Fourteen Precepts of Realism for Christian Rulers
Morality is not Synonymous with Ideology – We are all born into a lie, a Zeitgeist or spirit of the times, a false historical reality which we take for granted as moral reality spun by banking and high-tech elites to protect their hidden interests not those of the nation. This illusory reality drives wars, fake race riots, genocides disguised as plague, forced migrations and public immorality. Every society has censorship that keeps one in the mental bubble of that ideology (ancient Rome even had a Censor whereby modern digitized society censors secretively). Morality is spun on the side of the winners and might makes right. We are drugged and hypnotized into being sleepwalkers by believing that society is beneficent not malevolent until the narrative is inevitably turned against us by elites, and we can see reality for what it is (anomie – normlessness). The denied truth is that by being born into a society with a false ideology we live in a system of delusion that we internalize and defend against any perceived threat (cognitive dissonance). Such illusions are necessary to render life in this world tolerable and reinforce that our social world, to give us something to live and die for, and to convince ourselves our institutions are beneficent not malevolent. But the very definition of ideology is a set of proposals that cover up the economic interests of the ruling elites. For the liar, the propagandist, the public relations manager, the con artist, the salesman, knows he is lying; the ideologist does not (sociologist Peter L. Berger, Invitation to Sociology, 1963).
Such illusions make the professional leaders of the state and the church content in their comfortably blind but vicious irresponsibility in denying reality. Consciousness of being fooled enables the Christian to renounce this world in favor of joy, order, hope, humor, play and a sense of damnation of evil for a blissful existence in the next world (Peter Berger, A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Supernatural). And consciousness of being fooled makes us aware that only the (Christian) fool, or a child or drunk, can speak truth to the power elites without repercussions from authorities (Desiderius Erasmus, In Praise of Folly, 1523, Clarence H. Miller version). All the individual morality we live by counts for nothing against the enormity of ideological evil. For sin pales by comparison with being fooled. “As if there was safety in foolishness alone” wrote Henry Thoreau.
“There is no end to fools and foolishness, since each of us can seem a fool to a fool, fool others, be fooled, and fool ourselves; for were we not bamboozled about who we are and how we live and nature’s ways, we would have to become…one of those fools we, began (life) with…For who but (a woman named) Folly can recognize the many follies that exist, let alone know how to praise them? Because that is what Folly does; it sees what is commonly called folly is folly only in ways hidden from view and rarely discerned, and what is called churchly and scholarly and righteous and sensible is seldom so, but more likely a further form of foolishness. Those who pretend to represent the best many be among the worst, while those who are said to revel in vice may be promoting life” (William H. Gass, postscript to In Praise of Folly).
For now, we can see that the “first shall be last and the last first” (Sermon on the Mount) is a forgery for society could not operate at all that way. But the financial elites operate the world that way but by making us content to be last. As such, the primary Christian virtue is not the avoidance of sin as legalistic Judaism would have us believe but being a fool for Christ as Paul expressed it. Judaism is about sin, Christianity about Folly. For what good is it to live our whole life without violating the Ten Commandments only to find that we lived our life by an enormous collective lie that caused millions to die and suffer for the enrichment of sociopathic bankers, and in so doing have lost our soul? Christianity is the antithesis of and antidote to Judaism and Fascism. Jesus was a Judaic-created figure to co-opt Christ, but Christ the Galilean is buried under layers of both Judaic and Christian ecclesiastic biblical forgeries. Now we can see clearer what is meant that Christianity is about this truth that shall set us free. For in this world, there is no “chosen-ness”, “good works”, greater wisdom, smartness, virtue signaling, material “success” or “prosperity gospel” that is a sign of our election by God as more favorable or virtuous than others. Again, those who delight in vice are more conscious of the world of Folly; and the sins they commit are but a pimple compared to those who embrace ideology as morality.
1. You must embrace conventional Christian morality as your baseline position and accept its unchanging categories of reality (see footnote 1).
2. A few ends justify the means but only in situations of existential emergencies such as war, corruption, insurrection, weaponized migration, public immorality especially dealing with innocent children and families that lead to degeneracy and no new children for the next generation, but not false flag emergencies or plagues manufactured by manipulated public spectacles.
3. Plagues cannot be justified as an act of punishment by God or Nature or coincidental but acts of hidden genocide by elites against the masses resulting in political and economic oppression, interruption of food and clean water supplies, forced or economically compelled relocation, class-caste or ethnic war, administration of the lethal dosage of drugs or medicine as the taken for granted standard of care (Jennifer Daniels, MD, The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It, 2015). Except for accidents or war, we all die of one cause, expressed as respiratory disease, hearth attack, cancer, diabetes, etc. This disease is sepsis blood poisoning from a needle prick, antibiotic resistance or the slow, insidious Metabolic Leaky Gut. Hippocrates: all disease begins in the gut” (John Pagano, One Cause – Many Ailments: Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2008, and John Harvey Kellogg, MD, Autointoxication or Intestinal Toxemia, 1919; Natasha McBride, MD, MMedSci, Gut and Physiology Syndrome, 2020).
4. When such existential survival situations arise, rulers must sometimes by necessity learn how to not to be good and how to use evil (e.g. war) to resist evil.
5. Rulers must recognize the moral tensions involved in a dirty hands situation when such circumstances present themselves.
6. On the international level, when no action is practical, sometimes a ruler must act resolutely to advance the parochial interests of the common good of their nation over the general duties to the whole of humanity or they otherwise violate a categorical moral principle.
7. On the domestic level, when no alternative action is practical, sometimes they must act resolutely to advance the common good of their nation over the duties to honor the interests of individual citizens or they must otherwise violate a categorical moral principle.
8. In so doing, they must heed the distinction between using evil well and inflicting gratuitous evil (gratuitous = unprovoked and self-serving).
9. Still, even if they use evil well, they must acknowledge the immoral remainder of doing so: violating categorical moral principles engenders moral costs.
10. After perpetrating such evil actions, rulers should experience the appropriate emotions: a paradoxical remorse seasoned with a deserved self-pride where justified if evil is overcome. You can never even do *necessary* evil under the cover of doing good – evil is evil and is a category of reality, not a violation of natural law that almost always goes unpunished. This is why self-deluded politicians often are heard saying “no good deed goes unpunished” because it wasn’t a good deed in the first place because it never considered “a calculus of pain” or a “calculus of meaning” of the recipient or victim of the deed or policy (Peter Berger, Pyramids of Sacrifice: Political Ethics and Social Change, 1976). Nor is it a Theodicy, which explains why we are successful, and others are not, thus vindicating our divine goodness or entrepreneurship, or vice versa the failure, stupidity, sinfulness and punishment of others. It was the so-called Christian pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who “stupidly” wrote a booklet “We Have More to Fear from Stupidity than Evil” (apparently spoken by a blameless know-it-all Christian). In his book “Ethics,” Bonhoeffer elaborated that Christianity should be “unconscious”, meaning not aware of evil because Christians should go “beyond good and evil”, following the nihilist Friedrich Nietzsche. The world-shattering events since 2020 have proven otherwise and that it is Foolery not Stupidity or Unconsciousness that conquers evil. Contrary to the Hebrew Old Testament, in this world, there is no Natural Moral Law, as the wicked almost always go unpunished as we see each day now that the illusory ideological canopy over the world has been shattered and made visible.
11. The Christian ruler should make reparations, wherever possible, to the victims of their actions, who will often have legitimate grievances adjusted to the circumstances of necessity.
12. But they should avoid conspicuous public confessions or dramatic displays of their moral guilt.
13. They must reflect systematically on the deleterious effects using evil well can have on respect for categorical moral values and on their own character. To that end, they must be vigilant in examining the condition of their souls.
14. They must avoid habitual moral transgressions to the extent possible. They must recognize that the more a ruler uses evil well the easier it is to resort to evil means in the future and the more likely that the ruler will inflict gratuitous evil when doing so is convenient and utilitarian.
(Main Source for 1-14: Raymond Angelo Belliotti, Machiavelli’s Secret: The Soul of a Statesman, 2015).
Footnote No. 1 - Reality is something we can’t wish away and is not something of our own volition. A category of reality is something that is unchangeable and empirical but not a Natural Law as there often is no inevitable or inalienable punishment for evil or reward for good in this world only the prospect of such in a next world. A moral category of reality is a non-subjective moral fact or value (wrong to kill for pleasure, incinerate a person for being too old, commit infanticide, unnecessarily burning civilians in City of Dresden). An existential situation is dealing with the threat of the nonexistence of a nation or our family.
But I have cancelled the word "elite" from my vocabulary. Because changes... sometimes begin using or not the appropriate words.
The pigs psychopath....this is what they always will be to me. To reject the label IMPOSED by the society we must start rejecting the wording that perpetuate them on top, vs us on the bottom.
And YES I heartly agree with this Machiavelli write up analysis.