on the Right and Left, although both correct, are irrelevant. On the Left it is irrelevant that Ivermectin does not cure COVID-19 because neither does inoculation. On the Right it is irrelevant that Ivermectin can halt the symptoms of COVID-19 but fails to rid the body of the underlying cause leading to long-term susceptibility to serious disease.
COVID-19 Multiple Catch 22 Paradoxes – Concern for one’s safety in the face of perceived dangers of COVID-19, that were nonetheless magnified by media as real in their consequences, was socially framed as the process of a rational, non-crazy mind. Conversely, if one advocated Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 one was considered crazy. But if one took Ivermectin it is crazy because it suppresses real symptoms and does not address the causal buildup of toxins and dead proteins, until it manifests during the next flu season as a compounded “killer flu”: a self-fulfilling prophecy. Additionally, once sick, if one eats food instead of solely hydrating and fasting, one would be prone to self-triggering their own pneumonia (Henry Beiler, MD, Food is the Best Medicine). One could then be more easily convinced this never-experienced-before killer COVID-19 “virus” was a one-off bioweapon.
Thus, sociologically speaking, one still has partial freedom to pick their own poisons and one’s cooperation continues to be needed to bring about social contagion, sickness and hospitalized captivity. Adults usually associate illness recovery to medication. “The patient cannot see that he likely brought about his own recovery because he cannot admit that his (delusion) is responsible for his own illness”, as an actor in a bigger sociodrama of a mass pandemic that gives his life meaning and pushes out of consciousness the evil of the contrived COVID-19 crisis (Jane Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, 1981). The human body is a self-elimination and cleansing system and will usually heal itself if not interfered with by medicine, drugs, foolishness or getting caught up in social drama. As sociologist Peter Berger wrote: “Society determines how long and in what manner the individual organism shall live” and die (Peter Berger the Social Construction of Reality). What Catch 22 portrays is how institutional imperatives and social class, not disease per se, determines our life or death. To realize freedom one must first see the puppet strings of rules (Catch 22) that control us and how taking the sick role or crazy role to avoid reality is not the only option to realizing disease is mostly in our own control.
You are such a great combinattion of a talented unconventional researcher on on hand and a gifter presenter/writer on the other hand...
Parasites relation to ivermectine is my point of interesst regarding ivermectin..
The "torah/hebrew aplphabet/refference to pi"* relation to the flashing of the number 22 is another side of my catching programming triggers..
What "catches" the trigger of 22 is thus then also an "acroamatic cipher" of 22/7 as a rational numer is the lovest ratio to symbolice the pi-ratio or "the circle circumferens to diameter ratio"..
Thus "the catch" is akin to a/the symbol 0/O ("the circle's circumferens) and the 1/I (" the circle's diameter") as a refferemce..
The "draw a circle is to have an origo (starting point) and a "rope and pen/raidius" (method of approach) and start to draw and circle the pen untill it "catches to eat its tail" ("the oros boros/to speak itself into existance")..
The hebrew alphabet for a very specific reason has precicely 22 letters..
To "catch" one of the high price numbers"..
The symbolic "master number" catch the "tail/tale" of the eternal "God-number/master key.. The pi-proportion aka symbolically "the oros boros" or "how to controle the narrative throigh controling the tale of the story"..
Start a story (origo, radius, starting point, begin to draw the circle) continue untill it "catches its tail" and voila you just made your own "catch 22" c..
Aka 22/7 aka "the pi-proportion" aka to master a story and use "a number/an act/a play" to "talk itself into existence"..
The way of the deceiver..
Or the way of the builder..
The fruit of a story tellers work/efforts decide who is who..
Your message is well received and much appreciated!
A great catch-22 for parasites are:
Traditionally dried pulverized Artimesia absinthium (common wormwood) mixed with table suger was given by skilled learned traditional mothers to their children to rid intestinal parasites..
The gut critters craves the sugar and swarms it.. The alkaloids of the common wormwood paralyses the critters.. If you pass stool good enoigh put the bad guys go with the poop and merry go round catches a good reason for Artimesia anstinthium to by folk lore "catch" the name common wormwood..
Our forefather called "the moth herb"..
Traditional ancient herbalists called Artimesia vulgaris (common mugworth) mother of all medicinal herbs/mother of healers..
What do either of you think about these antiparasitic studies suddenly appearing to treat/cure cancers?