May 18Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

I subscribed after reading some of your reviews on amazon.

btw no big deal but there’s a missing letter b in the last sentence of the second last paragraph above. at first glance i thought it was something about vitamin e + collagen 😂

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Chris - thanks for the catch of misspelled word. Micro-Hard's new MS Word version has glitches where letters are dropped in words and some words are over written with another word. You must be a serious reader to read my Amazon book reviews. You might like reading my first hand account of the California Energy Crisis of 2001 where I had personal knowledge that Enron was scapegoated and criminalized for a minor accounting error and new accounting rules (Mark to Market values) that ruined Enron so its pollution trading platform could be taken over by the state and renamed the Cap and Trade Program. The Enron story was a forerunner of what we are now facing.Here is link


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That was the second review of yours that i read, after your excellent 1 star of can you catch a cold

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May 12Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

Thank you for all of your stacks. ❤️

This one definitely makes me think back to March of 2020 and how sick I got with symptoms i’ve never experienced before or after.

My husband got sick first but his symptoms were mild compared to mine and he had no breathing issues.

My cousin in law is a respiratory therapist and on day 9 of me progressively getting worse, he told me if I made it past day 10 with the breathing issues, my odds were almost 100% survival.

(I refused the hospital)

He said thats what he had noticed in patients who had the shortness of breath, weird throat cough and dizziness.

He was spot on.

Day 10 was the worst and my family thought I was going to die.

Heck even I did at that point.

I woke up on day 11 and could breathe again!

Not instant healed because I still have residual issues to this day but I knew on day 11 I was going to live.

My conspiracy theory is that the initial people like me who got so sick were the ones who had a late 2019 flu shot.

Then something triggered the injected poison. 🤷‍♀️

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Your feedback is valuable. Thanks for sharing.

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May 10Liked by Wayne Lusvardi

That was really interesting, thank you.

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You're welcome.

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