GUT SEPSIS BUSTED! - How to Reverse Leaky Gut and Gut Sepsis from Endotoxemia
Dr. William Davis, MD, the author of popular Wheat Belly book and his new book Super Gut, has discovered that a bacterial strain called L. Reuteri, reverses Endotoxemia which leads to deadly Gut Sepsis. In a breakthrough online video “Fix Your Gut with ONE Microbe”, Dr. Davis is interviewed by Dr. Eric Berg, DC, on YouTube (LINK –
I suggest reading the comments below this video to get an idea of what results consumers have experienced.
Davis explains that abdominal sepsis is caused by fecal microbes backing up from the large bowel the entire 24 feet length of the small intestine into where food seeps through the gut lining into the blood for nutrition causing blood poisoning called Sepsis. Who knew that the small intestine is a two-way street. Put differently, endotoxins originate as fecal matter in the bowel and reverse flow uphill into the small intestine. Davis further explains that this pathological process of what might be called Reverse Endotoxemia can cause cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Davis calls this “the fecalization” of America.
William Davis excerpt: “Endotoxemia is the worst epidemic to ever occur in our species. About half of the population have it. It occurs when endotoxins gain access to the bloodstream through the 24 feet of the small intestine by fecal microbes (bacteriophages??). Some bacteria only live a few hours such as e-coli, then they release some of their components of their cell walls. This is a major driver of weight gain, dementia, multiple forms of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. This newer understanding is going to cause us to virtually reconsider all human disease, in light of the initiation or exacerbation of endotoxemia”.
It should be added that the backward and upward movement of fecal microbes through the small intestine presumes constipation, although this is never mentioned.
Davis explains he stumbled into finding an antidote for gut endotoxemia by re-cooking the L. Reuteri probiotic 36-hours instead of the typical 12-hours by commercial probiotic manufacturers. Davis claims his female patients lose 8 inches around the waist but put on new muscle instead once they added this probiotic to their food regimen. Commercial Typical L-Reuteri is not the same as Davis’s biotic strain. Davis provides on the video a way to make your own strain of 36-hour L. Reuteri in a yogurt maker by buying the L. Reuteri culture, adding cream and heating it for 36-hours. Or you can buy Davis’s new product called MY REUTERI ($54).
GUT SEPSIS BUSTED - How to Reverse Leaky Gut and Gut Sepsis from Endotoxemia
Thanks for posting this.
Lactobacilli are not friendly to vegans. I can't and won't tolerate dairy anything.
So that obligates me to investigate what the Mechanism of Action is to cross-apply it to everyone not just those that consume dairy.
Because it does exist in/on plant foods.
Which means that it can be fermented in something other than what came out of a cow's tit.
"The first strain of L. reuteri for human use, L. reuteri Protectis® DSM 17938, was isolated in 1990 from the breast milk of a Peruvian mother living in the Andes. Other human strains are L. reuteri ATCC PTA 5289, which is used in oral health products and was isolated from the oral cavity of a Japanese woman with remarkably good dental health. L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 is an anti-inflammatory strain isolated from the breast milk of a Finnish woman."
The lack of extensive history on this bug, it makes me think that the USDA went bioprospecting for it as an antidote to what they did to us to cause the problem in the first place.
Here's what I have in my first book on another species in the same genus:
"L. casei = developed in Japan at the same time that they were starting their bioweapons projects. Unsure if this was a protectant against what they were trying to do or the result of their work."
I would never tell anyone to not experiment on themselves but I would also never trust anything that came out of a Type Culture Lab.
I also do not trust anyone who plays with and recommends Bacillus subtilis. So, my alarm klaxxon went of with the red lights flashing.
Add in that I have zero respect for Berg, so I will approach it from the bacteriocin aspect to reverse engineer just what microbes they are targeting that were put into us to cause SIBO in the first place.
My suspicion over the years was Archaea that has no known enemies. Perhaps the reuteri was at one time something that could have kept the deep sea-monsters at bay but if the reuteri were low or non-existent then the Archaea would overgrow with no opposition.
Given that, then the picture of Sepsis just changed from one set of "ususal suspects" that we were told shed the LPS into a DOMAIN of organisms that follow very few of the rules of the domain that medikill professionals obsess about to the exclusion of all else: Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria. Why is it that these talking head freaks NEVER talk about fungus, bacteria or the dred: virus?
It's alway just 'bacteria'.
So within Wayne's World in order to Party Down and Be Excellent we must consider "NOTHIN HAPPENS IN ISOLATION." A mantra I got from you that I now apply as the template by which I analyze and criticize all current data and experiments.
My doctor recommended the yogurt to me. She makes it, but I haven’t done it yet.