Recently, I went to a dentist to have an infected tooth pulled. I discovered that I had ongoing gum infection under two other areas of my teeth that also will require treatment. Previously, when I went to a dentist, they reported gum recession with age by measuring the gum loss with a number (1mm being best, over 7 mm being worst). I always had gums around some teeth with high gum recession scores (7 +) indicating periodontitis. To my surprise however, this time the dentist reported my gums were uniformly in great condition from 0 to 3 mm despite needing to have a tooth removed. What changed to regenerate my gums? The only thing that I can guess is that I have been adding high cartilage foods (beef ribs, brisket, tendons, chicken feet, gelatin) as well as supplementing with Type 2 Collagen as recommended by Dr. Jennifer Daniels’ protocol. But why had no dentist ever told me to eat high cartilage foods to cure periodontitis? The answer is obvious.
Dr. Daniels also says that leaky gut in the small intestine can lead to deadly sepsis by allowing undigested food, bacteria, fungi, parasites, endotoxins (dead bacteria), capsids (DNA protected by protein shell), and viruses (bacteriophages) to enter the bloodstream. This breach of the intestine results in slow septic blood poisoning and organ failure of the integrity of the intestine lining, which, in turn, can lead to a cascade of other organ failures for similar reasons – cartilage deficiency and mucus membrane and tissue degradation.
Eating high cartilage foods apparently can regenerate gums and gut lining. The trachea is also made of cartilage and is lined with mucus which traps dust, allergens, and airborne fungi, keeping them from traveling to the lungs. The lining of the small intestine is also made of cartilage and muscle lined with a mucus membrane. And the lungs are like the trachea and intestine. Mucus and stomach acid are part of the Innate Immune System that is our first line of defense against infections. Gut sepsis can cause secondary respiratory infections and heart attacks that are attributed to COVID.
Researchers additionally report leaky gut can be caused by immune response:
“Gut leakage and changes in the intestinal microbiome in sepsis are the consequence of intestinal immunity defects caused by intestinal hypoperfusion, immune cell apoptosis, and enteric neuro-humoral-immunity responses.”
Stated more simply, dead immune cells (neutrophils – white blood cells, macrophages - cells that explode invading microbes, dendrites - immune cells in the skin, and lymphocytes - lymph system immune cells) can cause leaks in the intestinal wall. Putrefaction and death of immune cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes can also compound the infection going on in the small intestine. Additionally, there is the production of antibodies in the “humoral” body fluids that affect the nervous system in the gut. The best indicator of leaky gut is chronic diarrhea. But gum health is another marker of leaky gut and susceptibility to sepsis. Moreover, an untreated dental infection can cause sepsis.
Dr. Berg online believes that Leaky Gut is from Scurvy of the Colon. Bioflavonoids are the key to healing the gut according to Berg, who recommends fresh vegetables, sprouted buckwheat, quercetin, onions, and cruciferous vegetables over supplements.
Taking a fecal implant, pre and probiotics, butyrate, glutamine and insulin-like growth factor may all help but mineralization and diet is key.
when you talk about collagen you have to talk about the Collagen Pacmans that eat it.
Spirochetes and Nanobacteria EAT COLLAGEN.
We'll always come back to Lyme epidemic just like Mel Thornberg said.
I've posted the videos on MOUTH SYPHILIS = Treponema denticola often.
3 part woman gums
It's a silent plague.
When you factor in that these are BURROWING parasites then the leaky part of leaky-anything from guts to brains is a no-brainer.
Taking in extra collagen didn't fix anything it stemmed the tide of how much the spirochetes and nanobacteria were eating.
All that is needed as background to see that receeding gums are just connective tissue gone bad due to infection as well. The reason they give prophylaxtic antibiotics during a routine teeth cleaning is because gums always bleed during the procedure. Any buggers in the mouth that get into the blood can cause a rise in C-reactive protein, tidal fevers, and SEPSIS. Took me years to put that together with ZERO help from professionals.
So a good side inquiry would be:
C-reactive protein, sepsis.
What has to be answered is: WHY are the immune cells dying? Yes they eat chemicals and buggers, but then why aren't their buddies taking up the slack when the first Eater cells die?
Most people probably have scurvy, but is it from worm infections disabling the vitamin C? or is it from the inability of a WATER SOLUBLE VITAMIN to get into the cells? The response of the gurusphere is to turn the WATER SOLUBLE vitamin C into a Lipid nanosupplement.
Fecal implants are a WITCHKRAFT joke being played on the gullible.
Chronic diarrhea used to be from amoeba (still is) but there is a myth that parasites don't exist in the first world. Leaky gut is as simple as a cholera infection that produces toxins under the influence of bacteriophages that open up the tight junctions of the gut cells.
Is the problem leaky gut?
Is the problem the cholera?
Is the problem the phages?
partially. The problem is that the RIGHT phages = lytic phages are not present to take out the cholera, and/or the absence of the toxigenic phages is not in play. Cholera is at the mercy of the viral infections. Cholera and typhoid used to be old-school vaccines. That alone could have set us up for a lifetime of leaky gut.
Butyrate is supposed to be MADE in the gut by friendly bacteria but now it seems it has been marketed as as supplement. Glutamine taken immediately after a head injury can kyll you.
Vitamin C arises from glucose so it, like glucose, are handled by INSULIN so the ILGF makes sense only due to that relationship. Taking it without finding out WHY insulin no longer transports sugar or vitamins made from sugar is just alterNUT madness.
Minerals are transported by bile so if your liver is messed up you can supplement with minerals all day and they will just build up as toxins.
Swivel 1,5 % hydroperoxide/H2O2 to clear oral infections in the gum..
In severe cases high percentage of acetic acid has a viscosity more fluid then water and can trickle down between the sides of the roots of the teeth to penetrate into an ifested area - I've done that in some acute/severe situation but it hurts and can be tricky.. Repeat treatment of the acetic acide is rough on the mucus lining so it won't be feasable to do too of a many times..
Swivel of hydroperoxide is less erosive but as well if done too frequently will erode the oral mucus lining as well, so..
Those are my experiences in restoring/ridding deep infected tissue around deep segments around a tooth..